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Photo of proclamationThe Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) announced that Governor Linda Lingle has proclaimed October 2004 “Construction Trades Awareness Month” in recognition of the industry’s vital role in Hawaii ’s economy. The more than 28,000 workers in various construction-related trades are an essential part of the state’s workforce that fuels Hawai’i ’s economy. The construction industry has been identified both nationally and locally as a high growth sector and is expected to expand significantly over the next decade. Of concern now is that Hawai’i may be facing a lack of skilled labor to sustain industry growth.

In conjunction with “Construction Trades Awareness Month,” the DLIR, in a joint venture with the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (USDOL), and the Apprenticeship and Training Coordinators Association of Hawaii (ATCAH), will host the “Construction Career Expo” at Neal Blaisdell Center Exhibition Hall on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 . The Expo will expose potential applicants to promising and lucrative occupations in the construction trades and introduce them to apprenticeship programs that provide career ladders for certified trades professionals.

“By educating the public about the career opportunities that exist in the construction industry, we hope to lay the groundwork for creating a pool of qualified jobseekers that will provide the skilled labor that Hawai’i needs to keep this essential industry vibrant in the years to come,” said Nelson B. Befitel, Director of Labor and Industrial Relations.


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