Scientific Name
Amelanchier arborea

Common Name
Downy serviceberry; Shadbush

Hardiness Zones: 4-9
Habit: Deciduous
Growth Rate: Moderate
Site Requirements: Sun to partial shade; prefers moist soil but will tolerate a range of soil types (dry, clay, sand, wet)
Texture: Medium
Form: Irregular branching; narrow, rounded crown
Height: 10 to 25'
Width: 10 to 15'
Leaf: 1 to 3" simple, alternate leaves; yellow to orange fall color
Flower/Fruit: Small white flowers in spring; sweet, berries turn magenta to purple-black
Comments: Native; fruit attracts birds; smooth gray bark; produces the largest fruit of any serviceberry
Cultivars: --
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© Erv Evans, Consumer Horticulturist
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