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Last Updated: 19 Sep 08
   Training Opportunities

Live Training: Online & Classroom

I. Online Live Meetings - DoD Monthly Vaccine Webcast Series

Course Description
MILVAX is launching a new monthly series of webcasts on vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases of military interest. Our goal is to provide an engaging series of live, on-line training events. Our presenters will include both military and civilian experts, speaking on topics of interest to the "Vaccine" community.

These presentations are directed primarily towards a military audience, but are open to everyone with a MILVAX Immunization University (ImzU) Account, via the MyImzU interface. The presentation schedule will be available several months in advance, however registration for each monthly webcast will opened only after completion of the current months event.

The sessions will be approximately 45-60 minutes long, and consist of a 30-45 minute presentation, followed up by a question and answer segment. They will be streamed live to your computer desktop via Adobe Connect. The audio will be available only via VOIP.

Who should attend:
The primary audience for these presentations are those responsible for and involved in DoD vaccination programs; health care providers, vaccinators and clinic supervisors from immunization clinics, logisticians, preventive medicine specialists and those involved in local immunization policy development, hospital training departments and other healthcare staff interested in increasing their immunization knowledge.

Online Live Meeting Schedule:

Online - Live MeetingDescriptionDate/Time 
Japanese Encephalitis Virus Vaccine - Session ILearn about Japanese Encephalitis Virus Vaccine; an interactive webcast, presented by Dr. Charles H. Hoke from Ft Detrick, MDThu, 16 Oct 08
(10:00 - 12:00 EDT)
Japanese Encephalitis Virus Vaccine - Session IILearn about Japanese Encephalitis Virus Vaccine; an interactive webcast, presented by Dr. Charles H. Hoke from Ft Detrick, MDThu, 16 Oct 08
(14:00 - 16:00 EDT)


II. Immunization Basic Course (IBC)

Course Description
This one-day training course is immunization specific, information intensive and performance-oriented. It includes a review of related DoD and Service regulations, information resources, clinical techniques, vaccination schedule interpretation, necessary documentation, vaccine safety, patient screening and education, and handling of adverse events.

Who should attend:
Participants should be medical personnel involved primarily in immunizations, including: medics, LPNs, healthcare specialists, immunization technicians and corpsman. Registered Nurses and individuals within a unit whom the command recognizes as resources and identifies to be trained are also appropriate candidates.

IBC Schedule/Locations:

RegionImmunization Basic Course LocationStart DateEnd DateCourse Info 
CONUSFt. Dix, NJ02 Oct 0802 Oct 08 View Brochure


III. Immunization Leaders Course (ILC)

Course Description:
A comprehensive three day course that prepares personnel to represent their department, agency, or organization by performing a variety of information-related tasks regarding Military Immunization Programs.

Who should attend:
The disciplines of course participants vary. Medical personnel including physicians, nurses, physician assistants, medics, corpsman, and medical supervisors of enlisted personnel are appropriate candidates. Public affairs officers, Commanders, and individuals within a unit whom the command recognize as resources and identifies to be trained are also appropriate.

General guidelines include someone who works with the AVIP/SVP, has daily interaction with service members related to the programs, and has greater than six months remaining at their current duty station.

** Overseas training: Please note, class-size for these events is limited. First preference for slots in these courses will be given to participants located in or near these regions.

ILC Schedule/Locations:

RegionImmunization Leaders Course LocationStart DateEnd DateCourse Info 
CONUSFt. Dix, NJ29 Sep 0801 Oct 08 View Brochure

Register for one of these training events by clicking on the register button and completing the on-line registration form.  Please note that all applications must be validated and approved by the MILVAX Agency. Email us at Vaccines@amedd.army.mil for more information.

Continuing Education Credit is available for completion of these programs. Detailed information is available from the course coordinator.

Request Local Training:
The Immunization Leader's Course Team will come to your location upon request (see attached Info Paper). For more information, please contact your MILVAX Regional Analyst send us an email including details about your unit, timeframe, number & types of people to be trained, etc.

On-line Training

I. DoD Smallpox Vaccination: Standard Training for Healthcare Workers. This program consists of 16 lectures separated into required & optional training, available in 3 training levels, depending on your job. Click here to take the training.

Three levels:

  • Medical Director (7.5 hours). Serves as the subject-matter expert for the installation commander, working for the Medical Commander. The Medical Director is responsible to the Medical Commander for local execution of the SVP, training of Clinical Consultants and Vaccination Supervisors, and training verification and training documentation of all personnel.

  • Vaccination Supervisors, Clinical Consultants (6.25 hours).
    1. Clinical consultants will typically be physicians, physician assistants or nurse practitioners who provide clinical services. Clinical consultants will review individual screening forms before smallpox vaccination and either authorize vaccination, grant exemption from vaccination, or refer vaccine candidates for further evaluation. Clinical consultants may provide classroom education of vaccinees before vaccination.

    2. Vaccination supervisors will typically be registered nurses or physician assistants. Vaccination supervisors train and document training of vaccinators and provide direct on-site supervision of vaccinations and vaccination-clinic operations. This may include providing classroom education of vaccinees before vaccination. Vaccination supervisors ensure all vaccinees complete the pre-smallpox vaccination screening form.

  • Vaccinators (3.25 hours). Vaccinators administer vaccinations, provide post-vaccination instructions, and assist vaccinees in obtaining additional information.

Certificates of Completion are available for printing after completing all required presentations in a training level (Medical Director, Clinical Consultants and Vaccination Supervisors, Vaccinators). Check the bottom of the respective schedule for more information.

Continuing Education Credit now available for completion of these programs. Please Click here for more details.

II. The DOD Smallpox Preparedness Conference. Held from 29 October - 1 November 2002, spanning 3.5 days and included more than 40 individual lectures, breakout sessions & discussion groups. In this program, we present the highlights of these sessions to you electronically. Click here to take the training.

To organize these presentations for you, we grouped them into 4 major modules. These modules include:

  • CORE - Major overview of the entire topic (11 presentations, 4.4 hours)
  • EPI - Epidemiologic response to a hypothetical smallpox outbreak (9 presentations, 4.7 hours)
  • VAX - More detailed issues involving smallpox vaccination (13 presentations, 6.7 hours) 4.
  • IND - Use of medical products under protocols for IND: Investigational new drugs (8 presentations, 8.7 hours)

Continuing Education Credit now available for completion of these programs. Please Click here for more details.

All presenters of the Department of Defense Smallpox Vaccination Training and the Immunization Leader's Course Training on Military Bio-Defense Vaccines have indicated that they have had no significant financial relationships with a commercial entity whose products/services are related to their topic subject matter.

If you have questions about these continuing education activities, contact USUHS continuingeducation@usuhs.mil.


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