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Department of Commerce

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Deputy Secretary's Speech



Monday, September 9, 2005


Deputy Secretary of Commerce David A. Sampson
Swearing In Ceremony
Secretary’s Conference Room
Washington, D.C.

Mr. Secretary, honored guests, family members, friends and colleagues; thank you for being here on this special day, a day on which I am reminded just how blessed my life has been by the Good Lord.

On an occasion such as this there is a danger that as one begins to list those to whom he is grateful he will overlook someone or go on endlessly to the consternation of the assembled guests. A far greater danger however is to fail to realize or express gratitude. So I ask your brief forbearance.

This day would not be possible for me were it not for those through whom Almighty God has worked to bless my life. First and foremost, I am deeply humbled and grateful beyond words to President Bush for his continued confidence. It has been one of the truly unexpected blessings in my life to have known and worked for this President in various capacities for more than a decade. As I witness the great challenges with which he has been confronted and the moral clarity, vision and strong leadership he has provided for America and the world I realize what a privilege it is to be called to serve our nation as a part of his Administration.

Secretary Gutierrez is truly an embodiment of the American Dream. Sir, thank you for your confidence and trust. Serving along side you, an outstanding CEO of one of America’s finest companies is a rare opportunity to learn about leadership, management and achieving results. I pledge to you my best efforts to mobilize and coordinate all the resources of the Department and deploy them in a way that will optimally position you to successfully achieve President Bush’s economic agenda.

I was blessed to grow up in a family where faith, unconditional love, sacrifice and service was taught and practiced. They provided a solid foundation for life and I am so pleased that my mom, dad, sisters, nephews and their families are here today. I am also deeply mindful of loved ones who did not live to see this day, but know they would be proud of today’s proceedings.

It is amazing to look back at one’s life and clearly see moments and decisions that altered the trajectory of that life. In all those moments, the right relationships made all the difference. Mentors who believed in me and gave me fantastic opportunities. Your confidence in me gave me the confidence to move out of my comfort zone, set high goals and accomplish more than I ever thought possible. Some of you are here today from Texas. I am honored more than you know by your presence. Others, who wanted to be here, could not because of family illness. This opportunity for me would never have been more than a distant dream but for your encouragement. Thank you.

The opportunity to serve as Deputy Secretary of Commerce would never have come but for the truly magnificent work and record of accomplishment, execution and results of my colleagues at the Economic Development Administration the past four years. I didn’t know any better than to set high goals and try to achieve the impossible. But you were the ones who actually developed the policy and executed the strategy. You are a truly special team and my pride in your continued success knows no bounds.

This city, this work, is tough. Soon after I arrived former Secretary of State George Schultz, a veteran of multiple administrations, spoke to a group of Presidential appointees. His words of advice were, “Enjoy your time here. The days are long, but the years are short.” Today, I know what he meant. Serving as a Presidential appointee is always challenging, often exhilarating and frequently enjoyable.

One of the unspoken realities however is that there is a flip side. Family members' lives are disrupted and dislocated from extended family, friends, careers, church and school. While the appointee has an extensive support network of colleagues and staff, the family is more on their own to rebuild their lives and relationships. Karen, John, and Matt, the sacrifices you have made and the burdens you have borne are great. I love and appreciate all of you so much. It is my abiding prayer that you know that you also have, and continue to serve our President and country.

While these transitions can be tough, another of my blessings has been a group of supportive friends from our neighborhood and our church. With their help and sense of humor we have made it through smoke, storm, flood, stitches and snow—usually when I’m out of town! Thank you so much for the way you have cared for us. Your help has made it possible for me to serve with a lighter heart, knowing that without our extended family nearby you are always there to lend a helping hand—or a mop or a shovel! It is hard to imagine a more caring, kind and helpful group of friends.

I have always loved history. Over the last four years, I have learned that it is much easier to read and study history than it is to live and make history. President Bush has shown how to live and make history in the face of a continuing series of unprecedented crises and challenges—with moral clarity, with unambiguous speech, with decisive action and most of all with a deep, abiding faith and optimism in the future of America and in the future growth of freedom, liberty and prosperity in the world.

Thank you. May God Bless you. And God bless America.