Press Room


July 10, 2004

Under Secretary Visit to Dominican Republic
Statement by John B. Taylor
Under Secretary of Treasury for International Affairs
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
July 10, 2004

It is a pleasure to be here in the Dominican Republic once again.  My visit – as my previous trip to Santo Domingo in November 2003 – reflects the strong interest that the United States takes in the well-being of this country and its citizens.  The United States has strongly supported the Mejia administration in its efforts to overcome the economic difficulties of the past year.  We look forward to working closely with the incoming Fernandez administration on its agenda for restoring economic stability and growth.

When I visited last November, the focus was on stabilizing the economic situation through the election period.  At that time, deeper reforms – in areas like tax policy – were intentionally deferred until after the elections, so that the post-election political consensus could shape their content.  Now that the elections are over, it is time for the country's new leadership to bring together all elements of Dominican society to tackle these core fiscal, monetary, debt, and regulatory issues. 

I have had the opportunity to meet with a broad range of people during my trip, including President Mejia and his economic team, Vice President-elect Albuquerque and President-elect Fernandez's transition team, members of the business community, and Congressional leaders.  I am impressed by the good cooperation that is taking place between the outgoing and incoming administrations.  This cooperation is essential – not only for facilitating a smooth executive transition, but also because addressing the economic challenges that the Dominican Republic faces requires cooperation from across the political spectrum.  Everyone – citizens, businesspeople, and political leaders alike – must do their part to advance the reforms upon which the country's future prosperity depends.

The United States stands ready to work with the Dominican Republic on these efforts.