Press Room


July 20, 2004

U.S. Treasury Official Commends the Alabama JumpStart Coalition And the Alabama Department of Education For Dedication to Financial Literacy in Birmingham, AL

The U.S. Treasury today commended the Alabama Jump$tart Coalition and the Alabama Department of Education for their emphasis on financial education during the Alabama Jump$tart Teacher's Summer Conference.  An entire day of the four day conference was devoted solely to the promotion of financial education in the classroom.   Ms. Sandra Pedroarias, Director of Outreach, Treasury's Office of Financial Education, took part in this important day and addressed 300 business education teachers at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Center in Birmingham, AL. 

Ms. Pedroarias discussed ways teachers can integrate financial education into school curricula and encouraged Alabama teachers to utilize existing resources as they seek to introduce financial literacy into the school system in Alabama. "The growing emphasis on financial education in Alabama's schools is highlighted by the Alabama Department of Education's and the Alabama Jump$tart Coalition's efforts to coordinate conferences such as this one. Though your efforts, innovative educational practices are explored in a variety of areas, including financial education," Pedroarias said. "With your continued help, we can make a difference in young people's lives by giving them the knowledge and the skills to effectively manage their financial lives."

The Alabama Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy is a non-profit organization with over 50 individuals and organizations representing business, government, and education who have joined together to improve the personal financial literacy of Alabama's youth.

The Department of the Treasury is a leader in promoting financial education.  Treasury established the Office of Financial Education ("Office") in May 2002. The Office works to promote access to the financial education tools that can help all Americans make wiser choices in all areas of personal financial management, with a special emphasis on saving, credit management, home ownership and retirement planning.  The Office also coordinates the efforts of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission, a group chaired by the Secretary of Treasury and composed of representatives from 20 federal departments, agencies and commissions, which works to improve financial literacy and education for people throughout the United States.  For more information about the Office of Financial Education visit: