Press Room


May 13, 2004

Treasury Secretary Snow Hails Passage Of Health Care Initiatives That Address Affordability And Help Uninsured

 I applaud the House for their efforts to make it easier for millions of Americans to afford and save for their health care costs. They passed legislation that will allow up to $500 of unused Flexible Spending Account funds to be carried forward or contributed to a Health Savings Account. They also passed the Medical Malpractice reform bill which will help control health care costs by encouraging alternative dispute resolution, requiring clear and convincing evidence for punitive awards, and controlling punitive and non-economic damages.

We will continue our efforts to make sure that all Americans have access to health care coverage, and employers help to provide affordable health insurance to their employees. The President’s plan to make health care more affordable includes Association Health Plans, which will give America’s working families greater access to affordable health insurance by allowing small businesses to band together through trade groups and negotiate on behalf of their employees and their families.

