Press Room

April 15, 2004

Deputy Secretary Bodman to Discuss the Latest Progress in the
Iraqi Asset Hunt

Treasury Deputy Secretary Samuel Bodman will discuss the latest progress in the Bush Administration's efforts to locate, freeze and repatriate Iraqi assts.  Dr. Bodman's statement will be followed by an on the record, on camera briefing by officials from the Department of the Treasury and the Department of State.


WHO:       Statement by Deputy Secretary Samuel Bodman, followed by remarks and Q & A with:

Juan C. Zarate, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Executive Office for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes

Tony Wayne, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State

WHAT:     Statement and Q & A

WHEN:     1:45 PM EST

WHERE:  Department of the Treasury, Media Room 4121

**Today's announcement and briefing will be web cast live at 


Media without Treasury press credentials (including media with White House credentials) planning to attend should contact Frances Anderson in Treasury's Office of Public Affairs at (202) 528-9086.  Please be prepared to provide her with the following information: full name, social security number and date of birth by noon EST