Press Room


April 12, 2004

Treasury Department Names James William Carroll, Jr. as Deputy General Counsel

The Treasury Department today announced that James Carroll, Jr. has been appointed as its Deputy General Counsel. He begins his new post today, and brings extensive legal experience to the position. As the Deputy General Counsel, Mr. Carroll will serve as the principal assistant to the General Counsel who is the chief law officer of the Department. Mr. Carroll will advise senior Treasury officials and oversee the activities of the 1,800-lawyer Department Legal Division. He will also serve as the Department's Designated Agency Ethics Official.

Mr. Carroll was most recently Special Assistant and Associate Counsel to the President for Clearance at the White House, where he has worked since January of 2002. In that position, Mr. Carroll was responsible for vetting all individuals under consideration for appointment by the President including Cabinet members and other senior officials of the Administration.

Previously, Mr. Carroll served as Legal Counsel in the Department of Justice Office of Legal Policy (2001-2002), Assistant Ethics Advisor in the White House Office of Counsel to the President (2001), Attorney Advisor in the Department of Justice Executive Office for United States Attorneys (2000-2001), Assistant Bar Counsel of the Virginia State Bar (1995-1999), Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney in the Commonwealth Attorney's Office for Fairfax, Virginia (1990-1995), and Judicial Law Clerk in the Circuit Court for Alexandria, Virginia (1988-1990).

Mr. Carroll received in Bachelor of Arts from the University of Virginia and his Juris Doctor from the George Mason University School of Law.