Press Room


March 5, 2004

Statement of Secretary John Snow on February Employment Report

This Administration is not satisfied with today’s job creation numbers.  Although our economy added jobs for the sixth straight month and the unemployment rate remains at a level below the average of the past three decades, the recent pace of job growth is not as strong as we'd like to see.  This is particularly true given the recent rapid rate of economic growth.  

The critical issue as we move forward is what must be done to encourage job creation through continued economic growth. One thing we know for certain – raising taxes on millions of American families is not the answer. It is imperative that Congress act to make the tax cuts permanent. By moving forward with the President's economic policies, such as the six-point plan for economic growth and the Jobs for the 21st Century initiative, we will further revitalize job growth.

The economy is on the right track and the fundamentals are in place for a strong recovery. The Bush Administration is committed to strengthening the environment for job creation and unleashing the full economic potential of our great country.