------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMSL Name: BS3VL/DBS3VL (Single/Double precision version) Revised: June 10, 1991 Purpose: Evaluate a three-dimensional tensor-product spline, given its tensor-product B-spline representation. Usage: BS3VL(X, Y, Z, KXORD, KYORD, KZORD, XKNOT, YKNOT, ZKNOT, NXCOEF, NYCOEF, NZCOEF, BSCOEF) Arguments: X - X-coordinate of the point at which the spline is to be evaluated. (Input) Y - Y-coordinate of the point at which the spline is to be evaluated. (Input) Z - Z-coordinate of the point at which the spline is to be evaluated. (Input) KXORD - Order of the spline in the X-direction. (Input) KYORD - Order of the spline in the Y-direction. (Input) KZORD - Order of the spline in the Z-direction. (Input) XKNOT - Array of length NXCOEF+KXORD containing the knot sequence in the X-direction. (Input) XKNOT must be nondecreasing. YKNOT - Array of length NYCOEF+KYORD containing the knot sequence in the Y-direction. (Input) YKNOT must be nondecreasing. ZKNOT - Array of length NZCOEF+KZORD containing the knot sequence in the Z-direction. (Input) ZKNOT must be nondecreasing. NXCOEF - Number of B-spline coefficients in the X-direction. (Input) NYCOEF - Number of B-spline coefficients in the Y-direction. (Input) NZCOEF - Number of B-spline coefficients in the Z-direction. (Input) BSCOEF - Array of length NXCOEF*NYCOEF*NZCOEF containing the tensor-product B-spline coefficients. (Input) BSCOEF is treated internally as a matrix of size NXCOEF by NYCOEF by NZCOEF. BS3VL - Value of the spline at (X,Y,Z). (Output) Remark: Automatic workspace usage is BS3VL 3*MAX(KXORD,KYORD,KZORD)+KYORD*KZORD+KZORD units, or DBS3VL 6*MAX(KXORD,KYORD,KZORD)+2*KYORD*KZORD+2*KZORD units. Workspace may be explicitly provided, if desired, by use of B23VL/DB23VL. The reference is CALL B23VL(X, Y, Z, KXORD, KYORD, KZORD, XKNOT, YKNOT, ZKNOT, NXCOEF, NYCOEF, NZCOEF, BSCOEF, WK) The additional argument is WK - Work array of length 3*MAX(KXORD,KYORD,KZORD)+KYORD*KZORD +KZORD. GAMS: E3a1 Chapter: MATH/LIBRARY Interpolation and Approximation Page No.: MATH/LIBRARY User's Manual page 572