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Lunar Eclipses of Saros 135

Fred Espenak

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The periodicity and recurrance of solar (and lunar) eclipses is governed by the Saros cycle, a period of approximately 6,585.3 days (18 years 11 days 8 hours). When two eclipses are separated by a period of one Saros, they share a very similar geometry. The eclipses occur at the same node with the Moon at nearly the same distance from Earth and at the same time of year. Thus, the Saros is useful for organizing eclipses into families or series. Each series typically lasts 12 to 13 centuries and contains 70 or more eclipses.

Lunar eclipses of Saros series 135 all occur at the Moon’s descending node and the Moon moves northward with each eclipse. The series began with a partial eclipse south of the Ecliptic on 1615 Apr 13. The series will end with a partial eclipse north of the Ecliptic on 2877 May 18. The total duration of Saros series 135 is 1262.11 years. In summary:

                         First Eclipse = 1615 Apr 13   19:36:41 UT
                          Last Eclipse = 2877 May 18   11:55:24 UT

                         Duration of Saros 135 = 1262.11 Years

During Saros series 135, Earth experiences 71 lunar eclipses as follows:

                             All Eclipses =    71  = 100.0%

                            Penumbral (N) =    31  =  43.7%
                              Partial (P) =    17  =  23.9%
                                Total (T) =    23  =  32.4%

Blue Bar Umbral Eclipses = 40 = 56.3% Central = 14 = 19.7% Non-Central = 9 = 12.7%

Blue Bar Sequence of eclipses in Saros series 135: 9N 10P 23T 7P 22N

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The longest and shortest eclipses of Saros series 135 as well as other eclipse extrema are listed below.

          Longest  Total  Lunar Eclipse:   2264 May 12      Duration = 01h46m49s
         Shortest  Total  Lunar Eclipse:   1957 Nov 07      Duration = 00h29m58s

          Longest Partial Lunar Eclipse:   1939 Oct 28      Duration = 03h24m03s
         Shortest Partial Lunar Eclipse:   2480 Sep 19      Duration = 00h50m26s

          Largest Partial Lunar Eclipse:   1939 Oct 28     Magnitude = 0.9923
         Smallest Partial Lunar Eclipse:   2480 Sep 19     Magnitude = 0.0424

Local circumstances at greatest eclipse for every eclipse of Saros series 135 are presented in the following catalog. For a detailed key and additional information about the catalog, see: Key to Catalog of Lunar Eclipses.

All eclipse calculations are by Fred Espenak, and he assumes full responsibility for their accuracy.

Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by an acknowledgment:

"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC"

Key to Catalog of Lunar Eclipses

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Lunar Eclipses of Saros 135

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      Local Circumstances at Greatest Eclipse for Saros 135

            Greatest    Saros          Pen.   Umb. S.D. S.D.  GST    Moon  Moon
     Date    Eclipse Type #    Gamma   Mag.   Mag. Par  Tot  (0 UT)   RA    Dec
                                                                h     h      °

 1615 Apr 13  19:37  Nb 135  -1.532  0.066 -0.942   -    -   13.4  13.40 -10.5
 1633 Apr 24  03:16  N  135  -1.485  0.153 -0.856   -    -   14.2  14.08 -14.2
 1651 May 05  10:48  N  135  -1.432  0.251 -0.758   -    -   14.9  14.78 -17.6
 1669 May 15  18:12  N  135  -1.373  0.359 -0.651   -    -   15.6  15.49 -20.4
 1687 May 27  01:28  N  135  -1.309  0.477 -0.535   -    -   16.3  16.23 -22.5
 1705 Jun 07  08:39  N  135  -1.242  0.602 -0.412   -    -   17.0  16.99 -23.9
 1723 Jun 18  15:45  N  135  -1.171  0.733 -0.284   -    -   17.8  17.75 -24.6
 1741 Jun 28  22:48  N  135  -1.098  0.869 -0.151   -    -   18.5  18.51 -24.3
 1759 Jul 10  05:49  N  135  -1.025  1.005 -0.018   -    -   19.2  19.27 -23.3
 1777 Jul 20  12:48  P  135  -0.951  1.143  0.115  39m   -   19.9  20.01 -21.5

 1795 Jul 31  19:50  P  135  -0.879  1.277  0.244  56m   -   20.6  20.73 -19.0
 1813 Aug 12  02:53  P  135  -0.808  1.409  0.371  68m   -   21.3  21.44 -15.9
 1831 Aug 23  10:00  P  135  -0.743  1.532  0.489  77m   -   22.1  22.12 -12.3
 1849 Sep 02  17:10  P  135  -0.681  1.650  0.600  84m   -   22.8  22.79  -8.4
 1867 Sep 14  00:26  P  135  -0.624  1.757  0.701  89m   -   23.5  23.44  -4.2
 1885 Sep 24  07:48  P  135  -0.573  1.854  0.792  94m   -    0.2   0.10   0.1
 1903 Oct 06  15:17  P  135  -0.528  1.939  0.870  97m   -    0.9   0.76   4.3
 1921 Oct 16  22:54  P  135  -0.490  2.012  0.936 100m   -    1.7   1.43   8.5
 1939 Oct 28  06:36  P  135  -0.458  2.074  0.992 102m   -    2.4   2.12  12.4
 1957 Nov 07  14:27  T  135  -0.433  2.122  1.035 104m  15m   3.1   2.84  15.9

 1975 Nov 18  22:23  T  135  -0.414  2.161  1.069 105m  21m   3.8   3.58  18.9
 1993 Nov 29  06:26  T  135  -0.400  2.189  1.092 106m  24m   4.5   4.35  21.1
 2011 Dec 10  14:32  T  135  -0.388  2.212  1.111 106m  26m   5.3   5.14  22.6
 2029 Dec 20  22:41  T  135  -0.381  2.227  1.122 107m  27m   6.0   5.95  23.1
 2048 Jan 01  06:52  T  135  -0.375  2.240  1.132 107m  28m   6.7   6.76  22.7
 2066 Jan 11  15:02  T  135  -0.369  2.252  1.142 108m  29m   7.4   7.56  21.4
 2084 Jan 22  23:10  T  135  -0.361  2.267  1.156 108m  31m   8.2   8.34  19.2
 2102 Feb 03  07:14  T  135  -0.352  2.285  1.173 109m  32m   8.9   9.09  16.3
 2120 Feb 14  15:13  T  135  -0.337  2.311  1.199 110m  34m   9.6   9.82  12.9
 2138 Feb 24  23:05  T  135  -0.318  2.346  1.235 111m  37m  10.3  10.52   9.0

 2156 Mar 07  06:49  T  135  -0.292  2.392  1.282 112m  40m  11.0  11.21   4.8
 2174 Mar 18  14:25  T+ 135  -0.261  2.449  1.341 113m  43m  11.8  11.88   0.5
 2192 Mar 28  21:50  T+ 135  -0.220  2.522  1.416 115m  46m  12.5  12.54  -3.7
 2210 Apr 10  05:06  T+ 135  -0.174  2.607  1.502 116m  49m  13.2  13.21  -7.9
 2228 Apr 20  12:12  T+ 135  -0.119  2.707  1.605 117m  51m  13.9  13.89 -11.7
 2246 May 01  19:11  Tm 135  -0.058  2.818  1.718 118m  53m  14.6  14.58 -15.2
 2264 May 12  01:59  T- 135   0.012  2.901  1.803 118m  53m  15.3  15.29 -18.2
 2282 May 23  08:42  T- 135   0.085  2.765  1.669 118m  53m  16.1  16.02 -20.5
 2300 Jun 03  15:16  T- 135   0.165  2.618  1.523 117m  50m  16.8  16.76 -22.2
 2318 Jun 14  21:48  T- 135   0.247  2.466  1.374 115m  45m  17.5  17.52 -23.0

 2336 Jun 25  04:14  T  135   0.334  2.306  1.214 112m  36m  18.2  18.27 -23.0
 2354 Jul 06  10:39  T  135   0.421  2.147  1.055 107m  19m  18.9  19.03 -22.3
 2372 Jul 16  17:03  P  135   0.509  1.985  0.894 102m   -   19.7  19.76 -20.7
 2390 Jul 27  23:28  P  135   0.596  1.826  0.735  95m   -   20.4  20.48 -18.4
 2408 Aug 07  05:55  P  135   0.680  1.671  0.580  86m   -   21.1  21.18 -15.6
 2426 Aug 18  12:27  P  135   0.761  1.523  0.431  76m   -   21.8  21.87 -12.2
 2444 Aug 28  19:05  P  135   0.837  1.384  0.291  64m   -   22.5  22.53  -8.4
 2462 Sep 09  01:49  P  135   0.908  1.255  0.161  48m   -   23.2  23.18  -4.3
 2480 Sep 19  08:41  P  135   0.972  1.138  0.042  25m   -   24.0  23.83  -0.1
 2498 Sep 30  15:42  N  135   1.029  1.033 -0.064   -    -    0.7   0.49   4.2

 2516 Oct 11  22:52  N  135   1.080  0.942 -0.157   -    -    1.4   1.15   8.4
 2534 Oct 23  06:12  N  135   1.123  0.864 -0.236   -    -    2.1   1.83  12.4
 2552 Nov 02  13:42  N  135   1.158  0.800 -0.301   -    -    2.8   2.54  16.0
 2570 Nov 13  21:21  N  135   1.185  0.750 -0.353   -    -    3.6   3.27  19.2
 2588 Nov 24  05:09  N  135   1.207  0.710 -0.393   -    -    4.3   4.03  21.7
 2606 Dec 06  13:05  N  135   1.223  0.681 -0.422   -    -    5.0   4.82  23.5
 2624 Dec 16  21:07  N  135   1.234  0.661 -0.442   -    -    5.7   5.63  24.4
 2642 Dec 28  05:15  N  135   1.241  0.647 -0.455   -    -    6.4   6.45  24.4
 2661 Jan 07  13:25  N  135   1.247  0.636 -0.464   -    -    7.2   7.26  23.4
 2679 Jan 18  21:38  N  135   1.251  0.627 -0.471   -    -    7.9   8.05  21.5

 2697 Jan 29  05:52  N  135   1.255  0.617 -0.477   -    -    8.6   8.82  18.9
 2715 Feb 10  14:03  N  135   1.262  0.603 -0.487   -    -    9.3   9.57  15.6
 2733 Feb 20  22:12  N  135   1.271  0.584 -0.502   -    -   10.0  10.29  11.9
 2751 Mar 04  06:16  N  135   1.285  0.557 -0.524   -    -   10.8  10.98   7.8
 2769 Mar 14  14:16  N  135   1.302  0.522 -0.553   -    -   11.5  11.66   3.5
 2787 Mar 25  22:08  N  135   1.326  0.475 -0.595   -    -   12.2  12.34  -0.8
 2805 Apr 05  05:56  N  135   1.355  0.419 -0.645   -    -   12.9  13.01  -5.1
 2823 Apr 16  13:36  N  135   1.391  0.350 -0.707   -    -   13.6  13.69  -9.0
 2841 Apr 26  21:09  N  135   1.432  0.271 -0.779   -    -   14.4  14.38 -12.7
 2859 May 08  04:35  N  135   1.479  0.181 -0.863   -    -   15.1  15.08 -15.8

 2877 May 18  11:55  Ne 135   1.532  0.082 -0.956   -    -   15.8  15.80 -18.4

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Eclipse Predictions & Webmaster: Fred Espenak

Planteary Systems Laboratory - Code 693
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 USA

Last revised: 1999 Jun 3 - F. Espenak