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Lunar Eclipses of Saros 115

Fred Espenak

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The periodicity and recurrance of solar (and lunar) eclipses is governed by the Saros cycle, a period of approximately 6,585.3 days (18 years 11 days 8 hours). When two eclipses are separated by a period of one Saros, they share a very similar geometry. The eclipses occur at the same node with the Moon at nearly the same distance from Earth and at the same time of year. Thus, the Saros is useful for organizing eclipses into families or series. Each series typically lasts 12 to 13 centuries and contains 70 or more eclipses.

Lunar eclipses of Saros series 115 all occur at the Moon’s descending node and the Moon moves northward with each eclipse. The series began with a partial eclipse south of the Ecliptic on 1000 Apr 21. The series will end with a partial eclipse north of the Ecliptic on 2280 Jun 13. The total duration of Saros series 115 is 1280.14 years. In summary:

                         First Eclipse = 1000 Apr 21   10:20:33 UT
                          Last Eclipse = 2280 Jun 13   21:27:28 UT

                         Duration of Saros 115 = 1280.14 Years

During Saros series 115, Earth experiences 72 lunar eclipses as follows:

                             All Eclipses =    72  = 100.0%

                            Penumbral (N) =    18  =  25.0%
                              Partial (P) =    28  =  38.9%
                                Total (T) =    26  =  36.1%

Blue Bar Umbral Eclipses = 54 = 75.0% Central = 17 = 23.6% Non-Central = 9 = 12.5%

Blue Bar Sequence of eclipses in Saros series 115: 7N 9P 26T 19P 11N

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The longest and shortest eclipses of Saros series 115 as well as other eclipse extrema are listed below.

          Longest  Total  Lunar Eclipse:   1631 May 15      Duration = 01h40m26s
         Shortest  Total  Lunar Eclipse:   1288 Oct 11      Duration = 00h17m14s

          Longest Partial Lunar Eclipse:   1270 Sep 30      Duration = 03h14m35s
         Shortest Partial Lunar Eclipse:   2082 Feb 13      Duration = 00h30m40s

          Largest Partial Lunar Eclipse:   1270 Sep 30     Magnitude = 0.9594
         Smallest Partial Lunar Eclipse:   2082 Feb 13     Magnitude = 0.0193

Local circumstances at greatest eclipse for every eclipse of Saros series 115 are presented in the following catalog. For a detailed key and additional information about the catalog, see: Key to Catalog of Lunar Eclipses.

All eclipse calculations are by Fred Espenak, and he assumes full responsibility for their accuracy.

Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by an acknowledgment:

"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC"

Key to Catalog of Lunar Eclipses

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Lunar Eclipses of Saros 115

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      Local Circumstances at Greatest Eclipse for Saros 115

            Greatest    Saros          Pen.   Umb. S.D. S.D.  GST    Moon  Moon
     Date    Eclipse Type #    Gamma   Mag.   Mag. Par  Tot  (0 UT)   RA    Dec
                                                                h     h      °

 1000 Apr 21  10:21  Nb 115  -1.534  0.095 -0.977   -    -   14.3  14.23 -15.0
 1018 May 02  17:11  N  115  -1.459  0.231 -0.836   -    -   15.0  14.93 -18.2
 1036 May 12  23:59  N  115  -1.380  0.372 -0.690   -    -   15.8  15.65 -20.9
 1054 May 24  06:43  N  115  -1.298  0.522 -0.536   -    -   16.5  16.38 -22.9
 1072 Jun 03  13:28  N  115  -1.214  0.672 -0.381   -    -   17.2  17.14 -24.2
 1090 Jun 14  20:13  N  115  -1.130  0.826 -0.225   -    -   17.9  17.90 -24.6
 1108 Jun 25  03:00  N  115  -1.046  0.979 -0.069   -    -   18.6  18.66 -24.2
 1126 Jul 06  09:51  P  115  -0.964  1.128  0.083  34m   -   19.4  19.42 -23.0
 1144 Jul 16  16:47  P  115  -0.885  1.272  0.229  55m   -   20.1  20.16 -21.1
 1162 Jul 27  23:49  P  115  -0.810  1.409  0.368  68m   -   20.8  20.88 -18.4

 1180 Aug 07  06:58  P  115  -0.739  1.537  0.497  77m   -   21.5  21.58 -15.2
 1198 Aug 18  14:17  P  115  -0.675  1.654  0.615  84m   -   22.2  22.26 -11.5
 1216 Aug 28  21:45  P  115  -0.618  1.758  0.720  89m   -   22.9  22.93  -7.5
 1234 Sep 09  05:21  P  115  -0.567  1.851  0.813  93m   -   23.7  23.59  -3.3
 1252 Sep 19  13:08  P  115  -0.524  1.931  0.893  95m   -    0.4   0.25   1.1
 1270 Sep 30  21:04  P  115  -0.488  1.997  0.959  97m   -    1.1   0.91   5.4
 1288 Oct 11  05:10  T  115  -0.459  2.050  1.012  99m   9m   1.8   1.60   9.5
 1306 Oct 22  13:25  T  115  -0.436  2.092  1.054 100m  18m   2.6   2.30  13.4
 1324 Nov 01  21:47  T  115  -0.420  2.121  1.085 100m  22m   3.3   3.03  16.8
 1342 Nov 13  06:17  T  115  -0.408  2.142  1.106 100m  24m   4.0   3.78  19.6

 1360 Nov 23  14:52  T  115  -0.401  2.155  1.121 101m  26m   4.7   4.56  21.6
 1378 Dec 04  23:31  T  115  -0.396  2.164  1.131 101m  27m   5.4   5.37  22.8
 1396 Dec 15  08:12  T  115  -0.392  2.170  1.140 101m  28m   6.2   6.18  23.1
 1414 Dec 26  16:54  T  115  -0.388  2.174  1.147 100m  28m   6.9   6.99  22.4
 1433 Jan 06  01:34  T  115  -0.382  2.183  1.160 101m  29m   7.6   7.78  20.9
 1451 Jan 17  10:13  T  115  -0.375  2.195  1.176 101m  30m   8.3   8.55  18.5
 1469 Jan 27  18:48  T  115  -0.363  2.215  1.200 101m  32m   9.1   9.30  15.4
 1487 Feb 08  03:18  T  115  -0.347  2.242  1.233 102m  34m   9.8  10.02  11.8
 1505 Feb 18  11:41  T  115  -0.324  2.282  1.277 102m  37m  10.5  10.71   7.8
 1523 Mar 01  19:58  T  115  -0.296  2.330  1.331 103m  39m  11.2  11.39   3.6

 1541 Mar 12  04:08  T+ 115  -0.261  2.392  1.398 104m  42m  11.9  12.06  -0.7
 1559 Mar 23  12:10  T+ 115  -0.219  2.465  1.476 105m  45m  12.7  12.72  -4.9
 1577 Apr 02  20:05  T+ 115  -0.172  2.551  1.566 106m  47m  13.4  13.39  -9.0
 1595 Apr 24  03:54  T+ 115  -0.118  2.646  1.667 106m  49m  14.1  14.07 -12.8
 1613 May 04  11:37  T+ 115  -0.059  2.753  1.777 107m  50m  14.8  14.76 -16.1
 1631 May 15  19:14  T- 115   0.006  2.849  1.877 107m  50m  15.5  15.48 -18.9
 1649 May 26  02:48  Tm 115   0.074  2.722  1.754 106m  50m  16.3  16.21 -21.1
 1667 Jun 06  10:18  T- 115   0.144  2.591  1.626 106m  48m  17.0  16.95 -22.6
 1685 Jun 16  17:46  T- 115   0.218  2.456  1.492 104m  45m  17.7  17.71 -23.2
 1703 Jun 29  01:13  T  115   0.291  2.320  1.358 102m  40m  18.4  18.47 -23.0

 1721 Jul 09  08:40  T  115   0.365  2.183  1.222  99m  33m  19.1  19.22 -22.0
 1739 Jul 20  16:09  T  115   0.438  2.051  1.090  96m  22m  19.9  19.96 -20.3
 1757 Jul 30  23:40  P  115   0.509  1.920  0.958  92m   -   20.6  20.68 -17.8
 1775 Aug 11  07:15  P  115   0.576  1.798  0.835  88m   -   21.3  21.38 -14.8
 1793 Aug 21  14:55  P  115   0.639  1.682  0.718  83m   -   22.0  22.06 -11.2
 1811 Sep 02  22:42  P  115   0.697  1.577  0.610  78m   -   22.7  22.72  -7.3
 1829 Sep 13  06:33  P  115   0.751  1.479  0.510  72m   -   23.5  23.38  -3.2
 1847 Sep 24  14:34  P  115   0.797  1.396  0.424  67m   -    0.2   0.04   1.1
 1865 Oct 04  22:40  P  115   0.839  1.322  0.346  61m   -    0.9   0.70   5.4
 1883 Oct 16  06:54  P  115   0.873  1.260  0.281  56m   -    1.6   1.37   9.6

 1901 Oct 27  15:15  P  115   0.902  1.209  0.226  50m   -    2.4   2.07  13.6
 1919 Nov 07  23:44  P  115   0.925  1.169  0.184  46m   -    3.1   2.79  17.1
 1937 Nov 18  08:19  P  115   0.942  1.139  0.150  41m   -    3.8   3.54  20.1
 1955 Nov 29  16:59  P  115   0.955  1.117  0.125  38m   -    4.5   4.32  22.4
 1973 Dec 10  01:44  P  115   0.964  1.101  0.106  35m   -    5.2   5.12  23.9
 1991 Dec 21  10:33  P  115   0.971  1.090  0.093  33m   -    6.0   5.94  24.4
 2009 Dec 31  19:22  P  115   0.977  1.081  0.082  31m   -    6.7   6.76  24.0
 2028 Jan 12  04:13  P  115   0.982  1.072  0.072  29m   -    7.4   7.56  22.7
 2046 Jan 22  13:01  P  115   0.988  1.060  0.059  27m   -    8.1   8.35  20.5
 2064 Feb 02  21:46  P  115   0.997  1.045  0.044  23m   -    8.9   9.11  17.6

 2082 Feb 13  06:26  P  115   1.010  1.021  0.019  15m   -    9.6   9.85  14.1
 2100 Feb 24  15:01  N  115   1.027  0.990 -0.011   -    -   10.3  10.55  10.2
 2118 Mar 07  23:29  N  115   1.049  0.948 -0.053   -    -   11.0  11.24   6.0
 2136 Mar 18  07:49  N  115   1.078  0.896 -0.104   -    -   11.7  11.92   1.7
 2154 Mar 29  16:00  N  115   1.113  0.830 -0.170   -    -   12.5  12.58  -2.6
 2172 Apr 09  00:03  N  115   1.155  0.754 -0.245   -    -   13.2  13.25  -6.7
 2190 Apr 20  07:57  N  115   1.203  0.665 -0.334   -    -   13.9  13.93 -10.6
 2208 May 01  15:42  N  115   1.258  0.565 -0.435   -    -   14.6  14.62 -14.0
 2226 May 12  23:18  N  115   1.319  0.453 -0.547   -    -   15.4  15.33 -17.0
 2244 May 23  06:48  N  115   1.385  0.333 -0.668   -    -   16.1  16.05 -19.3

 2262 Jun 03  14:11  N  115   1.455  0.204 -0.798   -    -   16.8  16.79 -20.9
 2280 Jun 13  21:27  Ne 115   1.530  0.068 -0.936   -    -   17.5  17.54 -21.8

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Eclipse Predictions & Webmaster: Fred Espenak

Planteary Systems Laboratory - Code 693
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 USA

Last revised: 1999 Jun 3 - F. Espenak