Press Room

September 8, 2005

Statement of Treasury Secretary John W. Snow on Resignation of Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets Timothy S. Bitsberger

As the Treasury prepares to bid a fond farewell to one of its top leaders, I offer sincere thanks and good luck on behalf of the Department to Assistant Secretary Timothy Bitsberger. 

Tim has served at the Treasury since October of 2001, first as Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary for Federal Finance and currently as Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets. In each of his roles he has provided critical analysis and advice to me and to the Under Secretary for Domestic Finance.

Tim is a national expert on policy and legislation regarding federal debt management, state and local finance, and financial market oversight and regulation. He has also done an outstanding job overseeing the Federal Financing Bank, and representing Treasury on the Air Transportation Stabilization Board and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

His expertise and contributions have been invaluable, and he has been a highly effective leader within the Office of Domestic Finance, as well as among the Treasury management team. Tim's knowledge, experience and instincts will be missed by his colleagues and staff, and I speak on behalf of the Department in saying we wish him the very best in his future endeavors.
