------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMSL Name: LFIDS/DLFIDS (Single/Double precision version) Revised: May 31, 1991 Purpose: Use iterative refinement to improve the solution of a real symmetric positive definite system of linear equations. Usage: CALL LFIDS (N, A, LDA, FAC, LDFAC, B, X, RES) Arguments: N - Number of equations. (Input) A - N by N matrix containing the symmetric positive definite coefficient matrix of the linear system. (Input) Only the upper triangle of A is referenced. LDA - Leading dimension of A exactly as specified in the dimension statement of the calling program. (Input) FAC - N by N matrix containing the trans(R)*R factorization of the coefficient matrix A as output from routine LFCDS/DLFCDS or LFTDS/DLFTDS. (Input) trans(R) represents the transpose of R. Only the upper triangle of FAC is used. LDFAC - Leading dimension of FAC exactly as specified in the dimension statement of the calling program. (Input) B - Vector of length N containing the right-hand side of the linear system. (Input) X - Vector of length N containing the solution to the linear system. (Output) RES - Vector of length N containing the residual vector at the improved solution. (Output) Remark: Informational error Type Code 3 2 The input matrix is too ill-conditioned for iterative refinement to be effective. GAMS: D2b1b Chapter: MATH/LIBRARY Linear Systems Page No.: MATH/LIBRARY User's Manual page 83