Woods' rose

Plants: Shrub or Subshrub
Magnoliopsida > Rosales > Rosaceae > Rosa woodsii Lindl.
Synonym(s): Wood's rose, woods rose

24 records

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Image Descriptor Description Photographer
0806018 Flower(s) Pike and San Isabel National Forests, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
1208049 Flower(s) close-up of flower mass with five blossoms Dave Powell
1208050 Flower(s) close-up of single blossom Dave Powell
1375729 Flower(s) Terry Spivey
1375730 Flower(s) Terry Spivey
1375731 Flower(s) Terry Spivey
2126035 Flower(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
2126036 Flower(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
2126041 Flower(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
2167074 Flower(s) William M. Ciesla
2167076 Flower(s) William M. Ciesla
5153010 Flower(s) The Dow Gardens Archive
5244001 Flower(s) Richard Old
5244002 Flower(s) Richard Old
2126039 Flower(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
5346072 Flower(s)

Blossom, San Isabel NF, CO, July 2007

William M. Ciesla
5244003 Foliage Richard Old
5366075 Plant(s)

The Wood's Rose as an ornamental shrub.

Howard F. Schwartz
2126040 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
5103001 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
2126037 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
2126038 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1542228 Plant(s) Joy Viola
1542229 Plant(s) Joy Viola

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