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    There are a total of 19862 record(s) matching your query.
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    Demonstrating and Evaluating an Action Learning Approach to Building Project Management Competence

    Author(s): Kotnour, Tim; Starr, Stan
    Abstract: This paper contributes a description of an action-learning approach to building project management competence. This approach was designed, implemented, and evaluated for use with the Dynacs Engineering Development Contract ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 2001
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 20020001028

    Optical Verification Laboratory Demonstration System for High Security Identification Cards

    Author(s): Javidi, Bahram
    Abstract: Document fraud including unauthorized duplication of identification cards and credit cards is a serious problem facing the government, banks, businesses, and consumers. In addition, counterfeit products such as computer ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 1997
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 19990064145

    Buffer Gas Acquisition and Storage

    Author(s): Parrish, Clyde F.; Lueck, Dale E.; Jennings, Paul A.; Callahan, Richard A.
    Abstract: The acquisition and storage of buffer gases (primarily argon and nitrogen) from the Mars atmosphere provides a valuable resource for blanketing and pressurizing fuel tanks and as a buffer gas for breathing air for manned ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 2001
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 20010027421

    Non-Intrusive Impedance-Based Cable Tester

    Abstract: A non-intrusive electrical cable tester determines the nature and location of a discontinuity in a cable through application of an oscillating signal to one end of the cable. The frequency of the oscillating signal is varied ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 1999
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 20000030659

    Rocket Launch-Induced Vibration and Ignition Overpressure Response

    Author(s): Caimi, Raoul; Margasahayam, Ravi; Nayfeh, Jamal
    Abstract: Rocket-induced vibration and ignition overpressure response environments are predicted in the low-frequency (5 to 200 hertz) range. The predictions are necessary to evaluate their impact on critical components, structures, ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 2001
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 20020002698

    Analysis of In-Space Assembly of Modular Systems

    Author(s): Moses, Robert W.; VanLaak, James; Johnson, Spencer L.; Chytka, Trina M.; Reeves, John D.; Todd, B. Keith; Moe, Rud V.; Stambolian, Damon B.
    Abstract: Early system-level life cycle assessments facilitate cost effective optimization of system architectures to enable implementation of both modularity and in-space assembly, two key Exploration Systems Research & ...
    NASA Center: Goddard Space Flight Center, Johnson Space Center, Kennedy Space Center, Langley Research Center
    Publication Year: 2005
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 20050060974

    Local Data Integration in East Central Florida

    Author(s): Case, Jonathan L.; Manobianco, John T.
    Abstract: The Applied Meteorology Unit has configured a Local Data Integration System (LDIS) for east central Florida which assimilates in-situ and remotely-sensed observational data into a series of high-resolution gridded analyses. ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 1999
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 19990099283

    Industrial Engineering Lifts Off at Kennedy Space Center

    Author(s): Barth, Tim
    Abstract: When the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) began the Space Shuttle Program, it did not have an established industrial engineering (IE) capability for several probable reasons. For example, it was easy for ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 1998
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 19990046701

    Single Station System and Method of Locating Lightning Strikes

    Abstract: An embodiment of the present invention uses a single detection system to approximate a location of lightning strikes. This system is triggered by a broadband RF detector and measures a time until the arrival of a leading ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 2003
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Document ID: 20030052734

    Guidelines for lighting of plants in controlled environments

    Author(s): Dietzer, Gerald; Langhans, Robert; Sager, John; Spomer, Art; Tibbitts, Ted
    Abstract: These guidelines for lighting of plants, established by the organizing committee, provided a focus for the discussions at the workshop. The guidelines served as a basis for discussion amongst the workshop attendees and led ...
    NASA Center: Kennedy Space Center
    Publication Year: 1994
    Added to NTRS: 2008-06-02
    Accession Number: 96N18163; Document ID: 19960011727

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