State Unified Plan
Planning Guidance

for State Unified Plans
Submitted Under Section 501
of the
Workforce Investment Act of 1998

State/Commonwealth of

for the period of

Unified State Plan Planning Guidance
Table of Contents

Planning Guidance

Attachment A: Instructions

I. Forms for State Use

II. Unified Planning Instructions and Questions

III. Certifications and Assurances

State Unified Plan Planning Guidance

A. Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to States which submit a State Unified Plan authorized by Title V, Section 501 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA). The State Unified Plan Planning Guidance facilitates the development and submission of such a plan, which addresses two or more of the programs or activities specified at Section 501(b)(2). Please note that this document provides a model the State may choose to follow, but is not required to follow, in developing unified plans. However, following this model application will reduce burden on the State and ensure that the State has sufficiently met the information collection requirements in lieu of completing the individual program state planning requirements.(1)

B. Background

President Clinton signed the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) and the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998 (Perkins III) into law on August 7, 1998, and October 31, 1998, respectively. These Acts will have a major impact on the nation's education and workforce investment systems. Implementation requires collaboration at the Federal, State, and local levels to create a more comprehensive, customer-focused workforce investment system.

C. Section 501 Programs and Activities

Below is a listing of the programs and activities covered in Section 501 of WIA, along with the commonly used name. In this document, we generally refer to the activities and programs by their commonly used names. Should State staff need information on the programs listed, a staff contact is provided here also.

D. Questions and Answers

1. What is a State unified plan?

One of the most innovative reforms introduced by WIA is the State unified plan, which creates a new opportunity to maximize joint planning and coordination among programs and activities. States have the option of submitting a single plan for up to 16 Federal education and training programs. This unified plan may include the programs and activities set forth in Title V of WIA at Section 501(b)(2). The Departments of Agriculture (USDA), Education (DEd), Health and Human Services (DHHS), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Labor (DOL) are responsible for administering these programs and activities.

The five titles of the Workforce Investment Act reform Federal employment, adult education, and vocational rehabilitation programs and create a new, comprehensive workforce development system which is customer focused. Some of WIA's key principles are streamlining services, empowering individuals, increased access, increased accountability, integrated and coordinated services, State and local flexibility, and improved youth programs. WIA helps Americans access the tools they need to manage their careers through information and high quality services, and helps U.S. companies find skilled workers. Title I authorizes a variety of employment and training programs superseding the Job Training Partnership Act; Title II contains the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act; Title III amends the Wagner-Peyser Act to require that Employment Service/Job Service activities become part of the "One-Stop" system and Title IV includes the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998. Title V contains the authority for the State unified plan and other general provisions. States may also include Perkins III in a unified plan. Perkins III supports reforms and improvement activities in vocational and technical education to improve student achievement and preparation for postsecondary education, further learning, and careers.

2. What is the purpose of the State unified plan option?

Building on the requirements in WIA Titles I and II that States develop five-year plans, this option encourages States toward program coordination through a unified planning process. A number of States across the country have been pioneers in coordinating the multitude of Federally-funded programs to maximize the resources available to their citizens. As reinvention efforts proceed in governmental organizations, creativity is needed at all levels -- local, State, and Federal. In order to effectively implement WIA, a collaboration clearly focused on customer service, cutting red tape, and performance partnership must be built and maintained.

The Federal partners recognize that the development of State unified plans presents a unique challenge: while coordinating planning activities across department and agency lines, States are not relieved of meeting the Federal statutory requirements for each of the programs and activities they include in the unified plan. This planning guidance and the accompanying instructions were developed to enhance the quality of that planning process and make it less burdensome. We have attempted to reduce the burden by eliminating duplicative requirements and finding common elements among the planning guidance for each of the programs and activities included in Section 501. This document reflects the efforts of the Federal agencies to identify areas of overlap. States may use this guidance as an alternative to the individual plan guidance developed by Federal agencies for each of the Federal programs that may be included in a unified plan.

3. How is this guidance related to State planning guidance documents which the Federal agencies have already published for the programs and activities listed above?

The Departments of Agriculture, Education, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, and Labor, and the Office of Management and Budget, jointly developed this planning document. For States submitting a unified plan, this document is an alternative to previously issued planning guidance for programs and activities included in the plan. Please note that this document provides a model the State may choose to follow, but is not required to follow, in developing unified plans. However, following this model application will reduce burden on the State and ensure that the State has sufficiently met the information collection requirements in lieu of completing the individual program State planning requirements.

Materials related to funding, such as jointly executed funding instruments, grant agreements, or Governor/Secretary Agreements, items such as negotiated corrective action plans and program specific amendments are not considered planning materials for purposes of WIA §501(c)(2). WIA's State unified plan provisions do not allow any specific statutory requirements to be superseded. For example, if a program has a statutory requirement for an annual plan, inclusion in a unified plan would not change that program's plan to a five-year plan nor would inclusion in the unified plan change the requirement to negotiate new performance levels and amend the unified plan to reflect these as required by such programs as Perkins III, AEFLA, and Title I of WIA.

This document also provides the "Unified Planning Guidance" cited in DOL's State Planning Guidance for submission of the strategic five-year State plan for Title I of WIA and the Wagner-Peyser Act under option four. Section 661.240 of WIA interim final regulations, published on April 15, 1999, addresses the State unified plan provisions as they apply to DOL programs. This document does not address any requirements for submission of a Workforce Flexibility plan provided under section 192 of WIA or for submission of a General Waiver Plan under WIA §189(i). These waiver plans are not considered planning materials for purposes of WIA §501(c)(2).

4. What is planning in the State unified plan context?

Submission of a unified plan signals the State's determination to use Federal resources efficiently by looking across programs to identify coordination opportunities. For instance, given a mix of performance measures and programs, the State would decide what resources from each program can best respond to a given performance measure.

The unified planning process also balances the desire for States to achieve WIA's strategic planning objectives with the need to demonstrate compliance with the statutory and regulatory requirements for each of the programs in the unified plan. The Federal partners recognize that joint planning is a time-consuming and difficult endeavor. The unified plan option may accrue several benefits to States:

5. What is a Consolidated Education Plan?

Another significant Federal initiative which encourages States toward integrated planning is the Department of Education's option for Consolidated Education Plans. Section 14302 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized by Title I of the Improving America's Schools Act, allows State Education Agencies (SEAs) to apply for funding for Perkins III and a number of Federal elementary and secondary education formula grant programs through a single, simplified consolidated plan, rather than through separate funding applications or plans. An SEA may consolidate administrative funds under the specified programs, but may not commingle program funds. States that are interested in pursuing the option of submitting a consolidated plan for Perkins III funding should contact the Division for Vocational and Technical Education at the U.S. Department of Education.

6. What does WIA require for the State unified plan?

Programs Included: According to Title V of WIA, the State may develop and submit a State unified plan for two or more of the activities and programs listed at Section 501. Your State unified plan must include at least one program from (a) through (d). These programs are listed below.

Section 501(b)(1) requires all State unified plans to cover one or more of the following programs and activities:

The State unified plan may cover one or more of the following activities:

In addition, you may submit your application for funding under the Tech-Prep program authorized by Title II of Perkins III as part of the unified plan.

Coordination: A State unified plan must include: 1) a description of the methods used for joint planning and coordination of the programs and activities included in the unified plan, and 2) an assurance that the methods included an opportunity for the entities responsible for planning or administering such programs and activities to review and comment on all portions of the unified plan.

Jurisdiction: The appropriate Secretary has the authority to approve the portion of the State unified plan relating to the activity or program over which the appropriate Secretary exercises administrative authority. Once the appropriate Secretary approves the portion of the plan relating to the activity or program, that portion shall be implemented by the State under the applicable portion of the State unified plan. A State that submits a unified plan covering an activity or program that is approved is not required to submit any other plan or application as a condition to receive funds under that Federal statute. However, as noted above, inclusion of a particular program in the State unified plan does not remove the statutory requirement for certain programs, such as Perkins III, to amend a plan to reflect newly negotiated performances levels.

Approval by the Appropriate Secretaries (The term "appropriate Secretary" means the head of the Federal agency who exercises administrative authority over an activity or program.)

In General: A portion of the State unified plan covering an activity or program described in Section 501 that is submitted to the appropriate Secretary under this section is considered to be approved by the appropriate Secretary at the end of the 90-day period beginning on the day the appropriate Secretary receives the portion, unless the Secretary makes a written determination, during the 90-day period that: 1) the portion is not consistent with the requirements of the Federal statute authorizing the activity or program including the criteria for approval of a plan or application, if any, under such statute, or 2) the plan is not consistent with the coordination requirements listed above regarding joint planning and the opportunity for each entity to review and comment on all portions of the unified plan.

Criteria for approval of the State unified plan, relating to activities carried out under title I or II of WIA or under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act, includes a requirement for agreement between the State and the appropriate Secretary regarding State performance measures, including levels of performance.

7. How can local input improve the unified planning process?

While WIA only requires the involvement of State Board and Local Boards in the planning and coordination of the programs and activities authorized under Title I, the intent of the unified plan approach is to enable all the relevant parties in an area, if they so choose, to come together more readily to coordinate their activities in the best interests of the population to be served. However if coordination is achieved, nothing in the unified plan or in WIA itself permits a Board or any other entity to alter the decisions made by another program grantee in accord with that grantee's statutes.

Local stakeholders can play an important role in informing the State unified planning process, customizing the system to respond to local labor market needs. Chief elected officials, local boards, local education agencies, institutions of higher education, the business community, community-based organizations, representatives of special populations, service providers, and other stakeholders can assist State planners in identifying needs, objectives and appropriate collaborative strategies for attaining them. Consulting these stakeholders during the development of the unified plan would help ensure that the State's plan is broad enough to encompass different State and local approaches, yet specific enough to reflect local visions, needs, and economic development strategies.

E. Submission Options for State Unified Plans

1. Submission of the unified plan

States have the option of submitting a unified plan under Section 501 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 either in an electronic or hard-copy format. Incorporated in these options are new options for States to submit their unified plan to a single contact point. Several submission options are discussed in this notice. We strongly urge each State to submit its unified plan in electronic format so as to reduce burden and to ensure the timely receipt and review of the plan by the Federal agencies whose programs are included in the plan.

2. Submission options

We are offering States four streamlined options for submitting their unified plans; three for electronic submission and one for hard-copy submission. These options are in addition to the option for a State to submit a hard copy of the unified plan to each Federal agency whose programs are included in the unified plan.

3. Processes for electronic submission

If a State chooses to submit its unified plan by transmitting documents via electronic mail, we request that the submission be in either WordPerfect or Microsoft Word (PC format, or an ASCII text file) to accommodate the technological capabilities of the various Federal agencies that will be recipients of the unified plan. If a State chooses to use a software program other than WordPerfect or Microsoft Word for the entire unified plan or for portions of the unified plan, it will be necessary for the State to submit those components of the unified plan in hard-copy using the instructions provided later in this notice for hard-copy submissions. In this instance, the agency's 90-day period for the review of the plan will not start until all components of the plan have been integrated and received by the affected Federal agencies.

We believe that each of the options for electronic submission will significantly reduce the burden on the States and ensure the timely start of the plan review and approval process. State plan certifications with electronic signatures will be acceptable. If a State does not have the capacity to produce electronic signatures, then the signature page must be submitted in hard-copy. Information on where to submit the signature page can be found in the section of this notice that describes the option for the submission of plans in a hard-copy format. The Office of Management and Budget or individual agencies may issue additional guidance concerning the acceptable format and mode of transmission for electronic signatures.

We encourage each State to include a table of contents at the beginning of its State unified plan so as to facilitate access to its various components. Within 48 hours of the receipt of the plan on a work day the Coordinator will confirm to the State receipt of the unified plan and indicate the date for the start of the 90-day review period. The electronic mail address for the Coordinator (Dolores H. Beran) is The Coordinator may be contacted by phone at 202-219-0316, ext 146.

Electronic option 1: Posting plans on an Internet web site

We believe that this approach offers the best opportunity to dramatically reduce both process and paperwork burden on the States and to ensure the timely review of the unified plan. Under this option, a State need only post its unified plan on an Internet web site; inform, through electronic mail, the Coordinator of the documents location on the web site; provide contact information in the event of problems with accessing the web site; and certify that no changes will be made to the version of the plan posted on the web site after it is submitted, unless the changes have been approved by the reviewing agency. It is the responsibility of the designated agency to circulate the modifications among the other agencies that may be affected by the changes. The Coordinator will provide the web site location information to all the other Federal agencies whose programs are included in the unified plan so that they can access the unified plan for review.

Electronic option 2: Submitting plans to the Coordinator of the State Unified Plan review process

A second option is to send the entire unified plan by electronic mail directly to the Coordinator, who will ensure that the other Federal agencies whose programs are included in the unified plan receive the electronic version of the unified plan. Again, this approach will significantly reduce burden on the States and contribute to the timely start of the 90-day period for the review of the unified plan.

Electronic option 3: Submitting plans to the Federal agencies whose programs are included in the plan

A third option is for a State to submit its unified plan by electronic mail directly to each Federal Department whose programs are included in the unified plan. To reduce burden on the States, the unified plan need be sent only to the designated Federal Departmental State Unified Plan Contact (hereafter, Departmental Contact). The Departmental Contact will be responsible for ensuring that affected agencies and appropriate Regional Offices in that Department receive electronic versions of the unified plan. For example, if a unified plan contains plans for both the Vocational Rehabilitation and the Postsecondary Vocational Education programs, both of which are administered by different agencies within the United States Department of Education, the State need only submit the plan to the U.S. Department of Education once. Electronic mail addresses for the Departmental Contacts are as follows:

Department of Labor:                
Department of Education:            
Department of Health and Human Services: 
Department of Agriculture:          
Department of Housing and Urban Development:

Within 24 hours of notification of receipt of the plan by all of the affected Federal agencies, the Coordinator will notify the State and the agencies to the start of the 90-day period for the review of the unified plan.

4. Hard copy submission

If a State is unable or chooses not to submit its unified plan electronically, the State can submit one copy of the unified plan to the Coordinator or submit the unified plan in the traditional manner separately to the designated contact for each activity or program included in the unified plan. We encourage States to submit unbound plans so as to facilitate their duplication.

Submitting the plan in hard-copy to the Coordinator rather than to each activity or program included will entail additional steps before the affected Federal agencies whose programs are included in the unified plan receive the unified plan for review. These additional steps could delay the start of an agency's 90-day period for the review of the unified plan. Based on our experiences to date with respect to unified plans submitted in hard-copy, a State can anticipate a delay of up to 7 to 10 working days in the start of the 90-day review period so as to accommodate the receipt, cataloging, duplication and distribution of the unified plan to the affected Federal agencies, some of which review the plan in the Regional Offices. Each State is thus encouraged to submit its unified plans in an electronic format to facilitate timely reviews.

For States that choose to submit a hard copy to the Coordinator, the Coordinator will notify the State within 10 working days of receipt of the unified plan as to the start of the 90-day period for the review of the unified plan. The mailing address for the Coordinator is: Dolores Beran, Coordinator of the State Unified Plan Review Process, United States Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room S-5513, Washington, D.C. 20210. The Coordinator can be reached by telephone at (202) 219-0316, ext. 146, or by e-mail at

F. How to Use "Attachment A: Instructions"

1. Forms for State Use

At the beginning of Attachment A: Instructions, you will find four forms for use in submitting your State Unified Plan. These forms are available for electronic download, along with this entire guidance, at <>.

2. Program Descriptions

Please respond fully to the general questions in the program descriptions section, as well as the additional questions that relate to the programs and activities that are included in your State's unified plan.

3. Certifications and Assurances

By signing the signature page(s), you are assuring or certifying those items in the Certifications and Assurances section that apply to the programs and activities you have included in your State's unified plan.

G. Modifications

Plan modifications must be submitted to the appropriate Federal agency, in accordance with the procedures of the affected agency. It is the responsibility of the designated agency to circulate the modifications among the other agencies that may be affected by the changes. As noted above, inclusion of a particular program in the State unified plan does not remove the statutory requirement for certain programs to annually review the plan and submit amendments as needed or to amend a State plan to reflect newly negotiated performance levels.

H. Inquiries

General inquiries about the State unified plan process may be directed to the Coordinator of the State Unified Plan Review Process. The electronic mail address for the Coordinator (Dolores H. Beran) is The Coordinator may be contacted by phone at 202-219-0316, ext 146. Inquiries related to specific activities and programs can be directed to the staff contacts listed above Question 3.

I. Submission Date

States may submit unified plans at any time up until April 1, 2000.(2)

J. Timing of Plan Approval

Section 501(d)(2) of WIA states that a portion of a State unified plan covering an activity or program is to be considered to be approved by the appropriate Secretary at the end of the 90-day period beginning on the day the appropriate Secretary receives the portion unless the appropriate Secretary makes a written determination, during the 90-day period, that the portion is not consistent with the requirements of the Federal statute authorizing the activity or program or section 501(c)(3) of WIA. Written determinations would include, for example, a written request from a representative of that agency for more information or documentation related to the requirements of WIA or the particular activity or program.


A. Unified Plan Activities and Programs Checklist

Under Section 501 of the Workforce Investment Act, the following activities or programs may be included in a State's unified plan. From the list below, please place a check beside the programs and activities your State or Commonwealth is including in this Unified Plan.

The State unified plan shall cover one or more of the following programs and activities:

_____ Secondary vocational education programs (Perkins III/Secondary)
     Note that inclusion of this program requires prior approval of State legislature.
      (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998 (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.))

_____ Postsecondary vocational education programs (Perkins III/Postsecondary)
     Note that for the purposes of what the State unified plan shall cover, Perkins III/Secondary and Perkins III/Postsecondary count as one program.
      (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998 (20 U.S.C. 2301 et seq.))

_____ Activities authorized under Title I, Workforce Investment Systems (Employment and Training Activities for Adults, Dislocated Workers and Youth, or WIA Title I, including the Wagner-Peyser Plan)
     (Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.))

_____ Activities authorized under Title II, Adult Education and Family Literacy (Adult Education and Family Literacy Programs)
     (Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (20 U.S.C. 9201 et seq.))

The State unified plan may cover one or more of the following programs and activities:

_____ Programs authorized under §6(d) of the Food Stamp Act of 1977 (Food Stamp Employment and Training Program, or FSET)
      (7 U.S.C. 2015(d))

_____ Food Stamp Employment and Training Program, or FSET
      (7 U.S.C. 2015(o))

_____ Activities authorized under chapter 2 of title II of the Trade Act of 1974 (Trade Act Programs)
      (19 U.S.C. 2271 et seq.)

_____ Programs authorized under Part B of title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.), other than §112 of such Act (29 U.S.C. 732) (Vocational Rehabilitation)

_____ Activities authorized under chapters 41 & 42 of Title 38, USC, and 20 CFR 1001 and 1005 (Veterans Programs, including Veterans Employment, Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program, and Local Veterans' Employment Representative Program)

_____ Programs authorized under State unemployment compensation laws (Unemployment Insurance)
     (in accordance with applicable Federal law which is authorized under Title III, Title IX and Title XII of the Social Security Act and the Federal Unemployment Tax Act)

     Programs authorized under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Welfare-to-Work (WtW))
      (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.)

_____ Programs authorized under title V of the Older Americans Act of 1965 (Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP))
     (42 U.S.C. 3056 et seq.)

     Training activities carried out by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and Public Housing)
     Note that programs for CDBG and Public Housing can only be included in your State unified plan if the State is the funds recipient.

_____ Programs authorized under the Community Services Block Grant Act (Community Services Block Grant, or CSBG)
      (42 U.S.C. 9901 et seq.)

B. Contact Information

Please complete one copy for EACH of the separate activities and programs included in your State unified plan.


State Name for Program/Activity:

Name of Grant Recipient Agency for Program/Activity:


Telephone Number:
Facsimile Number:
E-mail Address:

Name of State Administrative Agency (if different from the Grant Recipient):


Telephone Number:
Facsimile Number:
E-mail Address:

Name of Signatory Official:


Telephone Number:
Facsimile Number:
E-mail Address:

Name of Liaison:


Telephone Number:
Facsimile Number:
E-mail Address:

C. Plan Signature(s)

Governor (if applicable)

As the Governor, I certify that for the State/Commonwealth of ___________________________________, for those activities and programs included in this plan that are under my jurisdiction, the agencies and officials designated above under "Contact Information" have been duly designated to represent the State/Commonwealth in the capacities indicated for the programs and activities indicated. Subsequent changes in the designation of officials will be provided to the designated program or activity contact as such changes occur.

I further certify that, for those activities and programs included in this plan that are under my jurisdiction, we will operate the workforce development programs included in this Unified Plan in accordance with this Unified Plan and the assurances described in Section III of this Unified Plan.

Typed Name and Signature of Governor                                     Date

Responsible State Official for Eligible Agency for Vocational Education (if applicable)

I certify that for the State/Commonwealth of ______________________________________, for those activities and programs included in this plan that are under my jurisdiction, the agencies and officials designated above under "Contact Information" have been duly designated to represent the State/Commonwealth in the capacities indicated for the programs and activities indicated. Subsequent changes in the designation of officials will be provided to the designated program or activity contact as such changes occur.

I further certify that, for those activities and programs included in this plan that are under my jurisdiction, we will operate the programs included in this Unified Plan in accordance with this Unified Plan and the applicable assurances described in Section III of this Unified Plan.

Typed Name, Title, and Agency of Responsible State Official for Vocational Education

Signature                                                          Date

Responsible State Official for Eligible Agency for Vocational Rehabilitation (if applicable)

I certify that for the State/Commonwealth of __________________________________________, for those activities and programs included in this plan that are under my jurisdiction, the agencies and officials designated above under "Contact Information" have been duly designated to represent the State/Commonwealth in the capacities indicated for the programs and activities indicated. Subsequent changes in the designation of officials will be provided to the designated program or activity contact as such changes occur.

I further certify that we will operate those activities and programs included in this Unified Plan that are under my jurisdiction in accordance with this Unified Plan and the assurances described in Section III of this Unified Plan.

Typed Name, Title, and Agency of Responsible State Official for Vocational Rehabilitation

Signature                                                          Date

Responsible State Official for Eligible Agency for Adult Education (if applicable)

I certify that for the State/Commonwealth of ______________________________________, for those activities and programs included in this plan that are under my jurisdiction, the agencies and officials designated above under "Contact Information" have been duly designated to represent the State/Commonwealth in the capacities indicated for the programs and activities indicated. Subsequent changes in the designation of officials will be provided to the designated program or activity contact as such changes occur.

I further certify that, for those activities and programs included in this plan that are under my jurisdiction, we will operate the programs included in this Unified Plan in accordance with this Unified Plan and the applicable assurances described in Section III of this Unified Plan.

Typed Name, Title, and Agency of Responsible State Official for Adult Education

Signature                                                          Date


Note: The statutes cited in parentheses refer to the authorizing legislation for each respective program. This unified planning guidance only relates to planning requirements; it does not affect the statutory and regulatory requirements relating to other aspects of programs included in the plan.

A. Vision and Goals

B. One-Stop Delivery System

C. Plan Development and Implementation

D. Needs Assessment

E. State and Local Governance

F. Funding

G. Activities to be Funded

H. Coordination and Non-Duplication

I. Special Populations and Other Groups

J. Professional Development and System Improvement

K. Performance Accountability

Nothing in this guidance shall relieve a State of its responsibilities to comply with the accountability requirements of WIA Title I and II and the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998 (Perkins III), including, for example, the requirements to renegotiate performance levels at statutorily defined points in the 5-year unified plan cycle. The appropriate Secretary will negotiate adjusted levels of performance with the State for these programs prior to approving the State plan.

L. Data Collection

M. Corrective Action


A. General Certifications and Assurances

By signing the Unified Plan signature page, you are certifying that:

In addition, if you submit your unified plan by posting it on an Internet web site, you are certifying that:

In addition, the following certifications and assurances apply to the extent that the programs and activities are included in your State Unified Plan.

B. EDGAR Certifications, Nonconstruction Programs, Debarment, Drug-Free Work Place and Lobbying Certifications

You must include the following certifications for each of the State agencies that administer one of these programs: Perkins III, Tech-Prep, Adult Education and Literacy or vocational rehabilitation. A State may satisfy the EDGAR requirement by having all responsible State agency officials sign a single set of EDGAR certifications.

EDGAR Certifications

By signing the Unified Plan signature page, you are certifying that:

Debarment, Drug-Free Work Place, and Lobbying

By signing the Unified Plan signature page, you are certifying that:

C. Perkins III

By signing the Unified Plan signature page, you are certifying that:

D. WIA Title I/Wagner-Peyser Act/Veterans Programs

By signing the Unified Plan signature page, you are certifying that:

E. Adult Education and Family Literacy

By signing the Unified Plan signature page, you are certifying that:

F. Food Stamp Employment and Training (FSET)

By signing the Unified Plan signature page, you are certifying that:

G. Vocational Rehabilitation

By signing the Unified Plan signature page, you are certifying that:

H. Unemployment Insurance

The Governor, by signing the Unified Plan Signature Page, certifies that:

I. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

By signing the Unified Plan signature page, you are certifying that:

J. Welfare-to-Work (WtW)

By signing the Unified Plan signature page, you are certifying that:

K. Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

L. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

By signing the Unified Plan signature page, you are certifying that:

M. Public Housing

By signing the Unified Plan signature page, you are certifying that:

N. Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)

By signing the Unified Plan signature page, you are certifying that: