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Exhibit 300 (BY2009) for FDA Mission Accomplishments and Regulatory Compliance Services (MARCS)



1. Date of Submission:
2. Agency:
3. Bureau:
4. Name of this Capital Asset:
FDA Mission Accomplishments and Regulatory Compliance Services (MARCS) (FY09)
5. Unique Project Identifier:
6. What kind of investment will this be in FY2009?
Mixed Life Cycle
7. What was the first budget year this investment was submitted to OMB?
8. Provide a brief summary and justification for this investment, including a brief description of how this closes in part or in whole an identified agency performance gap.
The MARCS program manages the integration, reengineering and enhancement of eight legacy systems to better support FDA's mission. It aligns directly with Obj. 2.2 of HHS draft strategic plan for FY07-2012, enables FDA Centers to meet Obj. 4.3, and helps ensure effective management of Human Capital and IT technology. FDA uses MARCS' applications to: plan FDA field activities and assign staff to inspections, investigations, recalls and other compliance activities; track and control samples and the results of laboratory analysis; collect and maintain information resulting from field activities; collect performance data, particularly that related to PDUFA and MDUFMA; send Prior Notice for food imports to Customs and accept import product information from Customs for screening; screen 18 million import lines a year based on calculated risk; collect information about the facilities FDA regulates and those in the import supply chain for risk-based targeting; provide FDA Centers with information on inspections, compliance actions, recalls, laboratory analysis and facilities. Although legacy systems help meet current performance goals, their weaknesses pose increasing risk. HW/SW platforms are aging and inconsistent with EA standards. Import functionality has outgrown platforms, degrading performance; as imports increase, this gap widens. Platforms don't support 24/7 operation--a Bioterrorism Act requirement. The paradigm on which import screening was based has changed; new technologies make a risk-based approach possible. Interfaces with FDA labs are inadequate, and sample tracking inefficient. Enhancements are "backed" up behind the high cost of maintaining the legacy framework. MARCS is addressing these problems through a combination of technical upgrades, redesign of core components, and enhancements to existing functionality. Migration of MARCS' legacy systems to the Web is complete and migration to Sun/Solaris platforms on track for 2008. Integration, reduced maintenance, and increased functionality will be accomplished through a reusable service-based approach, component by component. A planned alignment to FDA-wide Product Quality investment and Import Safety Workgroup's recommendations, including a system inventory required for interoperability, continuity of operations, and implementation, will enable FDA to move away from stove-piped and redundant systems across the enterprise.
9. Did the Agency's Executive/Investment Committee approve this request?
9.a. If "yes," what was the date of this approval?
10. Did the Project Manager review this Exhibit?
11.a. What is the current FAC-P/PM certification level of the project/program manager?
12. Has the agency developed and/or promoted cost effective, energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable techniques or practices for this project.
12.a. Will this investment include electronic assets (including computers)?
12.b. Is this investment for new construction or major retrofit of a Federal building or facility? (answer applicable to non-IT assets only)
13. Does this investment directly support one of the PMA initiatives?
If yes, select the initiatives that apply:
Initiative Name
Competitive Sourcing
Expanded E-Government
Human Capital
13.a. Briefly and specifically describe for each selected how this asset directly supports the identified initiative(s)? (e.g. If E-Gov is selected, is it an approved shared service provider or the managing partner?)
Manage Human Capital: Automates scheduling & assignment of investigators, reviewers, and compliance officers. Captures time spent on activities. Relates activities to ORA PART, PDUFA and other performance goals. Expand EGov: 1. Allows FDA to use state inspectors by providing an interface that gives them electronic access to MARCS to input inspection results 2. Gives the public an interface to input Prior Notice on food imports directly to FDA when not required to file with Customs
14. Does this investment support a program assessed using the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)?
14.a. If yes, does this investment address a weakness found during the PART review?
14.b. If yes, what is the name of the PARTed program?
2005: FDA - Overall FDA
14.c. If yes, what rating did the PART receive?
Moderately Effective
15. Is this investment for information technology?
16. What is the level of the IT Project (per CIO Council's PM Guidance)?
Level 3
17. What project management qualifications does the Project Manager have? (per CIO Council's PM Guidance)
(1) Project manager has been validated as qualified for this investment
18. Is this investment identified as high risk on the Q4 - FY 2007 agency high risk report (per OMB memorandum M-05-23)?
19. Is this a financial management system?
19.a.2. If no, what does it address?
MARCS provides automated support to the compliance operations that ensure food, drugs, and medical devices are safe and effective, whether made in the US or abroad. It screens 18 million imports every year using data from Customs to decide whether they can enter. It allows FDA to use the findings of state food investigators, tracks samples to and from FDA labs, manages recall activities and consumer complaints. In short, it gives field staff the integrated tools it needs to protect the public.
20. What is the percentage breakout for the total FY2009 funding request for the following? (This should total 100%)
21. If this project produces information dissemination products for the public, are these products published to the Internet in conformance with OMB Memorandum 05-04 and included in your agency inventory, schedules and priorities?
22. Contact information of individual responsible for privacy related questions.
NameBetty Dorsey
Phone Number301-827-6500
TitleFDA Privacy Act Officer
23. Are the records produced by this investment appropriately scheduled with the National Archives and Records Administration's approval?
24. Does this investment directly support one of the GAO High Risk Areas?


1. Provide the total estimated life-cycle cost for this investment by completing the following table. All amounts represent budget authority in millions, and are rounded to three decimal places. Federal personnel costs should be included only in the row designated Government FTE Cost, and should be excluded from the amounts shown for Planning, Full Acquisition, and Operation/Maintenance. The total estimated annual cost of the investment is the sum of costs for Planning, Full Acquisition, and Operation/Maintenance. For Federal buildings and facilities, life-cycle costs should include long term energy, environmental, decommissioning, and/or restoration costs. The costs associated with the entire life-cycle of the investment should be included in this report.

All amounts represent Budget Authority

Note: For the cross-agency investments, this table should include all funding (both managing partner and partner agencies).

Government FTE Costs should not be included as part of the TOTAL represented.
Cost TypePy-1 & Earlier
Planning Budgetary Resources2.9850.7500.7000.491
Acquisition Budgetary Resources13.7389.3109.36010.020
Maintenance Budgetary Resources0.7855.4405.4405.747
Government FTE Cost1.5200.9600.9601.033
# of FTEs5888
2. Will this project require the agency to hire additional FTE's?
3. If the summary of spending has changed from the FY2008 President's budget request, briefly explain those changes.
Summary of spending has not changed. MARCS did rebaseline in June 2007 to realign funding for some projects based on Business and Investement Review Board Priorities, and changed the names based on requests from management, but total funding did not change.


In order to successfully address this area of the exhibit 300, performance goals must be provided for the agency and be linked to the annual performance plan. The investment must discuss the agency's mission and strategic goals, and performance measures (indicators) must be provided. These goals need to map to the gap in the agency's strategic goals and objectives this investment is designed to fill. They are the internal and external performance benefits this investment is expected to deliver to the agency (e.g., improve efficiency by 60 percent, increase citizen participation by 300 percent a year to achieve an overall citizen participation rate of 75 percent by FY 2xxx, etc.). The goals must be clearly measurable investment outcomes, and if applicable, investment outputs. They do not include the completion date of the module, milestones, or investment, or general goals, such as, significant, better, improved that do not have a quantitative measure.
Agencies must use the following table to report performance goals and measures for the major investment and use the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Performance Reference Model (PRM). Map all Measurement Indicators to the corresponding Measurement Area and Measurement Grouping identified in the PRM. There should be at least one Measurement Indicator for each of the four different Measurement Areas (for each fiscal year). The PRM is available at The table can be extended to include performance measures for years beyond FY 2009.
RowFiscal YearStrategic Goal SupportedMeasurement AreaMeasurement GroupingMeasurement IndicatorBaselinePlanned Improvement to the BaselineActual Results
12006Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyCompliance and Deviations% of Infrastructure brought to Current Standard (Web from C/S)0%100%100% of existing legacy converted from C/S to Web
22006S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsProcesses and ActivitiesRisk# of import product types screened based on calculated risk factors0development of pilot for screeningCompleted
32006S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsCustomer ResultsCustomer Complaints% Reduction in Complaints about printing capabilities in the fieldOngoing Complaints100% reduction100% --Release of enhancements packaged with Web Version of FACTS/OASIS eliminated all print complaints
42006Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesMission and Business ResultsWorkforce Planning# of districts that have automated support for assingment & scheduling019Completed
52007Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyExternal Data Sharing# of Center Registration Systems Accessed via single sign on0 Systems44 Center Views via web through Center Views
62007S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsProcesses and ActivitiesRisk# of import product types screened based on calculated risk factors01 Food Product typeSeafood products in parallel test as of 08/15/07
72007S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsProcesses and ActivitiesEfficiency# of imported products successfully screened in 2 hour window via automated screening process14 Million15 Million15 million projected
82007Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesCustomer ResultsCustomer Complaints% of Interfaces with Center DBs standardized20% standardized, each unique70%Goal will not be met. Work on screens was delayed because continuing resolution delayed funding and other priorities were higher
92007S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsMission and Business ResultsPopulation Health Management and Consumer Safety% of states that have access to an autoamted checklist for BSE threat analysis0 %100%100%
102008Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyCompliance and Deviations% of Infrastructure brought to Current Standard (VMS to Unix)20%80%TBD
112008Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyExternal Data Sharing# of Center Registration systems accessed via single sign on46TBD
122008Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyInternal Data Sharing% Data and Process Redudancy/Data discrepancy between legacy systems reduced0% (estimated) of code/data isduplication10% reductionTBD
132008S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsProcesses and ActivitiesRisk# of import product types screened based on calculated risk factors13 Food Product TypesTBD
142008S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsProcesses and ActivitiesEfficiency# of imported products successfully screened in 2 hour window via automated screening processes15 Million16 MillionTBD
152008Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesCustomer ResultsCustomer Complaints% Reduction in complaints about screens65% of comments are complaints60%TBD
162008S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsMission and Business ResultsBorder and Transportation Security# of sources automatically mined for bioterrorism food processing01 sourceTBD
172008S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsMission and Business ResultsCriminal Investigation and Surveillance# of compliance actions share automated workflow actions and evidence captured with Centers0%20% compliance info iintegration w centersTBD
182008S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsMission and Business ResultsWorkforce Planning% of WF Planning/scheduling functions in current stovepipes integrated20%25%TBD
192008S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsTechnologyIT Contribution to Process, Customer, or Mission# of operations available on mobile devices23TBD
202009S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsTechnologyCompliance and Deviations% of ifrastructure brought to current standard (VMS to Unix)80%100%TBD
212009Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyExternal Data Sharing% of Interfaces with Center DBs standardized0 standardized, each unique20%TBD
222009Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyInternal Data Sharing% Data and Process Redudancy/Data discrepancy between legacy systems20% (estimated) of code/data is duplicative16%TBD
232009S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsProcesses and ActivitiesRisk# of import product types screened based on calculated risk factors380% of Food productsTBD
242009S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsProcesses and ActivitiesEfficiency# of imported products successfully screened in 2 hour window via automated screening processes16 Million17 MillionTBD
252009Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesCustomer ResultsCustomer Complaints% Reduction in complaints about screens60% of comments are complaints55%TBD
262009S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsMission and Business ResultsBorder and Transportation Security# of sources automatically mined for bioterrorism food processing12TBD
272009S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsMission and Business ResultsCriminal Investigation and Surveillance# of compliance actions share automated workflow actions and evidence captured with Centers20%30% compliance info integrated with centersTBD
282009S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsMission and Business ResultsWorkforce Planning% of WF Planning/scheduling functions in current stovepipes integrated25%30%TBD
292009S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsTechnologyIT Contribution to Process, Customer, or Mission# of operations available on mobile devices34TBD
302010Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyCompliance and Deviations% of Infrastructure 24/7 compliant that is required to be 24/7 Compliant0%100%TBD
312010Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyExternal Data Sharing% of Interfaces with Center DBs standardized20% standardized, each unique70%TBD
322010Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyInternal Data Sharing% Data and Process Redudancy/Data discrepancy between legacy systems16% (estimated) of code/data is duplicative13%TBD
332010S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsProcesses and ActivitiesRisk# of import product types screened based on calculated risk factors0% Drugs80% DrugsTBD
342010S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsProcesses and ActivitiesEfficiency# of imported products successfully screened in 2 hour window via automated screening processes17 Million18 MillionTBD
352010Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesCustomer ResultsCustomer Complaints% Reduction in complaints about screens55% of comments are complaints50%TBD
362010S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsMission and Business ResultsBorder and Transportation Security# of sources automatically mined for bioterrorism food processing23 sourcesTBD
372010S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsMission and Business ResultsCriminal Investigation and Surveillance# of compliance actions share automated workflow actions and evidence captured with Centers30%40% compliance infor integrated w centersTBD
382010S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsMission and Business ResultsWorkforce Planning% of WF Planning/scheduling functions in current stovepipes integrated30%45%TBD
392010S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsTechnologyIT Contribution to Process, Customer, or Mission# of operations available on mobile devices45TBD
402011Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyExternal Data Sharing% of Interfaces with Center DBs standardized70% standardized, each unique80% 
412011Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyInternal Data Sharing% Data and Process Redudancy/Data discrepancy between legacy systems13% (estimated) of code/data is duplicative10%TBD
422011S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsProcesses and ActivitiesRisk# of import product types screened based on calculated risk factors0% Devices80% DevicesTBD
432011S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsProcesses and ActivitiesEfficiency# of imported products successfully screened in 2 hour window via automated screening processes18 Million19 MillionTBD
442011Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesCustomer ResultsCustomer Complaints% Reduction in complaints about screens50% of comments are complaints45%TBD
452011S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsMission and Business ResultsWorkforce Planning% of WF Planning/scheduling functions in current stovepipes integrated45%60%TBD
462011S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsTechnologyIT Contribution to Process, Customer, or Mission# of operations available on mobile devices56TBD
472012Effective Management of Human Capital/Information Technology/ResourcesTechnologyInternal Data Sharing% Data and Process Redudancy/Data discrepancy between legacy systems10% (estimated) of code/data is duplicative8%TBD
482012S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsProcesses and ActivitiesRisk# of import product types screened based on calculated risk factors0% Regulated Products80% Regulated ProductsTBD
492012S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsCustomer ResultsCustomer Complaints% Reduction in complaints about screens45% of comments are complaints40%TBD
502012S.O. 2.2 - Protect the public against injuries and environmental threatsMission and Business ResultsWorkforce Planning% of WF Planning/scheduling functions in current stovepipes integrated60%70%TBD

Enterprise Architecture

In order to successfully address this area of the business case and capital asset plan you must ensure the investment is included in the agency's EA and Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process, and is mapped to and supports the FEA. You must also ensure the business case demonstrates the relationship between the investment and the business, performance, data, services, application, and technology layers of the agency's EA.
1. Is this investment included in your agency's target enterprise architecture?
2. Is this investment included in the agency's EA Transition Strategy?
2.a. If yes, provide the investment name as identified in the Transition Strategy provided in the agency's most recent annual EA Assessment.
FDA Mission Accomplishments and Regulatory Compliance Services (MARCS). Migration to Web (complete in 2006) Migration to Unix (underway) upgrade to Oracle 10G (inconjunction with Unix migration)
3. Is this investment identified in a completed (contains a target architecture) and approved segment architecture?
4. Identify the service components funded by this major IT investment (e.g., knowledge management, content management, customer relationship management, etc.). Provide this information in the format of the following table. For detailed guidance regarding components, please refer to

Component: Use existing SRM Components or identify as NEW. A NEW component is one not already identified as a service component in the FEA SRM.

Reused Name and UPI: A reused component is one being funded by another investment, but being used by this investment. Rather than answer yes or no, identify the reused service component funded by the other investment and identify the other investment using the Unique Project Identifier (UPI) code from the OMB Ex 300 or Ex 53 submission.

Internal or External Reuse?: Internal reuse is within an agency. For example, one agency within a department is reusing a service component provided by another agency within the same department. External reuse is one agency within a department reusing a service component provided by another agency in another department. A good example of this is an E-Gov initiative service being reused by multiple organizations across the federal government.

Funding Percentage: Please provide the percentage of the BY requested funding amount used for each service component listed in the table. If external, provide the funding level transferred to another agency to pay for the service.
RowAgency Component NameAgency Component DescriptionService TypeComponentReused Component NameReused UPIInternal or External Reuse?Funding %
1Partner Relationship ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that provide a framework to promote the effective collaboration between an organization and its business partners, particularly members of the distribution chain (e.g., channel and alliance partners, resellers, agents, brokers, and dealers) and other third parties that support operations and service delivery to an organization's customers; includes performance evaluation of partners, if necessary.Customer Relationship ManagementPartner Relationship ManagementPartner Relationship Management009-02-01-02-02-1020-00Internal3
2Online HelpDefines the set of capabilities that provide an electronic interface to customer assistance.Customer Initiated AssistanceOnline HelpOnline Help009-02-01-02-02-1020-00Internal1
3Online TutorialsDefines the set of capabilities that provide an electronic interface to educate and assist customers.Customer Initiated AssistanceOnline TutorialsOnline Tutorials009-02-01-02-02-1020-00Internal1
4Process TrackingDefines the set of capabilities that allow the monitoring of activities within the business cycle.Tracking and WorkflowProcess Tracking  No Reuse3
5Case ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that manage the life cycle of a particular claim or investigation within an organization to include creating, routing, tracing, assignment and closing of a case as well as collaboration among case handlers.Tracking and WorkflowCase Management  No Reuse4
6Conflict ResolutionDefines the set of capabilities that support the conclusion of contention or differences within the business cycle.Tracking and WorkflowConflict Resolution  No Reuse1
7Outbound Correspondence ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that manage internally initiated communication between an organization and its stakeholders.Routing and SchedulingOutbound Correspondence Management  No Reuse1
8ModelingDefines the set of capabilities that develop descriptions to adequately explain relevant data for the purpose of prediction, pattern detection, exploration or general organization of data.Knowledge DiscoveryModelingModeling009-02-01-02-02-1020-00Internal1
9MathematicalDefines the set of capabilities that support the formulation and mathematical analysis of probabilistic models for random phenomena and the development and investigation of methods and principles for statistical inference.Analysis and StatisticsMathematical  No Reuse1
10Ad HocDefines the set of capabilities that support the use of dynamic reports on an as needed basis.ReportingAd Hoc  No Reuse1
11Decision Support and PlanningDefines the set of capabilities that support the analyze information and predict the impact of decisions before they are made.Business IntelligenceDecision Support and PlanningDecision Support and Planning009-02-01-02-02-1020-00Internal4
12Configuration ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that control the hardware and software environments, as well as documents of an organization.Management of ProcessesConfiguration Management  No Reuse1
13Change ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that control the process for updates or modifications to the existing documents, software or business processes of an organization.Management of ProcessesChange Management  No Reuse1
14Requirements ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that gather, analyze and fulfill the needs and prerequisites of an organization's efforts.Management of ProcessesRequirements Management  No Reuse1
15Loading and ArchivingDefines the set of capabilities that support the population of a data source with external data.Data ManagementLoading and Archiving  No Reuse1
16Governance / Policy ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that influence and determine decisions, actions, business rules and other matters within an organization.Management of ProcessesGovernance / Policy Management  No Reuse4
17Quality ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that help determine the level that a product or service satisfies certain requirements.Management of ProcessesQuality Management  No Reuse3
18Business Rule ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that manage the enterprise processes that support an organization and its policies.Management of ProcessesBusiness Rule ManagementBusiness Rule Management009-02-01-02-02-1020-00Internal4
19Risk ManagementRisk Management - support the identification and probabilities or chances of hazards as they relate to a task, decision or long-term goal; includes risk assessment and risk mitigation.Management of ProcessesRisk ManagementRisk Management009-02-01-02-02-1020-00Internal4
20Workgroup / GroupwareDefines the set of capabilities that support multiple users working on related tasks.Organizational ManagementWorkgroup / Groupware  No Reuse1
21Content Review and ApprovalDefines the capabilities that allow for the approval of interactive programs.Content ManagementContent Review and Approval  No Reuse1
22Content Publishing and DeliveryDefines the set of capabilities that allow for the propagation of interactive programs.Content ManagementContent Publishing and Delivery  No Reuse1
23Document ReferencingDefines the set of capabilities that support the redirection to other documents and information for related content.Document ManagementDocument Referencing  No Reuse1
24Document RevisionsDefines the set of capabilities that support the versioning and editing of content and documents.Document ManagementDocument Revisions  No Reuse1
25Library / StorageDefines the set of capabilities that support document and data warehousing and archiving.Document ManagementLibrary / Storage  No Reuse1
26Document Review and ApprovalDefines the set of capabilities that support the editing and commendation of documents before releasing them.Document ManagementDocument Review and Approval  No Reuse1
27Knowledge CaptureDefines the set of capabilities that facilitate collection of data and information.Knowledge ManagementKnowledge Capture  No Reuse3
28Knowledge Distribution and DeliveryDefines the set of capabilities that support the transfer of knowledge to the end customer.Knowledge ManagementKnowledge Distribution and Delivery  No Reuse1
29Information RetrievalDefines the set of capabilities that allow access to data and information for use by an organization and its stakeholders.Knowledge ManagementInformation RetrievalInformation Retrieval009-02-01-02-02-1020-00Internal1
30Information SharingDefines the set of capabilities that support the use of documents and data in a multi-user environment for use by an organization and its stakeholders.Knowledge ManagementInformation SharingInformation Sharing009-02-01-02-02-1020-00Internal1
31Contact and Profile ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that provide a comprehensive view of all customer interactions, including calls, email, correspondence and meetings; also provides for the maintenance of a customer's account, business and personal information.Customer Relationship ManagementContact and Profile ManagementContact and Profile Management009-02-01-02-02-1020-00Internal1
32Customer AnalyticsDefines the set of capabilities that allow for the analysis of an organizations customers as well as the scoring of third party information as it relates to an organization's customers.Customer Relationship ManagementCustomer AnalyticsCustomer Analytics009-02-01-02-02-1020-00Internal4
33SchedulingDefines the set of capabilities that support the plan for performing work or services to meet the needs of an organization's customers.Customer Initiated AssistanceScheduling  No Reuse1
34Data MiningDefines the set of capabilities that provide for the efficient discovery of non-obvious, valuable patterns and relationships within a large collection of data.Knowledge DiscoveryData Mining  No Reuse5
35SimulationDefines the set of capabilities that utilize models to mimic real-world processes.Knowledge DiscoverySimulation  No Reuse1
36Legacy IntegrationDefines the set of capabilities that support the communication between newer generation hardware/software applications and the previous, major generation of hardware/software applications.Development and IntegrationLegacy Integration  No Reuse5
37Data IntegrationDefines the set of capabilities that support the organization of data from separate data sources into a single source using middleware or application integration and the modification of system data models to capture new information within a single system.Development and IntegrationData Integration  No Reuse1
38Instrumentation and TestingDefines the set of capabilities that support the validation of application or system capabilities and requirements.Development and IntegrationInstrumentation and Testing  No Reuse5
39Software DevelopmentDefines the set of capabilities that support the creation of both graphical and process application or system software.Development and IntegrationSoftware Development  No Reuse1
40Identification and AuthenticationDefines the set of capabilities that support obtaining information about those parties attempting to log on to a system or application for security purposes and the validation of those users.Security ManagementIdentification and Authentication  No Reuse1
41Access ControlAccess Control - Support the management of permissions for logging onto a computer, application, service, or network; includes user management and role/privilege management.Security ManagementAccess Control  No Reuse1
42Digital Signature ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that guarantee the unaltered state of a file.Security ManagementDigital Signature Management  No Reuse1
43Audit Trail Capture and AnalysisAudit Trail Capture and Analysis - Support the identification and monitoring of activities within an application, system, or network.Security ManagementAudit Trail Capture and Analysis  No Reuse1
44Document LibraryDefines the set of capabilities that support the grouping and archiving of files and records on a server.CollaborationDocument Library  No Reuse1
45QueryDefines the set of capabilities that support retrieval of records that satisfy specific query selection criteria.SearchQuery  No Reuse1
46Precision / Recall RankingDefines the set of capabilities that support selection and retrieval of records ranked to optimize precision against recall.SearchPrecision / Recall Ranking  No Reuse1
47ClassificationDefines the set of capabilities that support selection and retrieval of records organized by shared characteristics in content or context.SearchClassification  No Reuse1
48Pattern MatchingDefines the set of capabilities that support retrieval of records generated from a data source by imputing characteristics based on patterns in the content or context.SearchPattern Matching  No Reuse5
49Issue TrackingDefines the set of capabilities that receive and track user-reported issues and problems in using IT systems, including help desk calls.Systems ManagementIssue Tracking  No Reuse2
50Activity-Based ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that support a defined, specific set of finance-related tasks for a given objective.Financial ManagementActivity-Based Management  No Reuse1
51Content AuthoringDefines the capabilities that allow for the creation of tutorials, CBT courseware, web sites, CD-ROMs and other interactive programs.Content ManagementContent Authoring  No Reuse1
52Data ExchangeDefines the set of capabilities that support the interchange of information between multiple systems or applications; includes verification that transmitted data was received unaltered.Data ManagementData Exchange  No Reuse2
53Document Imaging and OCRDefines the set of capabilities that support the scanning of documents.Document ManagementDocument Imaging and OCR  No Reuse1
54Forms CreationDefines the set of capabilities that support the design and generation of electronic or physical forms and templates for use within the business cycle by an organization and its stakeholders.Forms ManagementForms Creation  No Reuse1
55Forms ModificationDefines the set of capabilities that support the maintenance of electronic or physical forms, templates and their respective elements and fields.Forms ManagementForms Modification  No Reuse1
56Inbound Correspondence ManagementDefines the set of capabilities that manage externally initiated communication between an organization and its stakeholders.Routing and SchedulingInbound Correspondence Management  No Reuse1
57Internal ControlsSupport the methods and procedures used by the organization to safeguard its assets, produce accurate accounting data and reports, contribute to efficient operations, and encourage staff to adhere to management policies and mission requirementsFinancial ManagementInternal Controls  No Reuse5
5. To demonstrate how this major IT investment aligns with the FEA Technical Reference Model (TRM), please list the Service Areas, Categories, Standards, and Service Specifications supporting this IT investment.

FEA SRM Component: Service Components identified in the previous question should be entered in this column. Please enter multiple rows for FEA SRM Components supported by multiple TRM Service Specifications.

Service Specification: In the Service Specification field, Agencies should provide information on the specified technical standard or vendor product mapped to the FEA TRM Service Standard, including model or version numbers, as appropriate.
RowSRM Component>Service AreaService CategoryService StandardService Specification (i.e., vendor and product name)
1Information RetrievalService Access and DeliveryAccess ChannelsWeb BrowserInternet Explorer
2Digital Signature ManagementComponent FrameworkSecurityCertificates / Digital SignaturesEntrust
3Identification and AuthenticationService Access and DeliveryService RequirementsAuthentication / Single Sign-onOracle
4Process TrackingService Access and DeliveryDelivery ChannelsIntranetOracle, J2EE
5Case ManagementService Access and DeliveryService RequirementsLegislative / Compliance508, Accessibility, Security, Privacy
6Process TrackingService Platform and InfrastructureSupport PlatformsPlatform IndependentSolaris
7Process TrackingService Platform and InfrastructureSupport PlatformsWireless / MobileDell Notebooks
8Process TrackingService Platform and InfrastructureDelivery ServersApplication ServersOracle
9Quality ManagementComponent FrameworkBusiness LogicPlatform IndependentOracle
10Instrumentation and TestingService Platform and InfrastructureSoftware EngineeringTest ManagementMercury Interactive Road Runner
11Configuration ManagementService Platform and InfrastructureSoftware EngineeringSoftware Configuration ManagementPVCS, Rational Requisite Pro
12ModelingService Platform and InfrastructureSoftware EngineeringModelingRational
13Data IntegrationService Platform and InfrastructureDatabase / StorageDatabaseOracle
14Audit Trail Capture and AnalysisService Platform and InfrastructureDatabase / StorageStorageStorage Area Network
15Loading and ArchivingService Platform and InfrastructureHardware / InfrastructureServers / ComputersSunfire 6800
16Loading and ArchivingService Platform and InfrastructureHardware / InfrastructureEmbedded Technology DevicesVarious
17Ad HocService Platform and InfrastructureHardware / InfrastructurePeripheralsVarious
18Information RetrievalService Platform and InfrastructureHardware / InfrastructureLocal Area Network (LAN)Virtual Lan
19Information RetrievalService Platform and InfrastructureHardware / InfrastructureWide Area Network (WAN)PPP and Dial Up
20Information SharingService Platform and InfrastructureHardware / InfrastructureNetwork Devices / Standards2Gb Fiber Channel San connect
21Access ControlComponent FrameworkSecurityCertificates / Digital SignaturesEntrust
22Information RetrievalComponent FrameworkPresentation / InterfaceStatic DisplayHyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
23Pattern MatchingComponent FrameworkData ManagementReporting and AnalysisOLE/DB, JDBC
24Issue TrackingComponent FrameworkBusiness LogicPlatform IndependentEnterprise Java Beans
25QueryComponent FrameworkData InterchangeData ExchangeMQ
26Document LibraryService Platform and InfrastructureDatabase / StorageDatabaseDocumentum
27Information RetrievalComponent FrameworkData ManagementReporting and AnalysisDocumentum, Business Objects, Adobe
28Information RetrievalService Interface and IntegrationIntegrationMiddlewarePL/SQL
29Precision / Recall RankingService Interface and IntegrationInteroperabilityData Format / ClassificationXML, PDF
30Knowledge CaptureService Interface and IntegrationInteroperabilityData Types / ValidationXLM Schema, DTD
31Online TutorialsService Access and DeliveryService RequirementsAuthentication / Single Sign-onOracle, J2EE
32Online HelpService Access and DeliveryAccess ChannelsWeb Browserxml, pdf
33Partner Relationship ManagementComponent FrameworkData InterchangeData ExchangeOracle, J2EE
34Contact and Profile ManagementComponent FrameworkData InterchangeData ExchangeOracle, J2EE
35Customer AnalyticsComponent FrameworkData InterchangeData ExchangeOracle, J2EE
36SchedulingService Interface and IntegrationIntegrationEnterprise Application IntegrationOracle, J2EE
37Conflict ResolutionService Interface and IntegrationIntegrationEnterprise Application IntegrationOracle, J2EE
38Outbound Correspondence ManagementService Interface and IntegrationIntegrationEnterprise Application IntegrationOracle
39MathematicalComponent FrameworkData ManagementReporting and AnalysisORACLE
40Software DevelopmentService Platform and InfrastructureSoftware EngineeringIntegrated Development EnvironmentSOA
41Change ManagementComponent FrameworkData InterchangeData ExchangeOracle, J2EE
42Requirements ManagementComponent FrameworkData InterchangeData ExchangeOracle, J2EE
43Quality ManagementService Platform and InfrastructureSoftware EngineeringTest ManagementMercury Test Suite
44Governance / Policy ManagementService Access and DeliveryService RequirementsLegislative / ComplianceOracle, J2EE
45Business Rule ManagementComponent FrameworkBusiness LogicPlatform IndependentOracle, J2EE
46Risk ManagementComponent FrameworkSecuritySupporting Security ServicesPKI, Entrust
47Content Review and ApprovalService Interface and IntegrationIntegrationEnterprise Application IntegrationDocumentum, Oracle
48Document ReferencingService Interface and IntegrationInteroperabilityData Format / ClassificationDocumentum
49Document RevisionsService Interface and IntegrationInteroperabilityData Format / ClassificationDocumentum
50Library / StorageService Interface and IntegrationInteroperabilityData Format / ClassificationDocumentum
51Document Review and ApprovalService Interface and IntegrationIntegrationEnterprise Application IntegrationDocumentum
52Knowledge Distribution and DeliveryService Platform and InfrastructureHardware / InfrastructureWide Area Network (WAN)Frame Relay, ATM
53Information RetrievalService Platform and InfrastructureDatabase / StorageDatabaseOracle
54Case ManagementService Interface and IntegrationInteroperabilityData Format / ClassificationXML, XML Linking, EDI, DTD, SCL Schema
55Workgroup / GroupwareService Interface and IntegrationIntegrationEnterprise Application IntegrationPBM, Transformation & Formatting,
56Decision Support and PlanningComponent FrameworkData ManagementReporting and AnalysisOLAP, XBRL, Business Objects
57Content Publishing and DeliveryService Access and DeliveryDelivery ChannelsInternetOracle, J2EE
58Data MiningComponent FrameworkData ManagementReporting and AnalysisOLAP, XBRL, Business Objects
59SimulationComponent FrameworkData ManagementReporting and AnalysisOLAP, XBRL, Business Objects
60Legacy IntegrationService Interface and IntegrationIntegrationEnterprise Application IntegrationXML, XML Linking, EDI, DTD, SCL Schema
6. Will the application leverage existing components and/or applications across the Government (i.e., FirstGov, Pay.Gov, etc)?
6.a. If yes, please describe.
Yes. Through its interfaces with CBP's systems, MARCS will continue to enable FDA staff to work collaboratively at the U.S. borders with CBP to screen, review, hold, or seize FDA regulated products that might cause harm to humans or other animals. Neither CBP nor FDA could accomplish the full mission by themselves, but the automated systems that are currently in place provide limited support to this funciton. As FDA evolves to MARCS and CBP implements ACE this interaction should be even tighter. In addition to providing more effective screening for safety, this collaborarion reduces the impact on trade that would be the result of separate systems.



You should perform a risk assessment during the early planning and initial concept phase of the investment's life-cycle, develop a risk-adjusted life-cycle cost estimate and a plan to eliminate, mitigate or manage risk, and be actively managing risk throughout the investment's life-cycle.

Answer the following questions to describe how you are managing investment risks.
1. Does the investment have a Risk Management Plan?
1.a. If yes, what is the date of the plan?
1.b. Has the Risk Management Plan been significantly changed since last year's submission to OMB?
3. Briefly describe how investment risks are reflected in the life cycle cost estimate and investment schedule:
Risk was one of the major factors in selecting the overall MARCS approach (the alternative to migrate to web and rebuild over time) because FDA's regulatory environment is dynamic and cannot be put in position where change cannot be accomated quickly. Where possible, higher risk projects are scheduled without time critical dependencies so that a schedule delay will not impact other projects, e.g. the Project Manager risk-adjusted the project and contractor team's schedule and costs for the Web and Unix conversions - two projects considered high risk due to the potential adverse impact on the field by adding more testing and modification than originally planned. For the Document Management project, project management planned/spent extra time developing a concept of operations and documenting high level requirements to ensure that the project's scope and contract delivery estimates were realistic. The combination of these approaches--risk-adjusted costs and substantial planning - have been applied to contracts, in addition to project managers applying risk mitigation strategies to the individual projects.


1. Does the earned value management system meet the criteria in ANSI/EIA Standard 748?
2. Is the CV% or SV% greater than ± 10%?
3. Has the investment re-baselined during the past fiscal year?