------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMSL Name: SROT (Single precision version) Revised: August 9, 1986 Purpose: Apply a Givens plane rotation in single precision. Usage: CALL SROT (N, SX, INCX, SY, INCY, C, S) Arguments: N - Length of vectors X and Y. (Input) SX - Real vector of length MAX(N*IABS(INCX),1). (Input/Output) SROT replaces X(I) with SC*X(I) + SS*Y(I) for I=1,...,N. X(I) and Y(I) refer to specific elements of SX and SY. INCX - Displacement between elements of SX. (Input) X(I) is defined to be SX(1+(I-1)*INCX) if INCX.GE.0 or SX(1+(I-N)*INCX) if INCX.LT.0. SY - Real vector of length MAX(N*IABS(INCY),1). (Input/Output) SROT replaces Y(I) with -SS*X(I) + SC*Y(I) for I=1,...,N. X(I) and Y(I) refer to specific elements of SX and SY. INCY - Displacement between elements of SY. (Input) Y(I) is defined to be SY(1+(I-1)*INCY) if INCY.GE.0 or SY(1+(I-N)*INCY) if INCY.LT.0. C - Real scalar containing elements of the rotation matrix. (Input) S - Real scalar containing elements of the rotation matrix. (Input) Remark: ( SC SS ) (X(1) ... X(N)) SROT applies ( ) to ( ) (-SS SC ) (Y(1) ... Y(N)) Keywords: Level 1 BLAS; SROT GAMS: D1a8 Chapters: MATH/LIBRARY Basic Matrix/Vector Operations STAT/LIBRARY Mathematical Support Page No.: MATH/LIBRARY User's Manual page 1147 STAT/LIBRARY User's Manual page 1509