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Annual Performance Measures

Oregon Lottery: It does good things
As the state has grown and times have changed, Lottery dollars have been directed to help where they are needed, when they are needed. Oregonians have voted to use Lottery profits for the things that make Oregon a great place to live.
The Oregon Lottery is operated under the direction of a five-member citizen commission, with the commissioners appointed by the governor and confirmed by the senate.
The Lottery is entirely self-financed through its sales, and does not receive any General Fund or other tax dollars. The Lottery’s duty is to develop, produce, and market its games; pay its winners and operating expenses; and to turn the remaining net profits over to the state. 
Lottery-funded Projects
In 1984, the Oregon Lottery was created by a two-thirds majority vote of the people of Oregon. At that time, Lottery dollars were approved to help strengthen Oregon's economy and to create jobs.
In 1995, Oregonians voted to allow Lottery profits to help finance public education. Currently about two thirds of Lottery dollars help fund this critical public service. Lottery profits provide direct support to local school districts funding, books, staff, utilities and other essential services.
In 1998, Oregonians again responded to the changing needs of our state, voting to direct 15% of all Lottery profits to help our parks and salmon habitats.
Beginning in 1999, 1% of Oregon Lottery net profits are dedicated annually to fund problem gambling treatment programs in Oregon. The Department of Human Services receives this money and manages the statewide treatment programs through their Problem Gambling Services Manager.
In the years since the Oregon Lottery was created, players have won over $8.4 billion. Since 1995, more than $2.1 billion has gone to education, while $123 million has gone to State Parks and an additional $123 million has gone to watershed enhancement and salmon habitat restoration.
Out of every dollar played on Lottery games, over 96¢ goes back to Oregonians in the form of prizes or profits. The Lottery, as a business, operates on less than 4¢ of every dollar of sales. The remaining profit - over $325 million each year - is returned to the state to fund programs. The Oregon Lottery uses a variety of performance measures to ensure that they are operating efficiently and effectively.
Page updated: October 04, 2007

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