Automotive Emissions Research at ORNL

Oak Ridge National Laboratory has several projects related to Catalysts for Automotive Emissions Treatment. The goals of these projects vary from fundamental to applied and span several groups and Divisions at ORNL.

The Fuels, Engines, and Emissions Research Group (FEERG) is the core group of the Fuels, Engines, and Emissions Research Center (FEERC) in the Energy and Transportation Science Division. As part of its applied energy research mission, FEERG specializes in characterization and modeling of heterogeneous catalysts for power generation and emissions control, with particular emphasis on transportation systems. The experimental facilities utilized by this group are located primarily at the National Transportation Research Center and cover a wide range of chemical reaction scales from nanoparticles up to vehicle emissions control devices. Unique measurement capabilities include Diffuse Reflectance Infra-Red Spectroscopy (DRIFTS), in-situ BET surface area, Spatially-resolved capillary inlet Mass Spectrometry (SpaciMS), and integrated vehicle and dynamometer measurements of engine and emission control systems. Unique modeling capabilities include in-house and commercial codes for simulating complex single and multi-phase reacting flows, in-cylinder combustion, and integrated engine-aftertreatment systems performance. Research activities are typically directed at commercial or model catalysts in order to better understand the chemical mechanisms and performance limitations related to fuel efficiency, fuel flexibility, and emissions control. Members of FEERG coordinate the activities of the Crosscut Lean Exhaust Emissions Reduction Simulation (CLEERS) collaboration on applied emissions catalysis modeling for DOE’s Office of Vehicle Technologies.

The Physical Chemistry of Materials (PCM) group in the Materials Science & Technology Division. This group conducts both basic and applied research that leads to laboratory prototypes for evaluation. Specific areas of catalysis research include catalyst by design, lean NOx traps, and Urea-SCR and research is sponsored by DOE-EERE-OFCVT and industry.




 Oak Ridge National Laboratory