Graphic showing NOAA logo NCDC / Clim. Monitoring / Climate-2002 / Oct / U.S. Regional Drought / Search / Help

U.S. Department of Commerce logo and link to site Climate of 2002 - October
Maine Drought

National Climatic Data Center, 14 November 2002

NOAA logo and link to site

On a statewide basis, October 2002 was slightly drier than normal for Maine, ranking as the 46th driest October in the 108-year record. The state has had alternating wet and dry periods for much of the year, but the extreme moisture deficits earlier in the year and late last year have resulted in the 21st driest November-October on record.

According to the Maine State Climatologist (Dr. Greg Zielinski):

Overall drought conditions lessened in Maine during October 2002 as most places around the state received close to normal precipitation. In general, some regions, such as the north, received a few tenths of an inch below average while places toward the coast and south received a few tenths above average. Not really exciting from a precipitation perspective, but it did help lessen drought conditions. Only the northernmost part of the state remained in severe drought with the central being in moderate drought. For the most part, the rapid worsening of drought conditions state-wide associated with the unofficial record dryness of August has been just about eliminated.

Statewide Precipitation Ranks
for Maine , 2001-2002
Period Rank
Oct 46th driest
Sep-Oct 51st wettest
( 58th driest)
Aug-Oct 14th driest
Jul-Oct 22nd driest
Jun-Oct 34th driest
May-Oct 32nd driest
Apr-Oct 44th driest
Mar-Oct 48th driest
Feb-Oct 46th driest
Jan-Oct 41st driest
Dec-Oct 28th driest
Nov-Oct 21st driest
Maine statewide precipitation departures, January 1998 - present
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Maine statewide Palmer Z Index, January 1998 - present
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Maine statewide precipitation, October   1895-2002
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Maine statewide Palmer Hydrological Drought Index, January 1900 - October   2002
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Graphic showing NOAA logo NCDC / Clim. Monitoring / Climate-2002 / Oct / U.S. Regional Drought / Search / Help
Downloaded Saturday, 04-Oct-2008 07:38:50 EDT
Last Updated Monday, 18-Jul-2005 10:28:33 EDT by
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