Graphic showing NOAA logo NCDC / Climate Mon. / Climate-2002 / October / U.S. Drought / Regional / Search / Help

U.S. Department of Commerce logo and link to site Climate of 2002 - October
U.S. Regional Drought Watch

National Climatic Data Center, 14 November 2002

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Global Analysis / Global Hazards / United States / U.S. Drought / Extremes
Use these links to access detailed analyses of Global and U.S. data.

Regional Drought Overview / Western U.S. / Central U.S. / Eastern U.S. / Additional Contacts / Questions

to Top of Page Regional Overview

October 2002 was wet across much of the country from the Rocky Mountains to the east coast. Beneficial rains fell in many of the drought areas, bringing short-term relief. However, long-term moisture deficits remained in parts of the east at the 12-month and 24-month timescales.

The month was dry across the Far West and parts of southern Florida and the southern Great Lakes. Severe to extreme long-term drought continued from the west coast to the central Plains.

The October rainfall pattern was mixed at the primary stations in Hawaii. In Puerto Rico, rainfall was below normal at many stations for October, the last 4 weeks, and the last 8 weeks. In Alaska, the precipitation pattern at the primary stations was mixed, but on the whole the state had a wet month.

These overall conditions are evident in the following indicators:

to Top of Page Western U.S. Drought

The west coast's wet season got off to a dry start this year. October 2002 marked the latest in a string of consecutive drier than normal months for both the Northwest and West regions. For the Northwest, the regional dryness extends back through the normally dry summer season, but for the West region the dryness goes back to January, which was the middle of the last wet season.

According to early November USDA reports (Brad Rippey):

The dryness in the Northwest was taking a toll on the young winter wheat crop. In particular, Oregon wheat -- just 27% emerged (5-year average is 63%) due to cold, dry weather -- was rated 46% very poor to poor (VP to P) condition. Much of Oregon's wheat is grown in the north-central and northeastern part of the state (vicinity of Pendleton). Similarly, California's wheat -- 15% emerged -- was rated 40% VP to P. A good chunk of California's winter wheat is grown in the Central Valley.
graph showing Northwest Region precipitation departures, January 1998-present
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graph showing West Region precipitation departures, January 1998-present
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October marked the second consecutive month with near to wetter than normal conditions for the Southwest region. The rains of the last couple months have improved drought conditions considerably, but significant long-term moisture deficits remain.

graph showing Southwest Region precipitation departures, January 1998-present
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map showing 1-month Standardized Precipitation Index, Oct 2002
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By the end of October, topsoil moisture conditions were very dry across much of the western U.S. According to October 27 USDA reports, 50% or more of the topsoil was short to very short in Oregon (88%), Wyoming (81%), Idaho (67%), Washington (66%), Colorado (54%), and Montana (58%).

On a statewide basis, October 2002 ranked among the top ten driest Octobers for the west coast states. The persistent moisture deficits during the last ten months resulted in record dryness for California (January-October and other seasons), Nevada (February-October and other seasons), and Oregon (May-October and other seasons). Prolonged drought prompted USDA Secretary, Ann Veneman, to declare Nevada a federal drought disaster area on October 24 (NY Times, 10/26).

States in the southwest were wet during the last couple months, but long-term moisture deficits were so severe that record dryness was still noted in Colorado (February-October and other seasons) and Arizona (January-October).

A detailed review of drought conditions is available for the following regions and states:

map showing Statewide Precipitation Ranks for October 2002
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map showing Statewide Precipitation Ranks for January-October 2002
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to Top of Page Central U.S. Drought

Beneficial heavy rains fell over many of the drought areas in the central U.S. during this month. But long-term moisture deficits remained, especially in the central Plains, with Nebraska having the tenth driest, or drier, February-October through November-October. The month was dry over parts of the southern Great Lakes.

map showing October 2002 Palmer Z Index
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map showing 9-month Standardized Precipitation Index, Feburary-October 2002
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By the end of October, topsoil moisture conditions remained very dry across parts of the central U.S. According to October 27 USDA reports, 50% or more of the topsoil was short to very short in Ohio (53%) and Missouri (52%).

A detailed discussion of drought conditions is available for the following regions and states:

map showing Statewide Precipitation Ranks for November 2001-October 2002
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to Top of Page Eastern U.S. Drought

This month was dry across parts of southern Florida, with Miami reporting the driest October on record. But, in general, October marked the second consecutive wet month for the Northeast and Southeast regions. The regional precipitation pattern for the Northeast has alternated between wet and dry for much of the last year. For the Southeast, the rains of the last two months have been a welcome change from the persistent dryness earlier in the year. While many of the east coast drought areas have experienced considerable improvement, significant long-term moisture deficits remain.

graph showing Northeast Region precipitation departures, January 1998-present
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graph showing Southeast Region precipitation departures, January 1998-present
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A detailed discussion of drought conditions is available for the following regions and states:

map showing 24-month Standardized Precipitation Index, Nov 2000-Oct 2002
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to Top of Page Additional Contacts:

Damage due to the drought has been summarized by NOAA and the Office of Global Programs in the Climatological Impacts section of the Climate Information Project. Crop impact information can be found at the USDA NASS (National Agricultural Statistics Service) and Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin pages. Drought statements by local National Weather Service Offices can be found at the NWS Hydrologic Information Center. Drought threat assessments and other information can be found at NOAA's Drought Information Center. Additional drought information can be found at the National Drought Mitigation Center, the USDA's National Agricultural Library, the interim National Drought Council, and the NOAA Paleoclimatology Program. The following states have set up web pages detailing current drought conditions and/or their plans to handle drought emergencies:
Colorado - Delaware - Delaware River Basin (DE-NJ-NY-PA) - Florida Panhandle - Georgia - Hawaii - Idaho - Kentucky - Maine - Maryland - Missouri - Montana-1 - Montana-2 - Nebraska - New Jersey-1 - New Jersey-2 - New Jersey-3 - New Mexico - North Carolina - Oklahoma-1 - Oklahoma-2 - Oklahoma-3 - Oregon-1 - Oregon-2 - Pennsylvania-1 - Pennsylvania-2 - Pennsylvania-3 - South Carolina - Texas - Vermont - Virginia - Washington - Wyoming

For additional information on current and past wildfire seasons please see the National Interagency Fire Center web site or the U.S. Forest Service Fire and Aviation web site.

NCDC's Drought Recovery Page shows the precipitation required to end or ameliorate droughts and the probability of receiving the required precipitation.

Additional climate monitoring graphics can be found at the Climate Prediction Center's monitoring pages:

Drought conditions on the Canadian prairies can be found at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Drought Watch page.

to Top of Page For all climate questions other than questions concerning this report, please contact the National Climatic Data Center's Climate Services Division:

Climate Services Division
NOAA/National Climatic Data Center
151 Patton Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801-5001
fax: 828-271-4876
phone: 828-271-4800
For further information on the historical climate perspective presented in this report, contact:

Richard Heim
NOAA/National Climatic Data Center
151 Patton Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801-5001
fax: 828-271-4328
Jay Lawrimore
NOAA/National Climatic Data Center
151 Patton Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801-5001
fax: 828-271-4328
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Graphic showing NOAA logo NCDC / Climate Mon. / Climate-2002 / October / U.S. Drought / Regional / Search / Help
Downloaded Wednesday, 24-Sep-2008 15:29:52 EDT
Last Updated Friday, 15-Jul-2005 11:40:19 EDT by
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