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Age, health questions continue for McCain
Megan McCain was on the talk-show couch, being grilled by the hosts of "The View." Does it bother her to hear jokes about her father's age? Megan, 23, started chuckling, and allowed, "He IS old!" Tension was replaced by laughter. But that was summer. These days, for Republican Sen. John McCain, age is no laughing matter. full story
Bush's Life 'Bigger than Fiction'
George W. Bush's ascent to the presidency was "bigger than fiction," director Oliver Stone told "Larry King Live" Monday night
'Backbone of America'
Photos tell tales
Photos tell tales
"The Oxford Project" combines black-and-white portrait photographs -- one from 1984, a second 20 years later.

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iReport.com: Holiday candidates

Is the election affecting your costume choice for October 31? Send us a photo or video

Just the facts, iReporters plead

Amid all the partisan cross talk on iReport.com, one plea that keeps coming through is for presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama to stop attacking each other and directly address the issues.

iReport.com: Show us your fall colors

Is your neighborhood turning into a sea of colorful leaves? Is fall your favorite season of the year? Then take out your camera and start snapping away, because we'd love to see some of your visual odes to autumn.

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