HSRProj (Health Services Research Projects in Progress)

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Updated January 8, 2009

HSRProj was updated with 290 new records on January 8, 2008. Also, 1,133 records with the Final Date between 1/2004 and 12/2004 were relocated to the archive file. There are currently 6,893 records in the Ongoing and Completed non-archived HSRProj file.

Updated August 15, 2008

HSRProj was updated with 449 new records on August 15, 2008.

Updated June 02, 2008

HSRProj was updated with 296 new records on June 02, 2008.
HSRProj has a new state map Search feature. You can use it to find out the number of Ongoing and Completed projects performed in a state. Click on the map icon on the Home Page to use this feature. More information is available in the FAQs.

Updated February 27, 2008

HSRProj was updated with 364 new records on February 27, 2008. Also, 1035 records with the Final Date between 1/2003 and 12/2003 were relocated to the archive file. There are currently 7,004 records in the Ongoing and Completed HSRProj file.

Updated December 14, 2007

HSRProj was updated with 342 new records on December 14, 2007.

Updated August 21, 2007

HSRProj was updated with 165 new records on August 21, 2007.

Updated June 11, 2007

HSRProj was updated with 375 new records on June 11, 2007.

Updated April 05, 2007

HSRProj was updated with 406 new records on April 02, 2007. Also, 910 records with the Final Date between 1/2002 and 12/2002 were relocated to the archive file. There are currently 6,799 records in the Ongoing and Completed HSRProj file.

Updated December 04, 2006

HSRProj was updated with 166 new records on December 04, 2006.

Updated September 29, 2006

HSRProj was updated with 216 new records on September 29, 2006.

Updated June 2, 2006

Archived records are now searchable. Click the Limits link on the home page. Enter a search term or terms in the Search box. Scroll down to Project Status and click on the down arrow. Select All or Archived. Click the Search button.

HSRProj was updated with 364 new records on June 2, 2006.

Updated February 10, 2006

HSRProj was updated with 620 new records on February 10, 2006. Also, 913 records with the Final Date between 1/2001 and 12/2001 were moved to the archive file. There are 6,561 records in the Ongoing and Completed HSRProj file.

Updated January 13, 2006

HSRProj was updated with 125 new records on January 13, 2006.

Updated August 1, 2005

HSRProj was updated with 237 new records on August 1, 2005.

Updated April 29, 2005

HSRProj was updated with 314 new records on April 29, 2005.

Updated March 29, 2005

HSRProj searching has been enhanced with features requested by users. You may:

  • Search for phrases using double quotes,
  • Use Boolean operators and,
  • Search within fields using field tags.
Click on Search Tips for additional information.

Updated February 2, 2005

HSRProj was updated with 428 new records on February 1, 2005. Also, 939 records with the Final Date between 1/2000 and 12/2000 were moved to the archive file. There are 6,192 records in the Ongoing and Completed HSRProj file.

Updated August 23, 2004

230 new project records were added to this version of HSRProj on January 8, 2009

HSRProj is now accessible via two interfaces: 1) HSRProj Direct and 2) NLM Gateway.


In response to user requests, the new HSRProj interface provides specific searching from the Search screen by:

  • Investigator last name only
  • Supporting Agency (a word in the name or the entire name)
  • Search multiple fields using simple string matching. The Default searches the following fields:

    • Abstract
    • Project Title
    • Performing Organization
    • Supporting Agency
    • CRISP Keyword

The Limits screen (Click Limits button) provides additional specific searching by:

  • Latest Update with Latest Project Records
  • Ongoing and Completed projects or only 1) Ongoing, or 2) Completed projects
  • Initial Year
  • Final Year
  • State(s)

You can combine a Search Term with the Limits shown above.

Release 1.0 does NOT provide searching by the National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). This capability is on our list for future releases. Please use the NLM Gateway to conduct comprehensive searches using MeSH or phrases.


HSRProj Direct provides a Browse capability. On the left-hand navigation bar there are two Browse options.

  • Browse Latest Projects
    Scroll through the projects contained in the latest quarterly update, e.g., the May 2004 update included 331 new project records.

  • Browse Supporting Agencies
    Scroll through the list of Supporting Agencies and Click on the number under Projects to view both Ongoing and Completed project records.


HSRProj records are displayed in a brief format, displaying the project title, full name of investigator, supporting agency, unique identifier number, and project status. Please note that HSRProj displays records in reverse chronological order of the project's status. (For example, a project that has an end date of 2009 will appear before a project that has an end date of 2004.)

View the full record by Clicking on the Title.


AcademyHealth has detailed searching instructions on its Web site at: HSRProj Quick Search and Detailed Search

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U.S. National Library of Medicine, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894
National Institutes of Health, Health & Human Services