Press Room


June 29, 1999


Good Morning, Mr. Chairman, Senator Moynihan, and members of the Committee. It is an honor for me to appear before this Committee as the President's nominee for the position of Inspector General for the Department of the Treasury.

I am pleased that my wife Dawn could join me today. This is the second time that the President has nominated me for a position requiring the advice and consent of the Senate. As a career civil servant, there is no higher honor.

I have spent the past five years serving the Administration and the Congress as the Inspector General at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). During that period, my staff has completed more than 1900 audits and more than 290 investigations. Our audit work has resulted in about $250.7 million in questioned cost and funds put to better use. Our investigations have resulted in 12 criminal convictions, 15 civil actions, 230 administrative actions, and about $11.9 million in monetary recoveries. The USAID Office of Inspector General (OIG) has made important contributions to the agency's sustainable development and humanitarian assistance efforts.

My public service began in August 1968, when I joined the U.S. Army. Following basic combat training, I received training as a counterintelligence agent at the U.S. Army Intelligence Training School, Fort Holabird, Maryland. From February 1969 until July 1971,

I conducted background investigations, and other domestic counterintelligence duties, including dignitary protection and facilities security.

My career in the civil service began in August 1971 as a special agent with the OIG,

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). I received my training as a criminal investigator from the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. From August 1971 until November 1975, I conducted a wide range of complex and sensitive investigations. I served as a supervisory special agent from December 1975 until December 1978. I completed 30 hours towards a graduate degree in Administration of Justice during the years that I worked as a supervisory special agent in the USDA OIG's Kansas City Regional Office.

From December 1978 until June 1980, I served as the Assistant Regional Inspector General and from June 1980 until October 1983, I served as Regional Inspector General for the USDA OIG's Chicago Regional Office. In October 1983, I was promoted into the Senior Executive Service as the Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Investigations. From October 1983 until August 1994, I shared the responsibility of managing more than 300 employees engaged in investigative and law enforcement operations. From 1986 to 1990, I attended law school at night at the George Mason University School of Law. I received my Juris Doctor degree in May 1990. I was admitted to the Virginia State Bar in October 1990, the District of Columbia Bar in February 1991, and the Supreme Court of the United States in November 1993.

If confirmed by the Senate, I will work to establish an office capable of meeting its statutory responsibilities, and contributing to the performance of the Department of the Treasury. I will work closely with the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration to ensure that the Department is well served by our respective offices. I have known Inspector General

David C. Williams for more than a decade, and I look forward to working with him.

That concludes my statement. I would be pleased to answer any questions that you have.

Thank you.