Press Room


October 28, 1999


For the past six years as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, John Magaw has spearheaded significant and successful changes for one of the premier law enforcement agencies in the Federal government. Director Magaw's distinguished and versatile law enforcement career of 39 years has proven him to be a stellar leader of great integrity.

Since being named ATF Director in 1993 by former Treasury Secretary Bentsen, Magaw has shaped ATF into a more diversified and efficient organization better suited to confront the challenges of law enforcement including several high-profile investigations such as the bombings of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma, the World Trade Center and the 1996 U.S. Olympics.

Director Magaw's early emphasis on ATF's strategic plan, which became a model for other federal agencies to follow, brought focus to ATF's enforcement efforts. Under Director Magaw's leadership, ATF has received four "Unqualified Audit Opinions" - the highest possible rating for overall performance given by the Treasury Inspector General. He also increased ATF's efforts in training, science and technology, and implemented a restructuring effort that integrated regulatory and law enforcement areas.

In addition to the ATF, Director Magaw also served for the U.S. Secret Service as a Special Agent and numerous executive level positions including head of all protective operations for former President George Bush and later as Director of the Secret Service. Director Magaw leaves behind a tremendous record of service to the Treasury Department and a lasting imprint on Treasury enforcement.

I thank Director Magaw for the esteemed leadership that he has provided to Treasury and wish him well on his retirement from ATF.