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Afghan citizen turns in IED cache in Oruzgan Версия для печати Отправить на e-mail
المركز الإعلامي باغرام

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan (March 14, 2008) — Afghan National Security Forces, assisted by Coalition forces, conducted a security patrol that found and disarmed an improvised explosive device cache turned in by a local Afghan citizen to Provincial Police Chief Juma Gul in Oruzgan Province, Afghanistan, March 10.

The Afghan National Police Chief notified the Afghan National Army they had secured an IED cache site in the middle of a heavily travelled road during the operation. 

The ANA provided the outer cordon while a specially-trained ANP search and disarm team swept the area for additional IED material.  One canister was identified, and the ANP began digging it up.  The device was deemed too hazardous to recover and was destroyed in place.

“The mission was managed and executed by the ANSF,” said Army Capt. Vanessa R. Bowman, a Coalition forces spokesperson. “The destruction of the IED cache sends two strong messages; the Afghan civilian trusted the ANP, and the superior training of the ANSF led to saving Afghan lives.”

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