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Sail boats
Boater Education
Mandatory Boater Education
Courses Available Statewide
Course Materials
Insurance Savings
Note to Boaters
Mandatory Boater Education
Got Your Card?
Got Your Card?
To obtain your card, 1) Take an approved boater education classroom course, equivalency exam  or on-line 2) Get an application and 3) apply for your card.
As of January 1, 2008, boaters 70 and younger must now carry a boater education card when operating powerboats (including personal watercraft or any motorized watercraft) greater than 10 hp. Law enforcement officers are issuing citations for non-compliance with the Mandatory Education Law. The citation fines are $97.
Youth 12-15 also need a boater education card when operating boats 0-10 hp alone. When operating a motorboat over 10 hp, a card-holding adult (16 or older, 18 for personal watercraft) must be in direct supervision (on-board, and able to immediately take corrective action in case of emergency).
There are many different options available to help you meet the requirements of this law.  And, once you've completed a boating safety course, your certificate of completion acts as a temporary permit -good for up to 60 days!  This gives you time to apply for your permanent boater education card.  Carry a copy of your certificate when boating, while you wait for your permanent card to be mailed to you.  It takes approximately 2-3 weeks to receive your permanent card in the mail.
Also, boaters from out of state do not need to carry a boater education card unless boating in Oregon over 60 consecutive days.  Oregon also recognizes boater education cards from other states!

Courses Available Statewide
Classroom courses are fun and interactive. First, all students learn boating safety skills, equipment requirements, pertinent laws/regulations, and become familiar with regulatory markers and navigation rules of the road. Additionally, students learn how to avoid and prepare for boating emergencies. Those who successfully complete an approved course are issued a certificate of completion which is the first step in obtaining your boater education card.
All U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, U.S. Power Squadron, County Marine Patrol Offices, private for-profit and Internet courses listed on this website, satisfy the requirements of Oregon’s Mandatory Education law.
The cost of classroom courses ranges from FREE to $45, depending on the course provider offering the class. Oregon State Marine Board Volunteer Instructors charge $15 or less for a classroom course, which includes all educational materials.
Boating Safety classes range from 6 hours to 28, depending on which class you select. Some classes are done in one day, and others are split up into several days/weeks.
Internet courses are available from approved private providers. Be sure to read the full description of the course before taking your exam. Some Internet course providers charge a fee for taking the exam, and offer the boater the option of also purchasing their boater education card online (additional $10.50 fee that includes processing costs).
Proctored equivalency exams are FREE. Equivalency exams are geared toward the experienced boater who takes a test instead of going through a complete course. Equivalency exams are offered through the Marine Patrol from your local County Sheriff’s Office.
For people who want to take the test at home, the Internet (electronic) is your only option. Proctored equivalency exams and classroom courses are expanding statewide. Click HERE for full details and a Q&A sheet.

Course Materials
Where do I get the book?
Boat Oregon -A Course on Responsible Boating, is the Marine Board's Classroom course book.  This book will help you study for any course option you choose (classroom, equivalency exam, or Internet).
Copies are available at the Marine Board office or your local county sheriff's office for FREE.  Due to the cost of shipping, we do charge a $4 mailing fee if you would like a copy mailed to you.  It's $1 for each additional copy.
If you would like Boat Oregon mailed to you, please send us a check or money order to:
Oregon State Marine Board
P.O. Box 14760
Salem, OR 97309 

Insurance Savings
By taking a boating safety course, you help ensure our waterways are the safest they can be. Not to mention, completing a course may reduce your boat insurance 10 - 15%! Be sure to ask your insurance agent.

Note to Boaters
If you have applied for, and not received your boater education card within 60 days, contact Julio Garcia at 503-378-5163.

Page updated: April 15, 2008

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