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Laws and Executive Orders
SIEC Summit
Laws and Executive Orders

OWIN_Update ~ 08/2008
Federal Engineering Update ~ 07/11/06
UCAN Presentation ~ 05/09/06
         Steve Proctor Bio
Regional Meetings Presentation ~ 04/25/06
OWIN Orientation ~ 2/10/06
AOC District Meeting ~ 10/08/04
What is interoperability?
  • It is the ability of public safety providers to communicate with each other on demand and in real time.
  • It is the term that describes how radio communications systems should operate between and among agencies and jurisdictions that respond to common emergencies.

Why should public officials care?
  • The public looks to you – their elected and appointed officials – to provide basic public safety, guidance and management during a crisis.
  • You are responsible for making critical funding decisions using scarce taxpayer dollars.
  • You understand the political dynamics in your area and in the surrounding jurisdictions.
  • Ultimately, public safety is a core function for governments. Adequate public safety radio communications are essential to executing the public safety function promptly, effectively, and cost efficiently.

What is the role of public officials?
  • Understand the importance of interoperability.
  • Be able to effectively communicate the benefits of interoperability to the public.
  • Understand the political and institutional barriers within the public safety community that can impede interoperability.
  • Facilitate collaborative planning among local, state and federal government agencies.
  • Encourage the development of flexible and open architectures and standards.
  • Support funding for public safety agencies that work to achieve interoperability within an agreed-upon plan.

  CJSD Grant Review Criteria
Revised and Adopted: December 2, 2003
The Oregon Criminal Justice Services Division (CJSD) requested that the Oregon State Interoperability Executive Council (SIEC) develop and forward recommended criteria with weighted values to be used as guidelines in allocating grant funds for interoperable communications equipment and systems.  In concert with the SIEC’s mission of statewide mission critical interoperable communications, at their December 2, 2003 regular meeting, the SIEC unanimously approved the "SIEC -( CJSD Prioritization Scoring Dec 2003.doc ) or ( CJSD Prioritization Scoring Dec 2003.pdf )" criteria and weighted point value for use in evaluating grant applications.  
Short-Term Recommendations for Interoperability
Revised and Adopted: September 7, 2004
The Oregon SIEC recognizes that these Short-term Recommendations for Interoperability (pdf)  are only intended to start the journey toward universal public safety wireless communications interoperability for all of Oregon’s public safety agencies. SIEC’s adoption of the standards listed in this plan is a recommendation to facilitate interoperability and there is no intent or action of the SIEC to mandate such use. SIEC and the State of Oregon encourage Oregon’s public safety agencies to develop interoperable communications systems that encompass all of the elements of public safety.  
Guide for Short-Term Interoperability
Adopted by the Oregon SIEC - December 7, 2004  
The Oregon SIEC assembled this Guide for Short-Term Interoperability (pdf) to assist non-technical, everyday public safety personnel in achieving simple, short-term interoperability solutions to enhance day-to-day operations that afford preparation for major multi-jurisdictional events. These short-term efforts are leading to longer term and much more comprehensive solutions to wireless interoperability for public safety agencies throughout the entire State of Oregon.

Public Safety Communications Interoperability: Inventory and Analysis Report
Presented to the Oregon SIEC - February 1, 2005

Inventory and Analysis Report (pdf)
Report Attachments (pdf)
Inventory and Analysis Presentation.pdf

SIEC Summit




Page updated: August 15, 2008

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