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The AAT.  Photograph courtesy of Chris McCowage.

What's new on the site?
AAO Newsletter August 2008 (Sep 2008)
AAO Student Fellowships for 2008/09 (Aug 2008)
Giant galaxy trawl nets astronomers prize (April 2008)
AAO Newsletter August 2007 (Feb 2008)
NEW - Presentation from HERMES Future AAT Instrument Workshop held 26 Feb 2008 (5 May 08)
PILOT Antarctic telescope design study (Feb 2008)
UN makes 2009 International Year of Astronomy (Dec 2007)
Engineering Excellence Commendation for Echidna (Sep 2007)
AAT Data Archive now available at CASU (30 July 2007)
DEST review of the AAO: submission by AAO - review panel report - issues paper
Information on the AAO for the general public (PDF)