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FAQ's for Consumers
Frequently Asked Questions for Consumers
of Psychological Services
What is a Licensed Psychologist?
Licensed psychologists are mental health professionals licensed by the State of Oregon. Psychologists provide supervision, consultation, evaluation or therapy services to individuals, groups, or organizations for the purpose of diagnosing or treating behavioral, emotional or mental disorders.
What Qualifications does a Licensed Psychologist have?
Licensed psychologists have specialized knowledge, education and training in the fields of human behavior, testing and evaluation, and problem solving. Licensed psychologists have completed a doctoral level program in psychology. Prior to licensure, they must complete a minimum of two years of supervised work experience with a licensed psychologist, pass a national written examination, and pass an Oregon jurisprudence examination. Psychologists are required to complete 50 hours of continuing education every two years.

What Qualifications does a Licensed Psychologist Associate have?
Licensed psychologist associates (PAs) complete a master’s degree in psychology. Prior to licensure, PAs must complete a one year supervised internship focused on the application of psychological skills and knowledge. The internship usually occurs while the individual is completing his or her master’s degree. PA’s must also complete three years of supervised work experience with a licensed psychologist. PAs must also pass a national written examination and pass an Oregon jurisprudence examination. PAs are required to complete 50 hours of continuing education every two years.

What is the Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners?
The Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners was established by the Legislature to “protect and benefit the public and promote quality within the profession of psychology.”  The Board’s seven volunteer members are appointed by the Governor, and confirmed by the Senate.  The Board examines and establishes licensing qualifications, provides information to consumers, and responds to complaints regarding the practice of psychology. 

How can the Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners help Protect me?
The Board assures that licensed psychologists and psychologist associates meet national standards, and State qualifications. The Board also investigates complaints made by members of the public regarding possible unethical or unprofessional conduct by licensed psychologists and licensed psychologist associates.

How do I Check a Psychologist’s Qualifications?
Anyone can use the Board website to search for a licensed psychologist or psychologist associate by last name, city or license number.  Licensee background information, including violations of professional standards of conduct, is available to the public. You may also call the Board office at (503) 378-4154.

What are my Rights as a Client?
You have the right to professional and ethical treatment regardless of your age, sex, race, color, national origin or disability. You have the right to a clear description of services, fees and how you will be billed. Client records and communications are confidential and, may not be released without the client’s consent, except in a few situations.

Do I Have a Complaint?
You may call the Board office and speak to our investigator or file a written complaint if you have concerns about whether your treatment (or any client’s treatment) was unprofessional or unethical.  Examples include:
  • Mistreatment: verbally, financially, sexually or any other way
  • Misleading or lying regarding the provision of services or billing
  • Treating clients while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Releasing information without written consent
  • Inability to practice safely and competently for any reason
  • Practicing without a license or a licensing exemption
How do I File a Complaint?
Complete the forms found at http://www.obpe.state.or.us/OBPE/investigation.shtml, and submit them to the Board’s office.  More information on the process for filing a complaint is available on this web site.

What Happens after I File a Complaint?
The Board’s investigator opens a complaint file. The Investigator will interview the person who filed the complaint and/or others with knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the complaint.  Once the investigator gathers the necessary information, the Board reviews all the evidence and votes to take disciplinary action if the investigation shows that the psychologist or psychologist associate has violated laws, rules or ethical standards.  A licensed psychologist or psychologist associate may face:
  • Probation with limitations added to the license or certificate to ensure that the acts that led to the disciplinary action do not occur again.
  • Formal disciplinary action, including suspension or revocation of the license, and a financial penalty.
An unlicensed psychologist or psychologist associate may face:
  • A financial penalty, as well as an Order to Cease and Desist
If there is not enough evidence of a violation, the Board will dismiss the complaint. In every case, the Board will inform the person who filed the complaint of the Board’s final decision.

Page updated: August 29, 2007

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