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  National Threat Level: Elevated
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PTC Branches


Design and Development Branch

The Design and Development Branch (Pm) is the PTC branch that produces emerging technology prototypes. Pm branch emphasizes using current/emerging technology to get the job done. Branch staff develop a full range of products ranging from technologically intensive solutions (i.e. CBT/instruction) to moderate interventions (interactive electronic support systems, interactive video teletraining) to simpler, low-technology interventions (i.e., simple print media).

PM branch provides and conducts the following services:

  • Designing/developing media selection tools
  • Designing/developing job aids
  • Designing/developing interactive courseware prototypes:
    • Computer-based training (CBT)
    • Computer assisted, self-paced instruction (CAI)
    • Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS’s)
    • Interactive video teletraining (IVT)
    • Structured on-the-job training (OJT) modules and tools
    • Web-based training (WBT) via Intra/Inter/Extranets
    • Videos & workbooks
    • Electronic workbooks

Performance Analysis Branch

The Performance Analysis Branch (Pa) uses a blend of Human Performance Technology (HPT) processes and emerging technologies to analyze Coast Guard workforce performance problems. The branch focuses on human performance as part of the Coast Guard's total performance system. It conducts careful analyses based on sound data, and clear, objective evaluation of results against goals to identify improvements to workforce productivity.

PA branch provides and conducts the following services:

  • Performance Consulting
  • Performance analysis
  • Occupational analysis
  • Front end analysis
  • Job task and associated analyses
  • Survey design, development and scanning
  • Evaluation plans
  • Curriculum design
  • Instructional plans
  • Analysis of Coast Guard resident training
  • Media selection
  • Advice on evaluation of interventions per Kirkpatrick's Levels 1 - 4

Doctrine, Acquisition, & Evaluation Branch

The Doctrine, Acquisition, and Evaluation (Pe) Branch uses Human Performance Technology (HPT) processes to develop both performance-centric doctrine and evaluation tools to improve workforce performance, products, and services. As performance technologists, the branch staff provides human performance support when consulting on major acquisition projects. It also captures workforce changes to determine manpower requirements for the Coast Guard’s formal training system.

Pe branch provides and conducts the following services:

  • Developing performance-centric tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) level doctrine
  • Capturing operational lessons learned and best practices
  • Developing statements of work (SOW) and performance work statements (PWS)
  • Conducting analyses in support of major acquisitions
  • Developing processes for evaluating performance improvement products
  • Evaluating performance improvement tools and products
  • Developing and maintaining standards for the Coast Guard’s formal training system
  • Determining manpower requirements based on changes in training system workload

Information Resource Management Branch

TCYorktown's Information Resource Management Branch (Pirm) is responsible for managing and maintaining information systems, including all standard workstations, servers, service request desk, telephone systems, and the telephone infrastructure. IRM is also responsible for TCYorktown's Internet and Intranet web sites as well as base software applications.

Pirm branch provides and conducts the following services:

  • Provides a broad array of information technology services to the base (staff and students),
  • Provides IT consulting to performance solutions and supports the training system’s IT initiatives.
Last Modified 9/9/2008