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Title: Educational Animation Production Project March 1997 - January 1998
Abstract: Animation of Educational Projects.
Metadata date: 2009-06-15
Trt: 00:18:49:00
Audio: No Audio
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An animation of sea surface temperature anomaly in the Pacific from January, 1997, through December, 1997, as measured by NOAA AVHRR 156 El Niño Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly: January, 1997, through December, 1997 00:01:14:11  -   00:01:43:24
An animation of sea surface height anomaly in the Pacific from January, 1997, through December, 1997, as measured by TOPEX-Poseidon 157 El Niño Sea Surface Height Anomaly: January, 1997, through December, 1997 00:01:45:12  -   00:02:15:25
El Nino  Sea Surface Wind Anomaly in the Pacific for January 1997 through October 1997 as measured by DMSP SSM-I 158 El Niño Sea Surface Wind Anomaly: January 1997 through October 1997 00:02:17:19  -   00:02:48:04
An animation of sea surface temperature, height, and wind anomalies in the Pacific for January 1997 through December 1997.  (Wind anomalies stop at October 1997.) 159 El Niño Sea Surface Temperature, Height, and Wind Anomalies: January 1997 through December 1997 00:02:50:00  -   00:03:20:10
El Nino sea surface temperature, height, and wind anomalies in the Pacific for January 1997 through December 1997.  The data sets are added one layer at a time, followed by a zoom into the eastern Pacific. (Wind anomalies stop at October 1997) 160 El Niño Sea Surface Temperature, Height, and Wind Anomaly Onionskin: Jan. 1997 through Dec. 1997 00:03:22:24  -   00:03:53:14
El Nino sea surface temperature and anomalies in the Pacific mapped to a globe for January 1997 through December 1997.  (Wind anomalies stop at October 1997) 161 El Niño Sea Surface Height and Temp Anomalies Wrapped to a Globe: Jan. 1997 through Dec. 1997 00:03:54:07  -   00:04:24:21
Close-up view of El Nino sea surface temperature, height, and wind anomalies in the Pacific for January 1997 through December 1997.  (Wind anomalies stop at October 1997) 162 El Niño Sea Surface Temp, Height, and Wind Anomalies: Jan. 1997 through Dec. 1997 (Close-Up) 00:04:27:01  -   00:04:56:15
A comparison of the Pacific sea surface temperature anomaly during the El Nino of 1982-1983 with that of 1997, as measured by NOAA AVHRR 163 El Niño Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Comparison: 1982/1983 to 1997 00:04:58:15  -   00:05:31:24
A comparison of El Nino sea surface temperature, height, wind, and precipitation anomalies in the Pacific for January 1997 through December 1997.  (Wind anomalies stop at October 1997) 164 El Niño Sea Surface Height, Temp, Wind, and Precipitation Anomalies: Jan. 1997 through Dec. 1997 00:05:53:18  -   00:06:24:05
SeaWiFS Chesapeake Bay Zoom in 165 SeaWiFS Chesapeake Bay Zoom in 00:06:25:22  -   00:07:08:20
A rotating globe showing swaths of true color imagery from SeaWIFS fades to a globe showing ocean phytoplankton measurements from SeaWiFS.  Regions of black in the ocean represent regions where cloud cover has so far prevented phytoplankton measurements. 166 SeaWiFS Data Swaths Phytoplankton Concentration 00:07:10:14  -   00:08:21:13
SeaWiFS East Coast Zoom 167 SeaWiFS East Coast Zoom 00:08:23:08  -   00:09:05:16
SeaWiFS Galapagos Island Zoom Showing phytoplankton concentrations before and during El Nino.  There is lots of phytoplankton prior to El Ninos warm waters, but once the warm waters dominate the area, most of the phytoplankton disappear. 168 SeaWiFS Galapagos Island Zoom Showing Before and During El Nino 00:09:07:12  -   00:09:30:01
SeaWiFS True Color Phytoplankton Concentration Global Biosphere 169 SeaWiFS True Color Phytoplankton Concentration Global Biosphere 00:09:32:03  -   00:10:16:16
A composite of SeaWiFS images from September 18, 1997 through September 25, 1997 showing smoke plumes over Indonesia and southeast Asia 170 SeaWiFS Indonesian Smoke 00:10:19:04  -   00:10:47:04
Zooming down to Bolivia, showing a time-lapse sequence of Landsat images from 1984 to 1998 171 Landsat Bolivian Deforestation: 1984 to 1998 00:10:48:25  -   00:11:29:02
GOES 1995 Atlantic close-up Hurricane Parade (medium-resolution still) 172 GOES Water Vapor: 1995 Hurricane Season 00:11:31:14  -   00:13:11:25
An animation of Typhoon Opal approaching Japan from GMS 5 imagery.  Note that prevailing winds blowing from China toward Japan are instrumental in keeping the typhoon away from the mainland. 173 Typhoon Opal 00:13:13:23  -   00:13:39:18
An image showing a sequential set of TRMM data swaths on a globe along with the TRMM satellite. 174 TRMM Data Swath 00:13:42:02  -   00:14:06:15
An image showing a sequential set of TRMM data swaths on a globe along with the TRMM satellite. 175 TRMM Data Swath Close-up View (TRMM Ride) 00:14:08:07  -   00:14:57:10
An animation of the TRMM satellite measuring the interior of a hurricane.  As the satellite passes over the hurricane, the interior precipitation structure is first revealed, and then flown through. 176 TRMM Data Swath Revealing Cloud Interior 00:14:59:29  -   00:15:27:24
Global Precipitation Anomalies from 1900 to 1988 177 Global Precipitation Anomalies: 1900-1988 00:15:32:02  -   00:16:11:12
 United States Precipitation Anomalies from 1900 to 1988 178 United States Precipitation Anomalies: 1900-1988 00:16:13:08  -   00:16:54:28
An animated graph showing first precipitation controlled by El Nino and then precipitation trends, both for the period from 1900 to 1988 179 Precipitation Trends: 1900-1988 00:16:59:14  -   00:17:42:21
3-D Milky Way color model 180 Milky Way Observatory 00:17:44:12  -   00:18:14:28
Antimatter plume in the Galactic Center? 181 Milky Way Antimatter Plume 00:18:17:05  -   00:18:34:21
This is a conceptual animation of the Milky Way Galaxy. 127 Horizon to full Galaxy 00:18:42:24  -   00:19:25:10
Positron-electron annihilation 182 Positron-electron Annihilation 00:19:29:25  -   00:19:44:03
AM1 spacecraft with Earth globe in the background 183 EOS - AM1 Beauty Shot 00:19:45:24  -   00:20:03:11

*Please note: the SVS does not fulfill requests for copies of the tapes in our library. On some of our animation pages, there is a direct link to a video distribution service from which tapes, handled by the Public Affairs Office (PAO)/Goddard TV, including some of our animations may be ordered. General information on this service can be found here. logo - the U.S. Government's official Web portal. + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
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