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Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Family Bignoniaceae

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Up to the Kingdom
Kingdom  Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom  Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision  Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division  Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class  Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Subclass  Asteridae
Order  Scrophulariales
Family  Bignoniaceae – Trumpet-creeper family
Contains 29 Genera and 44 accepted taxa overall
Down one level
Genus  Amphilophium Kunth – amphilophium P
Genus  Amphitecna Miers – amphitecna P
Genus  Arrabidaea DC. – arrabidaea P
Genus  Bignonia L. – bignonia P
Genus  Campsis Lour. – campsis P
Genus  Catalpa Scop. – catalpa P
Genus  Chilopsis D. Don – desert willow P
Genus  Crescentia L. – crescentia P
Genus  Cydista Miers – withe P
Genus  Distictis Mart. ex Meisn. – distictis P
Genus  Dolichandrone (Frenzl) Seem. P
Genus  Incarvillea Juss. – incarvillea P
Genus  Jacaranda Juss. – jacaranda P
Genus  Kigelia DC. – sausage tree P
Genus  Macfadyena A. DC. – macfadyena P
Genus  Mansoa DC. – garlicvine P
Genus  Markhamia Seem. ex Baill. – markhamia P
Genus  Parmentiera DC. – parmentiera P
Genus  Pithecoctenium Mart. ex Meisn. – monkey's-comb P
Genus  Podranea Sprague – podranea P
Genus  Pseudocalymma A. Samp. & Kuhlm. P
Genus  Pyrostegia C. Presl – pyrostegia P
Genus  Saritaea Dugand – glowvine P
Genus  Schlegelia Miq. – Schlegelia P
Genus  Spathodea P. Beauv. – spathodea P
Genus  Tabebuia Gomes ex DC. – trumpet-tree P
Genus  Tecoma Juss. – trumpetbush P
Genus  Tecomanthe Baill. – tecomanthe P
Genus  Tynanthus Miers – tynanthus P

The report will display the kingdom and all descendants leading down to the name you choose.