NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Earth System Processes 2

    When August 8, 2005 (Mon) ~ August 11, 2005 (Thu)
    Where Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    The Earth System Processes 2 meeting, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada August 8-11, will be an interdisciplinary, integrative scientific meeting exploring the interactions among Earth’s lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, and biota. The meeting is being co-sponsored by the Geological Society of America and Geological Association of Canada, with support from the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research and the NASA Astrobiology Institute.

    Sessions for the meeting have been organized around three basic themes: Ancient Earth Systems, Modern Earth System Processes, and Earth System Futures. For more information go to the meeting website at

    Those who have an interest in Planetary and Solar System Exploration look for the Session Titled: The Future of Solar System Exploration
    Organizer: Jack Farmer ( 480-965-6748)

    Description: The next two decades of Solar System exploration promises to be both vigorous and exciting, driven by a continuing search for habitable environments and life and supported by government initiatives that will provide for the development of new technologies that will broaden our access to space and enable human missions to the Moon and Mars. “The Future of Solar System Exploration” will present an integrated overview of the future of exploration in our Solar System, with an emphasis on the search for extraterrestrial habitable environments and life via methods of robotic and human exploration. The session will include a variety of topics, including astrobiological missions to explore for potentially habitable planets and moons in our Solar System; sample return missions and attending issues of planetary protection; efforts to prepare for the human exploration and colonization of the Moon and Mars, as well as advances in technology needed to support advanced propulsion systems, surface exploration and habitation; methods and technologies for the prediction and mitigation of terrestrial impact hazards; and related topics.

    If you have any questions about the meeting or Special Session, please feel free to contact Jack Farmer at

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