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Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez
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Tuesday, February 24, 2004

New Executive Order Expands Small Business Innovation Research Program That Supports Small Manufacturers

Chicago, Ill. – In remarks delivered today to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) conference in Chicago, Evans told manufacturers that the Bush administration continues its work to uncover the obstacles that weaken American competitiveness for U.S. manufacturers.

“Last year, I promised to take a comprehensive look at all the factors holding back American manufacturers in the global marketplace. We listened, we asked for your advice and we delivered on that promise,” said Evans. “The findings included in our manufacturing report are helping us create the conditions to make American companies competitive both domestically and internationally.”

Evans also said the Bush administration was encouraged by stronger manufacturing activity and increased orders that have created favorable momentum for growth in the manufacturing sector. Evans added, “the President and I are encouraged by the recent positive manufacturing trends, but we will not be satisfied until our economy is growing quickly enough to create a job for every American who wants one.”

Moreover, Evans cited important steps the Bush administration is taking to create the conditions for job growth in the manufacturing sector:

  • Expanding the Small Business Innovation Research Program. Today, the President signed an executive order that will increase the focus on the small business research program on manufacturing. This action will result in tens of millions of dollars of additional research and development grants for small manufacturers. The President is increasing the federal investment in research and development that will help small manufacturers create breakthrough technologies.
  • Formation of Interagency Manufacturing Working Group. The group, chaired by Secretary Evans, will be responsible for coordinating the implementation of the recommendations in the report, as well as developing new initiatives that will advance President Bush’s manufacturing agenda.
  • Pursuing Free & Fair Trade With China. Secretary Evans will return to China next summer to meet with the Chinese leadership to discuss enforcement of international trade laws and elimination of unfair trade practices that are hurting U.S. manufacturers.
  • Building Unfair Trade Task Force. The task force will analyze market trends and practices of foreign governments and international competitors to find problems that are detrimental to job creation in America and the bottom line of U.S. companies.

“We’re hiring the Eliot Nesses of the trade arena to level the playing field for U.S. companies,” said Evans. “We are going to be tough, innovative and creative in order to understand the challenges facing American companies before American companies are injured.”

Evans also highlighted the need to enact President Bush’s six-point plan to create jobs and knock down the obstacles to economic growth. The President’s proposal would lower the domestic costs of production in the United States. “The things hurting manufacturing competitiveness are also problems for the whole economy,” added Evans.

Specifically, the President’s six-point plan would:

· Make health care costs more affordable and predictable.
· Reduce the lawsuit burden on our economy.
· Ensure an affordable and reliable energy supply.
· Streamline regulations and reporting requirements.
· Open new markets for American goods and services.
· Make tax relief permanent to let families and businesses plan for the future.

Further information about the Bush Administration’s Manufacturing Agenda is available at the Department of Commerce web site

  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: October 18, 2007 10:29 AM

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