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Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez
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Tuesday, December 16, 2003


WARSAW, POLAND--Commerce Secretary Donald L. Evans today in a speech at the Warsaw American Chamber of Commerce thanked Poland for being a steadfast ally in Iraq who understands first-hand the power of freedom. On the heels of the capture of Saddam Hussein, Evans said America is proud, and thankful, to partner with the Polish people in the war on terror.

Evans is in Warsaw, Poland on the second leg of an Eastern European tour to meet with member countries of the Iraq coalition.

“Americans are honored by Poland’s support and friendship,” said Evans. “In Poland, we have a steadfast ally who understands first-hand the power of freedom.”

Evans also noted in his speech that Poland’s membership in the EU would broaden and deepen the U.S. economic and political cooperation with Poland.

“While the American economy recovers, we cannot reach our full potential without a robust European Union. In recent years, slow economic growth in Europe has hurt both the U.S. and global economies,” said Evans. “It’s in our mutual interest for Europe to have a strong and growing regional economy with rising demand for goods and services.”

Following his speech, Evans met with President Aleksander Kwasniewski where the two discussed key issues affecting the ability of U.S. companies to do business in Poland.

While in Poland Evans and Poland’s Deputy Prime Minister Hausner will meet with a business summit of Polish and American companies to hear their recommendations as to what both governments can do to improve the business climate and spur U.S.-Polish commercial cooperation.

Earlier today Evans stopped at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. He said it reminded him of how much the Polish people have sacrificed to win their freedoms, and how much they contributed to the freedom of the United States and of others around the world.

Evans wrapped up his first day in Poland by ringing the closing bell at the Warsaw Stock Exchange with local Masters in Business Administration students.

He will depart Warsaw on Thursday heading to Budapest, Hungary where he will concluded his visit to Eastern Europe.









  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: October 18, 2007 10:29 AM

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