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Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez
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Friday , April 4, 2003


Calls March Unemployment Report “Disappointing” and
a “Reason to Act”

Commerce Secretary Don Evans returned to his home state today to discuss President Bush’s economic growth and job creation proposal with Pro-Line employees in Dallas. Evans toured Pro-Line International, a manufacturer of ethnic hair care products, and told employees that the President’s plan would cut taxes for all Americans and approximately 6 million taxpayers in Texas. Evans also saluted Pro-Line for its achievement in becoming the most respected name in its industry and he singled out the hard work of Pro-Line’s employees and said that they were the “reason for the company’s long term success.”

Evans also commented on this morning’s announcement by the Labor Department that the unemployment rate remained at 5.8% in March.

“The March unemployment numbers clearly show that America's economy is not growing at its full potential. For that reason, we're redoubling our efforts to pass President Bush's jobs initiative. The President is focused on economic growth and ensuring that those who want a job can find a job.

“Unemployment at 5.8% is the number making headlines today, but the 1.4 million new jobs that will be created under the President’s plan provides some welcome and much-needed news for America’s unemployed workers. Now is the time for Congress to act on the President's plan to ensure that the economic news gets better, the American economy grows stronger and American jobs grow faster. America’s unemployed workers are counting on them to do so.”

The President’s Council of Economic Advisors has said that the plan will create 1.4 million new jobs in the 18 months following its approval by the Congress, while some private estimates are higher.

As he toured Pro-Line, Evans discussed the tax cuts individual taxpayers would receive. Evans told workers that 92 million Americans would receive an average of $1,083 in 2003 with more to come in the years ahead. Evans went on to say that under Bush’s plan, 46 million couples would receive an average of $1,716 and 34 million families with children would receive an average tax cut of $1,473.

“President Bush’s plan for economic growth is exactly what the American economy needs, precisely when the economy needs it,” said Evans. “This plan gives money back to the people that need it the most, American taxpayers and allows Americans to save, invest or plan for the future will

Evans’ visit to Dallas is the fifteenth city and ninth state that he has visited since President Bush unveiled his economic growth and job creation plan in early January.

  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: October 18, 2007 10:29 AM

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