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Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez
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Wednesday, October 23, 2002

U.S. Commerce Secretary, Ganske Sound Out
Local Workers on Economy
Cite “Excellent Prospects” for Increase Trade

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Don Evans joined U.S. Rep. Greg Ganske (Fourth Dist.) here today to sound out local workers on the economy. The two leaders said Congress’ recent passage of Trade Promotion Authority creates “excellent prospects” for Iowa to build on its position as the United States’ leader in exports.

“Iowa stands to reap tremendous benefits from Trade Promotion Authority,” Evans said at a business forum at Mrs. Clark’s Foods. “This new negotiating authority will allow the Bush Administration to press forward with opening up more markets overseas for Iowa’s farmers and businesses.”

Evans said Iowa already exports more per capita than any other state. He also pointed out the significant benefits enjoyed by Iowa workers whose jobs depend on exports: they earn 15 percent more than other workers, their benefits are one-third higher, and they enjoy greater job stability. More than 150,000 farm-related and manufacturing jobs in the state are dependent on exports, and more than 1,200 businesses in the state exported more than $3.3 billion worth of goods and services last year.

“TPA will open foreign markets for Iowa’s farmers and businesses, allowing them to sell more of their products around the world,” said Ganske. “That increased trade will allow Iowa’s farms and business to grow, create new jobs and provide a higher standard of living for all Iowans.”

In recognition of the company’s success in exporting, Evans presented the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Export Achievement Certificate to the Vice President of Operations of Mrs. Clark’s Foods, Gary Lukins. The company produces salad dressings, mayonnaise, BBQ sauces and juices.

Evans’ visit to Iowa is the tenth in a series of trips he has made to highlight the importance of trade to the American economy and trade’s impact on the lives of American workers. Evans has held similar events this year in Kansas City, Mo., Tampa, Fla., Albuquerque, N.M., Los Angeles, Calif., Orlando, Fla., Portland, Maine, Bow, N.H., Dallas, Texas, and South Bend, Ind. The Commerce Department’s grassroots trade education initiative will take Evans and other senior Commerce officials to all 50 states to discuss trade during President Bush’s first term.

  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: October 18, 2007 10:29 AM

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