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Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez
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Tuesday, February 5, 2002

Statement by U.S. Commerce Secretary Don Evans in Response to U.S. Sen. Daschle's Decision Against Stimulus Vote

Washington, DC - "Senator Daschle's decision to not hold a vote on an economic stimulus package is a real blow to America's workers - particularly those who have been laid off during the current economic slowdown. Four months ago, President Bush provided leadership in the wake of the devastating September 11 attacks and offered a plan to create jobs and grow the economy, as well as extend help to laid-off workers while those new jobs are being created. America's workers have been waiting ever since for action from the Senate leadership. Senator Daschle's decision not to lead is an enormous disappointment."

  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: October 18, 2007 10:29 AM

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