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Monday, December 10, 2001

U.S. Commerce Secretary Don Evans Witnesses Signing of Purchase Agreement Between Boeing and Vietnam Airlines

Washington, DC - Commerce Secretary Don Evans today witnessed the signing of a purchase agreement between the Boeing Company and Vietnam Airlines Corporation for the purchase of four Boeing Model 777 jetliners valued at $680 million.

"This agreement represents a new era for both our countries, setting an example for continued cooperation, new opportunities and job growth in the airline, aviation, and tourism sectors," Evans said. "This is the first major commercial transaction between the United States and Vietnam since the approval by our countries of the historic U.S. Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement. It marks the beginning of a partnership that has great promise."

Joining Secretary Evans in the ceremony were Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Minister of Trade Vu Khoan, Vietnam's Ambassador to the United States Nguyen Tam Chien, President and CEO of Vietnam Airlines Corporation, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Hien, the President and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Mr. Alan Mulally, and members of Congress.

Participants in the signing shown here include Alan Mulally, Boeing President and CEO of Commerical Airplanes (sitting left chair); Nguyen Hien, President and CEO of Vietnam Airlines (sitting right chair); Secretary of Commerce Don Evans (behind left edge of table); Vu Khoan, Vietnam Minister of Trade (to left of Secretary Evans). (Link is to high-resolution version of the photo.)
Participants in the signing shown here include Alan Mulally, Boeing President and CEO of Commerical Airplanes (sitting left chair); Nguyen Hien, President and CEO of Vietnam Airlines (sitting right chair); Secretary of Commerce Don Evans (behind left edge of table); Vu Khoan, Vietnam Minister of Trade (to left of Secretary Evans).

  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: October 18, 2007 10:29 AM

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