CRCHD e-bulletin


CRCHD Announcements


Holiday Greetings!

As the holidays rapidly approach and 2008 winds to a close, we at the Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD) would like to wish each of you a safe and joy-filled holiday season and a peaceful, prosperous new year. We thank you for your support, dedication and efforts to eliminate cancer health disparities and look forward to continuing to work with you to advance disparities research and diversity training in the coming year.

Strong CNP Presence at this year's APHA Annual Meeting

CRCHD CNP Grantees at the APHA Poster Session. Photo by: Christine O. Kang
CRCHD CNP Grantees at the APHA Poster Session. Photo by: Christine O. Kang
We were delighted to see a strong presence among many of our CRCHD funded grantees, particularly among the Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (NH/PI) Community Networks Program (CNP) projects. This year's APHA agenda included a number of terrific presentations focused on on-going disparities research from the WINCART CNP in California (Dr. Sora Tanjasiri and her team) and the Imi Hale CNP in Hawaii (Drs. Jo Ann Tsark and Clayton Chong and their team).

A special note of congratulations goes to our junior investigators from AANCART and ATECAR who provided exemplary poster presentations on Hepatitis B prevalence among Asian American communities.

There were also excellent presentations from the PECaD CNP in St. Louis (Dr. Graham Colditz and his team) and MASS CONECT CNP in Boston (Drs. Howard Koh and Vish Viswanath and their team), as well as from the National Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives in Minnesota (Dr. Judith Kaur and her team) and the MRCN in Maryland (Dr. Claudia Baquet and her team).
View CNP Presentations at APHA

Over 300 Attend the Third Annual National Patient Navigation Training

Patient Navigators at the Third Annual National Patient Navigation Training in Atlanta, Georgia. Photo by: Christine O. Kang
Patient Navigators at the Third Annual National Patient Navigation Training in Atlanta, Georgia. Photo by: Christine O. Kang
The National Patient Navigation Training was, once again, a huge success. This year's American Cancer Society's (ACS's) co-sponsorship with NCI of the NCI patient navigators from the Patient Naviation Research Program (PNRP) and - for the first time - the National Cancer Institute Community Cancer Centers Program (NCCCP) pilot provided an outstanding forum for patient navigators from multiple backgrounds and various agencies to come together to gain new information and skills, share experiences, and network.

A special thanks goes to Dr. Jerry Yates, National Vice President of Research at ACS, for recognizing the importance of fostering patient navigation training, and to Ms. Angelina Esparza, Director of the ACS Patient Navigator Program, and Dr. Beth Calhoun, Chicago PNRP co-PI, for their tireless leadership and energy in organizing the training.

Biospecimen Research Providing Opportunties for Disparities Researchers

We are pleased to let you know that there are a number of current and upcoming opportunities for disparities researchers to learn about and become involved in biospecimen research. Biospecimen research is a new and exciting area of cancer research and one in which the Center is rapidly moving to embrace and support. Active involvement among our communities and our researchers in biospecimen related activities will help to ensure that we rapidly bring these new technologies from the bench to the bedside, helping to ensure that the vision of personalized medicine reaches all our populations. Collaborating closely with the Office of Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research (OBBR), we are pleased to draw your attention to the following special announcements in this issue:

2009 IMAT RFAsThe 2009 IMAT Request for Applications (RFAs) have been released. Application receipt dates for these RFAs are: 2/23/09, 5/27/09 and 9/30/09.

NCI Best Practices for Biospecimen ResourcesIdentifies state-of-the-art best practice standards in collecting and storing biospecimens, including sensitivity to cultural issues. This resource provides a critical first step towards establishing uniform operating procedures for tissue collection, handling, storage, and transport.

Also be sure to view the new NCI Podcast addressing patients critical role in human specimens for cancer research, and the upcoming NCI Second Annual Biospecimen Research Network (BRN) Symposium.

Critical Information for All Grantees

Immediate Changes in Electronic Research Career Development Award Programs (K Grants except K12s)

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Cancer News from NCI, NIH, and other Federal Agencies

From NCI

New NCI Podcast Addresses Patients' Critical Role in Human Specimens for Cancer Research

Learn more about the role of human specimens in cancer research and how patients can make a difference from Dr. Carolyn Compton, Director of NCI's Office of Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research, by listening to or downloading this free podcast on your iPod or MP3 player.

NCI's Second Annual Biospecimen Research Network (BRN) Symposium

Upcoming 2009 BRN Symposium: Advancing Cancer Research Through Biospecimen Science will address the significant impact of pre-analytical biospecimen variables on cancer research and molecular medicine. Interactive discussions and presentations about biospecimen quality and recent advances in biospecimen research will be featured.Registration closes February 19, 2009.

Cancer Disparities: A Biological and Psychosocial Perspective

Recent research at the Chicago Centers for Population Health and Health Disparities (CPHHD) project suggests a relationship between the study of social context and its influence on cancer and cancer disparities.

Two New Spanish Language Education Resources

Now available to order are two new Spanish language education resources from the NCI. The first is a booklet for cancer caregivers, Cómo cuidarse mientras usted cuida a su ser querido: Apoyo para personas que cuidan a un ser querido con cáncer (How to take care of yourself while taking care of a loved one: Support for people who care for a loved one with cancer). This publication is a culturally adapted translation of the NCI booklet, Caring for the Caregiver: Support for Cancer Caregivers.

The second booklet is Control del dolor: Apoyo para las personas con cáncer (Pain Control: Support for People With Cancer), a culturally adapted translation of the English version of the NCI booklet.

Both booklets are available to order from the Cancer Information Service at 1-800-4 CANCER. You may also order it online (

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From NIH

OBSSR/NIH Summer Training Institute on Randomized Clinical Trials Involving Behavioral Interventions

The Institute will provide thorough grounding in the conduct of randomized clinical trials to researchers and health professionals interested in developing competence in the planning, design, and execution of randomized clinical trials involving behavioral interventions.

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Other Federal Agencies

FDA Teams with WebMD for New Online Consumer Health Information

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) collaborates with WebMD to expand consumers' access to the agency's timely and reliable important health information. This joint effort reflects the FDA's emphasis on using innovative, technology-based strategies to carry out its foremost mission, which is to promote and to protect the public health.

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Cancer News From the Field

NCI Grantee Spotlights

ETC Health Care Program Coordinator Wins Best Published Paper Award in APHA's Asian Pacific Islander Caucus

Congratulations to Dr. Jamie Boyd, one of our junior investigators, on her award winning article, "Supports for and Barriers to Healthy Living for Native Hawaiian Young Adults Enrolled in Community Colleges." Dr. Boyd was recognized last month by the American Public Health Association. Her paper published in Preventing Chronic Disease, was part of a joint collaborative effort among some of our former Special Populations Networks (SPN) grantees that focused on adapting proven strategies for increasing physical activity for use among various racial and ethnic groups.

National Cancer Institute Patient Navigation Research Program: Methods, Protocol, and Measures

Drs. Karen Freund, Tracy Battaglia, and Beth Calhoun, and other colleagues from our PNRP recently published the metrics, protocol and measures being used to assess the processes and outcomes of this 9-site patient navigation intervention study. If these metrics are found to be valid and reliable, they may be useful to other investigators.

Tumor Immunobiological Differences in Prostate Cancer between African-American and European-American Men

Dr. Tiffany Wallace's research exploring tumor biology among African American and European-American men was most recently referenced by Dr. Stefan Ambs at the December National Cancer Advisory Board meeting. She found significant differences in the expression of numerous genes associated with tumor aggressiveness between these two populations, suggesting that pathogens could be involved in race/ethnic differences that lead to the development of these tumors.

Asian American Network for Cancer Awareness Research and Training (AANCART) receives National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities Health Disparities Leadership Award

Congratulations to the AANCART CNP on being the recipient of the NCMHD Health Disparities Leadership Award for demonstrating commitment and achievements towards the improvement of health and the elimination of health disparities in the Asian American community. AANCART's work, led by Dr. Moon S. Chen, AANCART PI, is a testament to the importance of community collaboration in addressing the complex issue of cancer health disparities among Asian Americans.

A Call to Action

Dr. Judith Kaur, PI for the National Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives CNP, recently co-authored the most current, accurate, and comprehensive report about American Indian/Alaska Native populations and cancer. The report, "An Update on Cancer in American Indian and Alaska Native Populations, 1999-2004" is a supplement to the journal, Cancer, may hold key to significantly slowing cancer death rates in Indian country.

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Enhancing Practice

New Website! Colorado Patient Navigator Training Program

Dr. Liz Whitley and Ms. Patti Valverde, two of our Denver Patient Navigation Research Program (PNRP) investigators, are part of a national effort to make patient navigation a key part of the healthcare system. The Colorado Patient Navigation Training offers a full curriculum with face-to-face workshops, online courses and self-paced tutorials to build patient navigator skills and knowledge.

Communities as Partners in Cancer Clinical Trials Report

Learn about how and why the cancer clinical trial process should involve communities affected by cancer and how this involvement can improve trial design, recruitment and retention. Report created by the Education Network to Advance Cancer Clinical Trials (ENACCT) and the Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH).

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Select News Stories

Patient Navigator Hurdles Barriers to Care: Hospital Employee Helps Cancer Patients Process Information, Keep on Top of Treatment

Learn how one patient navigator - at the 357-bed North Shore Medical Center, Kamarauskas - is making sure that the cancer patients who come to her hospital get help steering through what can be a complicated and exhausting path to treatment.

Next NIH Director Faces Budget Issues

Health agency has seen funding stall, and many queried say that renewed growth of NIH funding will be the top priority for an incoming director.

Treatment Options Are Many for Prostate Cancer - Some Doctors Say Many Tumors Can Be Left Untreated, Depending on Man's Age

Learn about what some medical experts say regarding the wide array of options prostate cancer diagnosed patients have at their disposal for tackling the disease.

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Funding, Training, and Employment Opportunities

Disparities-Related Funding Opportunities

Take note! Immediate Changes in Electronic Research Career Development Award Programs (K Grants except K12s)

Effective with the February 12, 2009 submission date, NIH is transitioning to electronic submission of all Research Career Development Award Programs ("K"s) with the exception of K12s.NOT-OD-09-029

Prior to submitting a grant application online through to NIH, an applicant organization must complete a one-time registration both at and eRA Commons. Principal Investigators do not have to register at, but must register with Commons. The link below describes in a step by step fashion what needs to be done. Potential applicants need to register at least 4 weeks prior to grant submission!

NCI's Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies (IMAT) Funding Opportunities

The IMAT program now encompasses an array of 11 closely related Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs). Each FOA is segregated based on theme and type of funding mechanism. IMAT supports research projects aimed at developing creative methods and tools by which to understand, prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer.

NCI's Program Project (P01) Applications

Invites applications for investigator-initiated program project (P01) grants in cancer research including (but not limited to) cancer biology, cancer treatment, cancer diagnosis, cancer prevention, and cancer control. Basic translational, clinical, and/or population-based studies are also appropriate. Ongoing letters of intent and application due dates.

Collaborative Research in Integrative Cancer Biology and the Tumor Microenvironment (U01)

Encourages new collaborative projects between investigators associated with the Integrative Cancer Biology Program (ICBP) or Tumor Microenvironment Network (TMEN) and researchers who are not involved with the program. Project purpose is to propose new research and leverage existing ICBP and TMEN resources.

Application due dates: Feb. 19, 2009.

Understanding the Effects of Emerging Cellular, Molecular, and Genomic Technologies on Cancer Health Care Delivery (R01/R21)

Invites grant applications for health services research that address the utilization of emerging cellular, molecular, and genetic or genomic (CMG) technologies in cancer care. FOA encourages research on commercially available CMG clinical tools already in use and interdisciplinary collaborations between health service researchers and those in the clinical and/or translational sciences.

Small Grants for Behavioral Research in Cancer Control (R03)

Supports either new investigators in cancer-related behavioral research, or investigators who want to refocus their research interests toward behavioral research in cancer control. The program is designed to facilitate the growth of a nationwide cohort of scientists with research experience in behavioral cancer control and design of public health interventions.

Reaching Out to Potential Users on Non-Grant Shared Resources of NCI for Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD)

DCTD supports the process of drug discovery and development of anticancer therapeutics by providing unique resources to qualified extramural researchers. Resources include the Rapid Access to NCI Discovery Resources (RAND), NCI DCTD Experimental Therapeutics (NExT), and more.

Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Short-Term Institutional Research Training Grants (T35)

This T35 is for eligible institutions to develop or enhance research training opportunities for individual students, pre-doctorates and post-doctorates interested in careers in biomedical, behavioral and clinical research. Expires: September 8, 2011.

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Training and Employment Opportunities

Deputy Director, NCI's Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities

NCI's CRCHD has a position open for Deputy Director to help lead NCI/CRCHD's efforts to reduce the unequal burden of cancer and train the next generation of competitive researchers in cancer and cancer health disparities research. Closing date is January 23, 2009.
Job Announcement Number: NCI-09-306616-DE

Program Coordinator for the Geographic Management (GMaP) of Cancer and Cancer Health Disparities Program

A GMaP program coordinator is sought for the Washington metropolitan region, Maryland and Virginia. The successful applicant will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the GMaP Region 1 project including: coordinating all project phases, conducting a needs assessment, meeting, organizing, and authoring reports.

For more information, please contact Dr. Peter Shields, Deputy Director, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University at

Post-Doc to Assist with Project on Radiation Therapy Following Breast-Conserving Surgery in Low-Income Women

The University of Maryland's Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine is looking for a post-doc for an American Cancer Society Grant. The post-doc will work on various aspects of the four-year study including addressing a gap in compliance with primary treatment by conducting two sub-studies. Please contact Dr. Renee Royak-Schaler, the principal investigator, for more information at: 410-706-1049 or

Director, University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center

Seeks a senior leader to serve as Director of the University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center (UPRCCC). Director will serve as the Chief medical and academic Center officer. Director will have overall operating responsibility for the research, education, and clinical programs of the Center. The Director will direct and manage center operations, provide leadership, coordination, management, and research guidance to the center's staff. Director will be responsible for recruitments in accordance with the roadmap developed for the UPRCCC.

For more information, contact Guillermo Tortolero-Luna, Search Committee Chair at or 787-772-8300 ext. 232, 231.

Basic Science Research Faculty at the University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center

Seeks applicants for the Basic Science Research Faculty positions. Special consideration will be given to candidates with expertise in molecular biology or genetic research related to cancer, clinical, and translational science and with a current or past record of grant funding. Ph.D., M.D., or M.D./Ph.D. required. Interested candidates must qualify for appointment to the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine faculty. Rank and salary are commensurate with training, experience and grant funding. Qualified individuals should send a cover letter; curriculum vitae, and letter of inquiry to: Jorge Sanchez MD, Executive Director, University of Puerto Rico Comprehensive Cancer Center, PMB 711, 89 de Diego Ave. Suite 105, San Juan, PR 00927-6326.

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Upcoming Meetings and Events

Second AACR Conference: The Science of Cancer Health Disparities

February 6-9, 2009
Carefree Resort and Villas
Carefree, AZ
Advance Registration Deadline Extended to: Friday, January 9, 2009

Office of Minority Health 3rd National Leadership Summit on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health.

February 25-27, 2009
Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center
National Harbor, MD
Registration closes: February 2, 2009

NCI's Second Annual Biospecimen Research Network (BRN) Symposium

March 16-18, 2009
Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
Bethesda, MD
Abstract Submission Deadline: February 9, 2009
Registration closes: February 17, 2009

AACR Annual Meeting

April 18-22, 2009
Colorado Convention Center
Denver, CO
"Early Bird" Registration Deadline: Monday, January 26, 2009

Cancer Health Disparities Conference: Building Bridges to Improve Rural Health

May 27-29, 2009
Hotel Encanto
Las Cruces, NM
Information regarding program and deadlines will be posed in January 2009

OBSSR/NIH Summer Training Institute on: Randomized Clinical Trials Involving Behavioral Interventions

July 12-24, 2009
Airlie Conference Center
Warrenton, VA
Application due by: January 5, 2009

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