JFK Assassination Records

Assassination Records Review Board: Files of Bob Skwirot

Folder Title List
Volume: 5.2 feet
For questions about these records or copying information, please write to the Special Access and FOIA Staff at the National Archives at College Park, Room 6350, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, call at (301) 837-3190, or e-mail: specialaccess_foia@nara.gov.
Box 1:
  • Released CIA/HSCA Files
  • Skwirot Folder
Box 2:
  • No Name Committee
  • New Regime General
  • Progress Reports for Burton
  • CIA Review Statistics
  • Experts' Conference 4/14/98
  • CIA Compliance
  • Technical Corrections Not Entered on Database
  • CIA Technical Corrections
  • CIA AM Crypts
  • CIA LA Division Working File
  • CIA Office of Security File: Lee Harvey Oswald
  • CIA Morales
  • CIA Official Cover
  • CIA Electronic Data
  • CIA Timetable
  • Ron's Project for CIA Team
  • Doug's Project for CIA Team
  • Tom's Project for CIA Team
  • 3rd Agency (Misc.) Archives
  • HSCA Tapes
  • (3rd) Church Committee Binders
  • (3rd Agency) HSCA Leftovers
  • (3rd Agency) HSCA "P" Codes
  • (3rd Agency) NSC
  • File System/Correspondence Standards
  • ARRB -General/Intro
  • Russ Holmes Interview
  • Duplicate Processes
  • Microfilm Oswald 201 -Sequestered Collection
  • Final Report Chap. IV
  • CIA New Review Procedures

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Box 3:
  • CIA Docs./Possible State Equities
  • Compliance
  • Fed. Reg.) Regarding "What is an Assassination Record"
  • Name Issues
  • JFK Boxes Preliminary Surveys
  • CIA Briefing Outlines
  • Requests for Information and Compliance
  • Review Guidelines
  • Review Track Misc.
  • CIA Segregated Collection Boxes 11-23
  • Research Projects
  • Research Projects (General)
  • Alvarado
  • Capehart
Box 4:
  • Document Transfers CIA
  • Communications with Barry (Doc. Transfer)
Box 5:
  • Bush, George
  • Gaudet
  • Joseph S. Piccolo
  • NPIC/Zapruder/Hoch/CIA
  • October 1997 Cleanup
  • Consent Releases
  • Stuff and July 9, 1997 Meeting (CIA Name Reconsiderations)
  • Consent Release
Box 6:
  • Boston
  • Briefings
  • CIA (Background Materials)
  • CIA Record Review -Board Policy
  • Correspondence (Outgoing)
  • Determinations Summary
  • Document Transfer with CIA
  • Documents to NARA
  • Evidence Request Preparation
  • Experts Conference 5/16/95
  • Federal Register Notices
  • Joe Freeman's Specter/Warren Commission Milestones Memo
  • Helms
  • Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee on Cuban Affairs
  • LBJ Library at NARA
  • Miscellaneous
  • Review
  • Staff Meetings
  • Department of State

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Box 7:
  • March 19, 1996 Meeting
  • April 16-17, 1996
  • May 14, 1996 Board Meeting
  • June 5, 1996 Meeting
  • July 1996 Board Meeting
Box 8:
  • Sept. 27, 1996 Board Meeting
  • October 16, 1996 Board Meeting
  • November 13-14, 1996 Board Meeting
  • 12/17/96 Meeting
Box 9:
  • Aug. 5-6, 1996 Board Meeting
  • January 29-30, 1997 Meeting
  • March 13-14, 1997 Meeting
Box 10:
  • Referrals
  • Document Transfers from CIA
  • Document Transfers from CIA
Box 11:
  • Document Transfers/CIA
  • Document Transfers from CIA
Box 12:
  • April 24, 1997 Board Meeting
  • June 10, 1997 Board Meeting
  • June 9, 1997 Board Meeting
  • Aug. 12, 1997 Board Meeting
  • Sept. 17, 1997 Board Meeting
  • Oct. 14, 1997 Board Meeting
  • CIA Documents Sent to NARA (Starting 4/98)

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Box 13:
  • Nov. 97 Meeting
  • 11/17/97
  • Dec. 1997 Meeting
  • 12/15/97
  • Jan. 1998 Meeting
  • 1/22/98
  • Feb. 1998 Meeting
  • 2/17/98
  • 3/25/98
  • 4/6/98
  • 5/12/98 -5/13/98
  • 6/4/98
  • 6/17/98
  • 7/8/98
  • 7/20/98 -7/21/98
  • 8/6/98
  • 8/25/98 (no folder)

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8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272