JFK Assassination Records

Assassination Records Review Board, Series 2: The Board

Folder Title List
Volume: 10 feet
For questions about these records or copying information, please write to the Special Access and FOIA Staff at the National Archives at College Park, Room 6350, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, call (301) 837-3190, or e-mail: specialaccess_foia@nara.gov.
Box 1:
  • 2 Board
  • 2.0 Board Source Book
  • 2.1 Meetings
    • Board meetings 1994
      • August 25, 1994
      • August 30 & 31, 1994
      • Dec. 13-14, 1994
    • Board meetings 1995
      • January 25, 1995
      • March 6-7, 1995
      • May 2-3, 1995
      • May 18, 1995
      • June 6-7. 1995
      • June 28, 1995
      • July 17-18, 1995
      • August 2-3, 1995
      • August 28-29, 1995
      • August 30, 1995
      • September 20-21, 1995
      • October 23-24, 1995
      • November 13-14, 1995
      • December 12-13, 1995
    • Board Meetings 1996
      • January 5, 1996
      • January 30-31, 1996
      • February 29 & March 1, 1996
      • March 18-19, 1996
      • April 16-17, 1996
      • May 13-14, 1996
      • June 4-5, 1996
      • June 25-26, 1996
      • July 9-10, 1996
      • August 5-6, 1996
      • September 16-17, 1996
      • September 27, 1996
      • October 15-16, 1996
      • October 29-30, 1996
      • November 13-14, 1996
      • December 16-17, 1996
    • Board Meetings 1997
      • January 8-9, 1997
      • January 29-30, 1997
      • February 13, 1997
      • March 13-14, 1997
      • April 2, 1997
      • April 23-24, 1997
      • May 12-13, 1997
      • June 9-10, 1997
      • July 9, 1997
      • August 5, 1997
      • September 17, 1997
      • October 14, 1997
      • November 17, 1997
      • December 15, 1997
Box 2:
  • 2.1 Meetings (continued)
    • Board Meetings 1998
      • January 22, 1998
      • February 17, 1998
      • March 10, 1998
      • March 25, 1998
      • April 13, 1998
      • May 12-13, 1998
      • June 4, 1998
      • June 17, 1998
      • July 7-8, 1998
      • July 20-21, 1998
      • August 6, 1998
      • August 25-26, 1998
      • September 8-9, 1998
      • September 14, 1998
      • September 22-23, 1998

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Box 3:
  • 2.1.1 Transcripts
    • Public Meetings 1994
      • April 12, 1994
      • April 12, July 12, Dec. 14, 1994
      • July 12, 1994
      • December 14, 1994
    • Public Meetings 1995
      • March, 7, 1995
      • March 24, 1995
      • May 3, 1995
Box 4:
  • 2.1.1 Transcripts (continued)
    • Public Meetings 1995
      • August 6, 1995
      • August 30, 1995
      • October 23, 1995
    2.1.2 Minutes
    • Closed Meetings 1995
    • Closed Meetings 1996
    • Closed meetings 1997
    • Closed Meetings 1998
    • Public meetings 1995
      • January 25, 1995
      • March 6, 1995
      • June 28, 1995
      • July 17, 1995
      • August 3, 1995
      • August 30, 1995
      • September 21, 1995
      • October 23, 1995
    • Public Meetings 1996
      • June 4, 1996
      • August 6, 1996
      • October 16, 1996
    • Public Meetings 1997
      • April 24, 1997
    • Public Meetings 1998
      • May 12, 1998
      • June 4, 1998
      • July 8, 1998
Box 5:
  • 2.1.2 Minutes (continued)
    • Public Meetings 1998 (continued)
      • July 21, 1998
      • August 26, 1998
      • September 9, 1998
  • 2.1.3 Video Cassettes (Withdrawn from textual records)
    • Public Meetings 1995
      • March 7, 1995

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Box 6:
  • 2.1.4 Board Briefing Books
    • Briefing Books 1995
      • March 6-7, 1995 (no folder)
      • March 23 & 24, 1995
      • April 12-13, 1995
      • May 2-3, 1995
      • August 28-29, 1995
      • July 17-18, 1995
      • August 2-3, 1995
Box 7:
  • 2.1.5 Meeting Logistics
    • Public Meetings 1994
      • December 13-14, 1994
  • 2.2 Hearings
  • 2.2.1 Transcripts
    • Public Hearings 1994
      • October 11, 1994
      • November 18, 199
Box 8:
  • 2.2.1 Transcripts (continued)
    • Public Hearings 1995
      • June 28, 1995
      • March 24, 1995 (no folder)
    • Public Hearings 1996
      • September 17, 1996
    • Public Hearings 1997
      • April 2, 1997
Box 9:
  • 2.2.2 Logistics
    • Public Hearings 1994
      • October 11, 1994
      • November 18, 1994
    • Public Hearings 1995
      • March 22-24, 1995
      • June 28, 1995
    • Public Hearings 1996
      • September 17, 1996
    • Meeting/Hearing Supplies

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Box 10:
  • 2.2.3 Video Cassettes (withdrawn from textual records, transferred to Electronic and Special Media Records Services Division)
    • Public Hearing 1994
      • November 18, 1994 (tapes 1 & 2)
      • October 11, 1994 (tapes 1&2)
    • Public Hearings 1995
      • June 28, 1995 (tapes 1 & 2)
  • 2.2.4 Hearing Folders
    • Public Hearings 1994
      • October 11, 1994
      • November 18, 1994
    • Public Hearings 1995
      • June 28, 1995
      • March 24, 1995 (No folder, 10/16/98)
Box 11:
  • 2.2.5 Official Record
    • Public Hearing
      • October 11, 1994
      • November 18, 1994
Box 12:
  • 2.2.6 Public letter submission
    • Public Hearing 1994
      • October 11, 1994
      • November 18, 1994
  • 2.2.7 Potential Witnesses
    • Public Hearings 1995
      • June 1995 New Orleans
  • 2.2.8 Witness Thank you letter
    • Public Hearing 1994
      • November 18, 1994
Box 13:
  • 2.2.9 Board Briefing Books
    • Public Hearings 1995
      • June 28, 1995 (2 copies)
      • March 23 & 24, 1995
      • No folder
  • 2.2.10 Hearing Supplies (No Folder, 10/16/98)
  • 2.3 Directives (No Folder, 10/16/98)

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Box 14:
  • 2.4 Board Communications
    • Communications 1994
      • February 1994
      • April 1994
      • June 1994
      • July 1994
      • August 1994
      • September 1994
      • October 1994
      • November 1994
      • December 1994
    • Communications 1995
      • January 1995
      • February 1995
      • March 1995
      • April 1995
      • May 1995
      • June 1995
      • July 1995
      • August 1995
      • September 1995
      • October 1995
      • November 1995
      • December 1995
Box 15:
  • House Reform and Oversight Committee Hearing on H.R. 1553, June 4, 1997
  • 2.4 Board Communications (continued)
    • Communications 1996
      • January 1996
      • February 1996
      • March 1996
      • April 1996
Box 16:
  • 2.4 Board Communications (continued)
    • Communications 1996 (continued)
      • May 1996
      • June 1996
      • July 1996
      • August 1996
      • September 1996
      • October 1996
      • November 1996
      • December 1996

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Box 17:
  • 2.4 Board Communications (continued)
    • Communications 1997
      • January 1997
      • February 1997
      • March 1997
      • April 1997
      • May 1997
      • June 1997
Box 18:
  • 2.4 Board Communications (continued)
    • Communications 1997 (continued)
      • July 1997
      • August 1997
      • September 1997
      • October 1997
      • November 1997
      • December 1997
Box 19:
  • 2.4 Board Communications (continued)
    • Communications 1998
      • January 1998
      • February 1998
      • March 1998
Box 20:
  • 2.4 Board Communications (continued)
    • Communications 1998
      • April 1998
      • May 1998
      • June 1998

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Box 21:
  • 2.4 Board Communications (continued)
    • Communications 1998
      • July 1998
      • August 1998
Box 22:
  • 2.4 Board Communications (continued)
    • Communications 1998
      • September 1998
  • 2.4.1 Board Updates
  • 2.5 Burke Marshall/Kennedy Fam
  • 2.6 National Archives
    • Correspondence 1994
      • Peterson, Trudy
    • Correspondence 1995 (no folder)
  • 2.7 National Performance Review
  • 2.8 Board Correspondence
    • American Historical Association
Box 23:
  • 2.8 Board Correspondence
    • ARRB Staff
    • Brookes, Toby
    • CBS News
    • Central Intelligence Agency, The
    • Connick, Harry F.
    • COPA - Coalition of Political Assassinations
    • Cunningham, Kathleen A.
    • Federal Bureau of Investigation
    • Hitchcock, Bruce
    • Holland, Max
    • House of Representatives, US
    • ISOO - Information Security Oversight Office
    • John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library
    • Justice, Department of
    • Kurtz, Dr. Michael
    • Library of Congress
    • Lightfoot, Jim
    • Manchester, William
    • Marshall, Burke
    • Metro Crime Comm. of New Orleans
    • National Archives & Records Administration
    • Office of Management and Budget
    • Organization of American Historians
    • President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB)
    • Review Board FY 95 Report (Filed Below)
    • Secret Service - US
    • Senate, United States
    • Sixth Floor Museum
    • Society of American Archivists, The
    • State, US Department of
    • White House, The
    • Zavada, Roland J.
  • 2.9 Federal Register
Box 24:
  • 2.10 Notation Voting
  • 2.11 General Counsel Certification
  • 2.12 Statement of Presiding Officer
  • 2.13 Vote to Close Board Meetings
  • 2.14 Executive Director Correspondence (no folder)
    • These files were not in the 2 series transferred to NARA. Assume they were filed with the staff files of David Marwell and/or Jeremy Gunn and/or Laura Denk
  • 2.15 Presentations
  • Review Board FY 95 Report
  • Review Board FY 96 Report
Box 25:
  • Drafts - FY 96 Report

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