JFK Assassination Records

Assassination Records Review Board: Files of K. Michelle Combs

Folder Title List
Volume: 6.8 feet
For questions about these records or copying information, please write to the Special Access and FOIA Staff at the National Archives at College Park, Room 6350, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, call at (301) 837-3190, or e-mail: specialaccess_foia@nara.gov.
Box 1:
  • ARRB Analysis and Review Handbook
  • Identification Forms
  • ARRB Reference Materials & Source Book
  • ARRB Research & Analysis Chronology
  • CIA Organizational Structure
  • Warren Commission and HSCA
Box 2:
  • The President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
  • Postal Service
  • Department of State
Box 3:
  • National Security Council
  • Secret Service
  • Ford Library
Box 4:
  • National Security Agency
  • Church Committee
  • CIA Compliance
  • CIA Records
  • Congressional Committee
Box 5:
  • No-Name Committee
  • Useful Documents
  • Research Committee Notes and Projects
Box 6:
  • CIA Requests and Answers
Box 7:
  • Final Report
Box 8:
  • JFK Library Appt. Books, etc.
  • JFK Library
  • Revised Punch List JFK Library
  • Evelyn Lincoln Papers
  • William Manchester Papers
  • JFK Library Compliance
  • JFK Library Punch List
  • RFK Finding Aids
Box 9:
  • Lee Harvey Oswald Military Records 1959
  • CIA Chronology of Oswald in the USSR
  • Zapruder Film
  • Moscow Issues
Box 10:
  • CIA Records Briefings
  • Helms, Richard
  • Interview with Richard Helms 30, Jan 1998
  • Richard Helms Transcripts Testimony
  • William Harvey Transcripts
  • William Harvey
  • LBJ Library Notes
Box 11:
  • DCD-OO Debriefing Issue
  • Diplomatic List-Japan
  • State Biographic Info.
  • State-OI Personnel Files
  • Diplomatic List-USSR
  • CIA Segregated Collection
  • CIA Indicies
  • Previously Released Cover Ops List
  • General NBR Memo
  • Russ Holmes - NBR
  • Monster NBR
  • CRC Memo (NBR)
  • Personnel Files-NBR
  • Name/Crypt Issue
  • Ramparts-NBR
  • Richard Gibson NBR Memo
  • Collins Radio
  • Nosenko
  • Kermit's Project
  • Naval Intelligence
  • DS&T Records/Castro
  • COS Win Scott File
  • George Bush
  • KGB Defector
  • John Edward Nolan
  • Lamar Waldron
  • Jane Rotman
Box 12:
  • CIA-1 Organizational Material
  • Dulles & McCone Calendars
  • 1964 Mexico City IG Report
  • Security Files
  • CIA-9 DI Materials
  • CIA-6 Cable Traffic
  • George Kisvalter
  • J. Walton Moore
  • George Kalaris
  • Walter Elder
  • U-Z
  • Gordon Novel
  • Text for Foreign Govt. Doc.
  • Personnel Records for Moscow
  • Marie Cheatham
  • Verna Deane Brown
  • Idar Rimestad
  • Robert Owen
  • William Horbaly
  • Paul Garbler
  • Richard Snyder
  • Russell A. Langelle
  • John McVickar
  • McVickar II
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Box 13:
  • Leo M. Cherne
  • Spas Raikin
  • DCI's Morning Mtg. Minutes 63-'78
  • Capehart
  • Cuba Materials
  • Cuban Documents Request
  • Foreign Records
  • KGB Question
  • KGB Documents
  • Oswald in USSR Document File (two folders)
  • Raymond Rocca
  • James J. Angleton
  • Jane Roman
  • Bertha Dasenburg
  • John Hurt Issue
  • John Cervase
  • Marian Ebersole
  • Fred Reeves
  • David Phillips
  • Watch Committee
  • FBIs on Oswald
  • Chares Ford
  • The "Family Jewels"
  • Cherepanov Papers
  • Max Phillips/Zapruder Film
Box 14:
  • Homer MaMahon/Bennett Hunter on Zapruder Film
  • Le Winder
  • DRE Documents
  • Paterson Material
  • Guatemala
  • Backchannel Communications
  • Moscow: Backchannel Communications
  • Mexico City: Backchannel Communications
  • McCone Files
  • Ramparts Articles on CIA
  • Robert Webster File
  • NIMA/Photographs
  • Cover Issues
  • "Inside the Company: CIA Diary" and Foreign Service Lists for 1951, 1952, and 1962
  • Division "D"
  • Sensitive Records and Information Agency
  • Arthur Schlesinger
  • Public Contacts
  • Norman Mailer
  • Peter Glynn
  • Possible Questions - NSA-4
Box 15:
  • Jeremy Testimony
  • Russ Holmes
  • Open Nosenko Material
Box 16:
  • 336 RIFS Yuri Nosenko
  • Cuba, Vietnam and Misc.
  • 1959 American Exhibition in Moscow
Box 17:
  • Invitations Experts Conference on Declassification
  • Experts Conference on Declassification Thank-you letters
  • Experts Conference on Declassification Schedules and Lists
  • Experts Conference I
  • Selected Articles & Book Lists
  • Staff Bios. & Addresses/Phone #s
  • Staff Notes
  • Background Memos
  • CIA/WC Interaction
  • HSCA/CIA Records
  • Legislative Materials
  • Ethics Training & Federal Records Briefing
  • State Department Issues
  • State - ICC Documents
  • INS
  • St. Louis/NPRC

Top of Page

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