Welcome to the Fort Bliss/William Beaumont Army Medical Center (WBAMC) Donor Center in El Paso, Texas.


Memorandum for All Personnel, Assigned or Attached to Bravo Company, Troop Command, William Beaumont Army Medical Center

The Fort Bliss/WBAMC Donor Center is dedicated to providing a safe and secure blood supply to military Service members and their families worldwide. By donating blood to the Fort Bliss/WBAMC Donor Center, you help ensure that blood is readily available to military personnel in their time of need.

You’ve got what it takes to save up to three lives with a single donation! At Fort Bliss and around the world, someone is counting on your donation.

Click here to make an online appointment!












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August 2009 Collections
Updated on Aug 26, 2009

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Donation Date
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Platelet donations can be made every
two weeks, up to 24 times per year.