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Oak Ridge National Laboratory Contracts Division

The Contracts Division includes four  purchasing groups and a group responsible for policies, procedures, records, reports, and compliance.

Most Contracts employees are located at 1060 Commerce Park; others are co-located with their customers at the lab, the SNS group is at the CLO building, and the ITER group is located at 1055 Commerce Park.

ORNL is one of DOE’s largest and most diverse research and development organizations. In support of the Lab’s programs we subcontract for a wide variety of products and services. Our total annual expenditures are about $721.5 million. We purchase calculators and supercomputers, office supplies and office buildings. We have our own extensive program to award subcontracts to American small businesses, and we help DOE carry out an international effort to contract for research with scientific institutes in the former Soviet Union.

Lab procurements are important in the state economy. This year we will spend about $289.5 million with firms in Tennessee and about $18 million with the University of Tennessee.

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Disclaimers - Last Revised: February 8, 2008 10:46 AM