Sustainable Operations Bulletin

Bulletin Theme: Wise Energy Consumption and Conservation

April 2006

Accomplishments by the Regional Office Sustainable Operations Team:
  • During the first four months of FY06, the Regional Office has saved approximately 50,000 kilowatts of usage as compared to the same time in FY05.
  • Lighting levels throughout the Regional Office hallways have been reduced, and staff areas are reducing their levels in accordance with life safety requirements. For safety reasons, lighting levels in emergency areas and stairwells will not be reduced.
  • The building's climate control system has been adjusted for 68 degrees (F) for heating and 78 degrees (F) for cooling. These settings meet mandated energy saving directives.
  • The janitorial staff was instructed to turn off all overhead lights before leaving each evening. They will not, however, turn off task lighting. They also close all east-facing blinds each evening to help keep temperatures down in the morning hours.

VendingMisers(TM): What are They? How do They Work? Where do I Find Them?

VendingMisers (TM) are motion sensors and controllers that attach to the back and top of vending machines. After 15 minutes of inactivity, the Miser will shut down power to the machine. If someone walks by the machine the Miser will send power to reactivate. The Miser also makes sure the machine turns on every one to three hours so that drinks stay cool.

Another regional purchase for VendingMiser devices will be made for those units that would like to install them on machines. They have proved to save up to 50% in energy costs and pay for themselves within one year. Contact Anna Jones-Crabtree, R2 Sustainable Operations Coordinator by May 5th with the number of VendingMisers you need along with a shipping address.

Elsa Lee, Regional Leasing Officer, tells a great story of serendipity as she was working with the RO vending machine owners to gain permission to install VendingMisers. When the Forest Service approached the vending machine owner about installing Misers he was curious about the device and how it would affect the qualifty of his products. When he noticed where the company was located he walked out the door and down the street three blocks to see first-hand where the Misers were created. The two business owners had a great conversation and as a result, all machines owned and operated by our vendor are now equipped with Misers.

For more information about vending misers, visit these two web sites:


  • Turn off task lighting and shut down computers when you are away from your desk for meetings, and certainly at the end of the day.
  • During warmer days, close blinds when the sun is shining through windows to reduce solar heating of buildings.
  • Find out if lighting levels in your area can be reduced.
  • Turn off lights when you are the last one to leave a room. If there is enough sunlight, you may not need lights at all.
  • Visit the US Department of Energy, Energy Information Portal for more tips.
  • Visit the Rocky Mountain Region Sustainable Operations web site for more information.


  • Friday, April 28, Brown Bag Lunch, 12 noon to 1:00 p.m. RO Auditorium - TOPIC: Energy Conservation
  • July 19, Signing Ceremony for Rocky Mountain Region to become a member of the Federal Network for Sustainability
  • Week of November 13, SAVE THE DATE! Sustainability Summit to be hosted by the University of Wyoming in Laramie